30 Days of the Truth
Day 09 - Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted.
I recently reconnected with a few childhood (teenage) friends and and that has started me thinking, reminiscing, wondering about old "friends". The earliest friend I had that was not a connection thru my parents was a girl I met in kindergarten. We were best friends thru 4th grade when they moved away. Reconnecting with her on facebook has been nice. Another friend, from my teenage years this time, is even more of a surprise to me. I don't remember much of my teenage years and, to tell the truth, I was not completely sure who she was. When I heard her momma's voice at 50th anniversary party that I was invited to, I was transported back in time and flooded with memories. Her dad's voice brought even more memories. I cannot believe all I had "forgotten". I am hopeful that we manage to become adult friends. There are not many people I am comfortable around, but she was one. My other best friend from high school just friended me on facebook and am I am looking forward to chatting with her.