30 day challenge - Truth

Mar 19, 2012 11:16

30 Days of the Truth

Day 08 - Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

This is such a funny question. I could probably make a list of names and justify each and every one of them.
Starting with my family...
or "friends" when I young...
a certain Army caption...
moving on to my first husband...
and then I can start with my family again...
and my second (current) husband and his family...
and don't forget a few more "friends"...
a few bosses over the years...

Everybody can make lists like this and probably real close to the same list. I cannot say that I hold any one person a grudge enough to make them "Someone who made my life hell." I know quite a few who made (or make) my life hell for short periods of time but not for my whole life. Someone can only affect / effect me as much as "I" let them. I have dug my own holes quite a few times, and had to climb my way out of them, I am not going to let anyone else put me in a hole, it is too hard of a climb. That is not to say that I don't have bad days (weeks, months) but I try daily to let go of yesterday and move forward thru today.

30 day challenge

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