Obligatory US!Skins Episode Post

Feb 01, 2011 21:37

This is basically all I post about these days. IT'S LIKE TWO YEARS AGO.

It may have just been a copy of the original Chris episode, but whatever: I thought it was really good. (Of course, it doesn't hurt that Jack Thorne wrote it.) Maybe that's because it's been ages since I saw the original so I wasn't inclined to make lots of comparisons; I remember the story, but not exactly how it was done, so I didn't really have the original in mind all the time. I like this Chris - maybe not as much as Joe Dempsie, but I like him all the same. (Even if his voice is weird and kind of annoying.)

And I basically adore this whole cast, even with the dodgy acting. I love the group scenes! (LOL at everyone wanting to see Tea's tits. I DON'T BLAME YOU. /perv) The friendship is one of the main draws of Skins for me, and that's something that UK!Skins hasn't really got right in two generations now, so it's really nice to see it here.

Abbud is annoying, though.

I'm kind of nervous about where they're taking the Tony/Tea stuff - although, yay for continuity! Another thing UK!Skins has failed at recently - but as long as it remains one-sided, I don't mind.

Are there any previews for next week?

*us!skins is kind of awesome

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