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Don't think I'm going to get any writing done today, which will put me a day behind. :( But still, I don't work Fridays so catching up over the weekend shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully on Sunday I'll be able to go to the write-in near me, which will be a great opportunity to get loads of words down.
- Please tell me there's new Fringe tonight (/tomorrow for me). I miss Olivia Dunham's face.
NEW WONDERFUL PATRICK WOLF SONG OF AMAZINGNESS. ♥ ♥ Honestly, I wasn't entirely convinced at first, but it's definitely a grower. I spent the first few listens going "Wahhhhhh it doesn't sound like a Patrick song" and then it SNUCK UP AND HIT ME OVER THE HEAD WITH ITS FABULOUSNESS. IDK if anyone else cares but you SHOULD.