Nov 01, 2010 20:08
1912 / 50000
Daily target: achieved! Yesterday I was stressing hugely about NaNo, to the point where I was quite tempted to not even bother, just because I'm really invested in my idea and didn't think I could do it justice under NaNo conditions. (Also, I've hardly done any writing this year, and 50k suddenly seemed like a massive undertaking. In other words, I'm lazy.) I didn't even start writing at midnight like I usually do, although that was also because I'd started watching Boardwalk Empire, which is brilliant except for the fact that Steve Buscemi has a really unpleasant face, and watched to watch the second episode. So it took me a really long time to force myself to start writing today, but when I did... I wrote over 1000 words in one sitting, without any procrastination breaks. It feels SO GOOD to be writing again. NaNo FTW!
How's everyone else doing? *cheers you on*
*nanowrimo ate my brain