I just have a lot of feelings...

Oct 05, 2009 16:59

I'm not sure how to talk about this month's obligatory Skins fandom wank (SIGH) without it turning into "I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy" but... I just really think it's a shame that this is happening again. And I hate that a couple of anonymous crazies over on fandomsecrets are making the whole of ( Read more... )

*why do i watch skins, *fandom is my crack, *sadface, *facepalm

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musicffyou October 6 2009, 01:34:22 UTC
amen to this. thanks for writing this out and getting it out there. sooo why can't we let Panda have her fandom as well. I can sorta imagine her with....ummm....umm....Effy. OMG craziest fandom ever Panda/ Naomi. how much would that not work :D


botherd October 6 2009, 10:49:52 UTC
Trufax: I sort of secretly ship Effy/Panda a bit, albeit in a VERY PG sort of way, but it's hard to get excited about it when there are so many other people to ship Effy with that work a lot better. And by 'so many other people', I mean Katie.

Panda/Naomi, OMG. I sort of want to write it for the crack value alone!


holeybubushka October 6 2009, 11:09:08 UTC
They would kill each other. Not even kidding. Naomi/Panda are the only two I see having nothing in common out of the group. They would only hang around each other because of mutual friends (which is very realistic- some people in my social group in high school I barely liked).

I don't femmeship Panda because she's not even a little bit gay. Whereas I see canon Effy as bi and Katie....well, Katie seems straight also, then Bedlam happened, so I thought, Katie could straight but with, um, Effy leanings.

(disingenuous argument is disingenuous now and forever).

If you write this Panda/Naomi, I will read it, and lol massively.

I can sort of stomach Effy with Cook, but I like Effy by herself even more.


botherd October 6 2009, 12:34:56 UTC
I see canon Effy as bi

I find this really interesting, because I do too - but I don't think there's actually any canon evidence for Effy being bi, is there? I think it's more an extrapolation of her behaviour, this assumption that she could be with a girl and not think it a big deal. (Unlike Katie; I think if Katie does have any leanings that way they're buried under so many issues that it would be rare for them to actually come out, so to speak.)

I really like the idea of Effy being single too, because I think she needs to, I guess, grow by herself, but I think there's a fine line between Effy being single and Effy being alone. She really needs a strong support network, I think, and right now she just doesn't have that.


holeybubushka October 9 2009, 09:23:45 UTC
I think it's more an extrapolation of her behaviour, this assumption that she could be with a girl and not think it a big deal

It's not a definitive conviction (like you say, no canon evidence) but my gut says bi. I think if there is any capacity for same sex attraction within her, she'd go for it. I don't see her being phased by gender. A writer needn't work hard to convince me Effy would fuck or fall in love with a girl. Unlike Katie, where the writer would need to delve into her mind convince me why this ultra hetero seeming lady fancies fanny in any capacity

(In Australia, no one says fanny. Whenever a character uses it I giggle like a little girl).

I know you agree and all, but I'm coming up blank on why Effy would like Freddie. I was going to type something along the lines "effy likes someone who intrigues her" but Freddie refutes that. Can you come up with any reasons or do you reckon Effy acted really OOC in going after him?


botherd October 9 2009, 10:07:25 UTC
Hmm, I find it really hard to understand what Effy sees in Freddie, other than that he's obviously pretty. I wonder if it's meant to be about him being just a nice, normal boy, representing some sort of stability - which Effy craves, but she doesn't really know how to live like that. Sort of the opposite of Cook, who represents all her self-destructive behaviour, and that's why she falls into a thing with him much more easily. (IDK, I'm really just making this up on the spot.)

I think ultimately what she needs is someone who can sort of combine the two - someone who can be a grounding influence but still keep her interested. (And the only person I can think of who really fits the bill is, um, Tony.)


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