My life is so hard.

Sep 30, 2009 14:09

I have fic that I want to post tonight or tomorrow but NO TITLE AUGH. D: I'm so jealous of people who can easily come up with awesome titles; it takes me forever and then I end up hating them.

In other news, I've realised that since joining Skins fandom there are a bunch of new people on my flist but I hardly know anyone's names, and I'd quite like to remedy that. Hence, this poll! Obvs no obligation to fill it out, but I'm curious. :D (Hi, I'm Julia, btw.)


OMG, when is E4 going to post some more interviews? I'm going into serious withdrawal here.

*why do i watch skins, *writing about writing, *fandom is my crack, *hearting my flist

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