I particularly like the *literal* emo tears of blood.

Aug 18, 2009 21:57

- So I saw the latest episode of True Blood. OH MY GOD, I SHIPPED GODRIC/ERIC SO FUCKING HARD. :(((((((((((( THEIR EPIC, CENTURIES-LONG LOVE. :(((((((((((


- As ~research (lol) for my fic, I rewatched the Effy episodes from series two and three and omg, the urge to hug a fictional character has never been so strong. It's weird; it took me a long time to warm up to Effy (I didn't much like anyone from the first cast) and now all I want to do is give her a massive hug and feed her chocolate and somehow make it all okay. IDK, she just makes me SO SAD. brb, rewriting my 80s AU (where her circumstances are, if possible, even worse; I'M SO SORRY, EFFY) to include a million gratuitous hugging scenes.

- Speaking of! I'm about 10,000 words into the 80s AU and I... kind of still feel like I'm setting things up? It's hard to tell how long it's going to be in the end, because it keeps running away from me and getting longer and longer. Still really excited about writing it, though, even if probably won't be finished for MONTHS.

- Earlier today I started thinking about Yuletide. WTF, SELF, IT'S AUGUST. But, yeah, I'm already planning out what I'll request and offer to write. I think last year Skins was a listed fandom, but I'm sure this year it'll be considered too big (which makes me all kinds of happy, really, because I heart this fandom and all the creative types in it so fucking much, and I don't think I say that enough).

*why do i watch skins, *writing about writing, *tv makes me happy, *80s au (not the fun kind), *sadface, *yuletide omg

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