I have 126 icons and most of them I never use.

May 15, 2009 19:38

- I had an Important Plot Breakthrough for my dissertation today, which was pretty awesome. I still have a fuckload to do, but at least right now I've started to get excited about it again. It's a bit weird writing it though, because it's a novel-length idea and I'm just writing the first chapter, so I don't get to write any of the fun resolution part, I just have to... IDK, hopefully introduce some interesting characters and conflicts or whatever. I find it really weird being judged on the beginning of a story and not the whole thing.

- I'm trying to avoid fandom a bit at the moment because I only have room for one set of characters in my head at the moment, but it's SO DIFFICULT. I've read a bit of meta lately that's been complaining about the suckitude of femslash fandom and I can't relate at ALL, because Skins fandom is so shiny and awesome and makes me roll around in GLEE. Srsly, I can't believe how lucky I am to find a fandom this perfect for me.

- Judging by the dream I had last night, my subconscious apparently ships Fry/Laurie? LOLZ. (I'm so glad it was strictly G-rated.)

- Don't know if anyone cares, but I got a dreamwidth. I don't plan on doing anything with it at all unless LJ completely implodes, but it's there if you want to friend it?

- Eurovision tomorrow! My plans include getting drunk and watching it.

*writing about writing, *fandom is my crack, *the interweb

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