Obligatory Thursday Lost Post!

May 14, 2009 21:38

It's been a while, hasn't it? Mainly because I hadn't watched Lost for weeks, then got all caught up yesterday and today (and I have to say, watching six or seven eps of Lost in a row is MUCH more satisfying than watching every week).


Okay, so. Where do I even begin? I was so annoyed that they killed Juliet, and then it turned out that THEY DIDN'T, although she set off the nuke so it turns out THEY DID, or something. But, like. WHAT WAS THE POINT IN HER SETTING OFF THE NUKE WHEN THE INCIDENT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED? The electromagnetism had already gone off at that point, which means that they'd have to set up the button, so the plane would crash, etc. etc. So, WELL DONE JULIET. Oh, wait, no, are they saying that the bomb would dissipate all of the energy? If so, why was it so important to explode it *before* the incident? Couldn't they just explode it at any time? Not that the whole thing with them changing the past even made sense ANYWAY; I was so pleased earlier on when it seemed like they were doing time travel right, and for them to just change it... blah.

Mainly I was just annoyed at everyone's extreme stupidity, like everyone suddenly deciding that setting off the bomb was a good thing, just because Jack... felt it was? And why was it SAWYER who tried to convince Jack not to set it off? It was Kate's idea!! *sigh* I'm going to put that down to the show's extremely crappy gender issues and move on.

And, okay, here's another thing I don't get: Richard said he saw them all (the Losties in the 70s) die, right? But he wasn't there, he'd gone off with Eloise (OH FUCK, HER KILLING DANIEL. GOD, THAT WAS AMAZING/HORRIBLE) so he wasn't there to see them die, which presumably they would have done, on account of the HYDROGEN BOMB. Wait, no - UGH, HEADFUCK - in that timeline the bomb wouldn't have gone off, so Richard would have been talking about some other time where they died - except, no, there's only one timeline where they're in the past. SEE, OKAY, THIS IS WHY TIME TRAVEL DOESN'T WORK IF YOU SAY PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE PAST. This only makes sense if there's *one* timeline, and the bomb doesn't reset them back to 2004 but instead is the cause of the incident, like Miles speculated. (OH, MILES. THANK YOU FOR BEING THE LONE VOICE OF REASON.) But then all of the original Losties except for Sun would be dead - unless they somehow say that a big fuckoff nuclear bomb *didn't* kill everyone in the vicinity, which would be pushing it even for Lost. OH GOD I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE. If anyone else has any better ideas, PLEASE SHARE THEM.

Also! They had the whole thing with Rita's abusive ex-husband Jacob, but they... didn't really explain who he was. And then they killed him! I hate it when Lost kills people off before they give them a backstory. Except, maybe he'll be alive, because he's clearly ~magical~ in some way, as is not!Locke/the other dude from the start.

So, all in all, it was what I'd expect from a Lost season finale: excitement, stupidity, insane amounts of new questions. I'm interested in how they'll start off season six - I'm betting they will say that the bomb undid everything and the plane will land or whatthefuckever, but they'll end up back on the island ANYWAY, or something. Who even knows at this point! I think I've made it abundantly clear that I don't.

*lost drives me crazy, *obligatory episode post

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