Warded note -- Eyes only, Nicander Purcell

Aug 24, 2007 13:39

Nic, you must be joking.

You had better be joking, in fact.

You don't know Severus Snape the way I do, but you've got at least two neurons to rub together, and so I know for a fact that you must realize just how badly he would take it, should I reappear at Hogwarts and ask for work. He will percieve it as me undermining his authority, and will give me not a moment's peace, and then how the devil do you expect me to uncover the mole in the works? You know quite well that such an investigation requires delicacy, and trust!

And please do not even imagine suggesting that I reveal the matter to him, because I think you know how that would turn out as well. The Headmaster cannot cut himself off from the staff -- that was largely why Albus relinquished the position, you know. Severus, if he suspected, would tie himself in knots suspecting every shadow around him, and I will not allow that. The man has borne enough such weight for his years, you know.

No, if you want an Unspeakable in the Hogwarts staff, you'll have to arrange for someone else to do it. There's no way I could return and not set the cat amoungst the pigeons.

I'll coach whomever you assign the post, and I'll be more than happy to review impressions with him or her, but you simply cannot send me.
Either of me, that is, so stop thinking what I know you're thinking.

I am taking the rest of today off, by the way. My house guest has confessed an urgent need for potions supplies, and I must help her search for them. Don't bother owling, please -- you'll only nag anyhow, and my mind's made up.
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