(no subject)

Feb 22, 2012 13:18

Today is a linkspam kind of day:

. the daily meal: 150 iconic dishes from around the world
I just started paging through these, but from the main springboard article I'm delighted to see Trinidadian doubles mentioned! Other countries make roti as well, so I guess some people would argue that Jamaican roti is better (not me), but I don't think anywhere else makes doubles. I wish I had some RIGHT NOW.

. richard bolai: timeless | feinin
I just discovered this art blog by a Trinidadian bookmaker and art critic. Some of his work and writing seems a little unfocused and -- as can be the trouble with textually rendering nation languages -- the Trini dialect is somewhat impenetrable in places. And a few of the pieces feel very problematic to me. But I still find the troubled, urgent vivisection that characterizes his art to be very compelling.

. smitten kitchen: buttermilk roast chicken
I'm just reminding myself that I want to make this. *g*

. me and lori: the justice lounge
Juuuuust in case you missed my original post or are on the fence about it, I wanted to link back to the tumblr-based RPG that
glockgal and I started! Here's the bullet-point salespitch:
- race/gender/sexuality/ability/etc.- bending is a-ok!
- minor time commitment, only three comments/posts a week (can be in a conversation)!
- what you do is all up to you: plotty action, conversations, writing smut, whatever!
glockgal is playing Kyle Rayner, so part of her RPing is drawing one of the current characters almost every day. EVERY. DAY.
- any DC comics character (minus the New 52) or DCAU character (minus Teen Titans and Young Justice) is a-okay!
Even if you've never RPd before, even if you can't commit a ton of time, even if you're just curious -- give it a whirl! Tumblr is a VERY casual medium, and we wanted a more casual RP than a serious, involved journal-based one. We'd love to have you!

comments over yonder on http://bossymarmalade.dreamwidth.org/520709.html, y'all.

justice lounge

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