Thank y'all for the very kind virtual housewarming congratulations!!! It's shaping up beautifully. Soon I'll start baking bread on my days off and I'll feel like a milestone has been reached, heh.
As for what I've been doing apart from house and home stuff:
Sure, there's hordes of evil to be stopped, people in peril, outer space battles to fight. But in-between, there's a full-service cafeteria and lots of other superheroes to talk to.
Looking for a mature DCU roleplay that allows for heavy plot AND/OR casual interaction? One where it's cool if you want to race/gender/sexuality/etc.-bend some DCU superheroes? Come join us in the Lounge!
the justice lounge |
rules |
faq |
character list ||
glockgal and I have started a tumblr RPG! Tumblr can be a pretty unwieldy mode of communication, but we wanted something very, VERY casual as opposed to starting a journal-based RPG. So, here's my bullet-point sales pitch:
- race/gender/sexuality/ability/etc.- bending is a-ok!
- minor time commitment, only three comments/posts a week (can be in a conversation)
- what you do is all up to you: plotty action, conversations, writing smut, whatever!
glockgal is playing Kyle Rayner, so part of her RPing is drawing one of the current characters every day. EVERY. DAY.
- any DC comics character (minus the New 52) or DCAU character (minus Teen Titans and Young Justice) is a-okay!
If you feel curious and wanna check it out, please feel free and ask questions here or on tumblr! Needless to say, we want an RP that's not rife with problematic players and the shenanigans that ensue (don't even ask us about what got said re: "native american names" and "handicapped people" in the RP we ran away from, ugh) so if any of you wonderful, clued in, fun, smart people are interested in joining, we want to encourage you as much as we can.
Did I mention my sister is doing DRAWINGS OF THE CHARACTERS EVERY DAY?!?!
Hope to see you there!
comments over yonder on, y'all.