LJ people, go get your
three extra days of paid time, y'all.
I have e-mails and whatnot to respond to! My apologies for taking this long; you know those periods where you just don't want to be online? I've been having one of those. So, in my beloved bullet points:
- saw 500 Days of Summer, which was exactly the hipster-twee version of the usual rom-com tropes that you would expect. However, the extreme awesomeosity of Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt means that the acting made it into something entirely more nuanced and engaging, so, yay! Also: Lori hated the music, but if you (like me) enjoy The Smiths and Regina Spektor, you'll be happy. *g*
- ever wanted to see what it looks like when a Nice Canadian Lotusland Liberal totally misses the fucking point when it comes to potlatch in specific and Haida Nation in general?
Look no further! A delightful sample that combines cultural ignorance with smug sexism: "The matriarch is a problem, he adds, but luckily she isn't matriarch yet. I wonder if he's using the title in quotes, as I might, but there are matriarchs here." Ha ha! Those crazy Indians and their crazy "matriarch".
REPUGNANT! However, I demand ham gum!
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http://bossymarmalade.dreamwidth.org/479029.html. Please comment there using OpenID.