SeSa recs, part two!
right after this commercial break: it's American Idol! And it's timbertrick! And yes I am totally in an OTP wallow kind of place this SeSa, why do you ask?
prove them wrong: a reunion story! And one that deals with the patching-together process without tumbling straight into band-utopia, which I appreciate. Plus, there is some really nice, thoughtful character work on Lance and Nick, which is something I *more* than appreciate.
the dating game: exactly as it sounds, and heaps of fun! I love low-key little funny stories like this, where there's one wacky theme done *well* and a crunkload of great dialogue and character stuff.
unrequited: seriously, y'all, there is no fandom that can do for a cliche what popslash can do. Here we have JC cursed by a fan to suffer the same unrequited love that she feels for him, and instead of being lame it's a fantastic story about all sorts of different overlapping anxieties and shifts in friendship and love under weird circumstances.
And to wrap up these recs and ease into Yuletide, I also point you toward
chootoy's Murdoch Mysteries story,
a victorian christmas. It's an adorable story, and it's prettily formatted, which makes it even nicer!!