cathybites sent me a virtual birthday gift -- a broken gingerbread man which I'm sure she chose because its flappy head (so full of lies) looks like a Canadian's! Yaaaaay, thank you, honey!
And now, time for the first of my annual SeSa recs!!
god must have spent a little more time on you: yes, it's *that* title. But never has such a crappy song been put to such good use! This story is a wonderful romp in a gentle, funny, heartwarming-but-not-slushy romcom where the boys are angels. Oh yes indeed!
lust, love, and everything in between: MINE MINE ALL MINE!! homg, this story includes BOTH of my asked-for pairings, is totally hot, is totally funny, and is totally awesome!! It seriously feels like a birthday gift as well as a SeSa, and I am delighted that it was written all for me. Whoo-hoo!!
pizza is overrated: for some reason I feel the title of this story does not do its brilliance justice. It's pitch-perfect squeemaking timbertrick, but all you need to know about its greatness is summed up by one of the best fucking JC-to-Chris lines ever: "You talk balls," JC said serenely. AWESOME.
it's not easy being green: KEVIN/JUSTIN WHUT. After such a dearth of this pairing for so long, this year it's all coming up Milhouse!! Plus, environmentalism, earnestness, and the sweet soft eco-friendly opening notes of a romance that make me long for a continuation, which is really rare for me. But I would totally pester whoever wrote this for more.
Now to make rugelach and jam cookies. I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS Y'ALL