
Mar 03, 2008 16:34

With HMD over, I'm just doing this self-crit thing to improve my gameplay based on my own nitpicky ass self and stuff I've noticed while looking back on my playing.

1. Needs moar activity. So I need to get back to the epic tagging I used to do waybackwhen (like less than a month ago HAH!). I've been plagued by some massive computer problems lately which have slowed me down in getting him out and about in ur city, ur faces, ur pants and ur ceiling.

1.5 timezoen fail. So I have my Sket-Dan. SO I HAVE A TRULY AWESOME SKET-DAN. Epic however is being forestalled because all three of us live in different timezones. Why was I abducted by Martians? T_T S-SADLY there is only so much I can do to compensate for this. But epic will happen. Even if I have to set appointments to do it.

2. Needs moar activity outside of we-do-not-talk-about-awesomechat birches. S-SO you know how I flailed about how nice and welcoming everyone was and how if it weren't for that, I'd probably be dead and shy and whatnot? Well that is sort of happening outside the initial group of people who attacked raeped welcomed me lovingly into their collective bosom. My main worry is... Bossun can be extremely obnoxious and I don't want anyone to go 'D= GTFO MY POST BOSSUN!" so. Idk.

3. keep an eye out on evolving personal backstory/character development. Since Sket Dance is comparatively new (and really when you think about it, you get a great deal more background on Switch and Hime than you do the self-proclaimed main character. WELL TRANSLATED. I know there's a profile in the first volume but T_T), there... isn't a heck of a lot information available. It can't be helped that SD players have to do a bit of extrapolation. As long as I keep my developing fanon-ish bits based on actual canon, I probably won't get Jossed too badly. Crack is good but crack with canon basis is better.

4. Needs moar cases. So I've been planning a crazy recruitment post but SURPRISE the Sket-Dan actually did get some new members SO. I should focus on getting more cases for them to work on. I worry a little that I make Poly!Bossun too active on this front because really, this guy spends afternoons lolling around the club room whining about boredom. BUT since no one in the City knows about the Sket-Dan of course he's had to work to get the name out there.

I do want to put up a post with him lying around whining about not getting cases though...

5. He can be serious guys. I swear.

6. Keeping a consistent voice. If I elaborated on this, it'd bore you all into a coma.

P.S. Dear Erie, plz be aware of when you're logged in an RP journal and your OOC journal so that you don't get embarrassed adding RP journals onto your personal one. NO LOVE, ME.

rp, erie is an m, bossun, poly

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