chat porn-off prompts!

Mar 01, 2008 15:06

So. THANKS TO THE CHAT PORN-OFF the English fanfic count for Sket Dance went up by seven! Naisu job guys. So for everyone who missed it! For your convenience, a compilation of the SD stuff!


When asked what his first impression of Bossun was, Switch would answer with the safe one. Back then he was Fujisaki Yuusuke-san who introduced himself by yelling he was starting his own club and was constantly bored in class, staring out the window somewhat unaware that he was drooling. He didn't know just how he would explain the real one, he couldn't quite parse it, couldn't explain, didn't want to hear it in the dry mechanical voice he gave himself because how were you supposed to give voice to a fleeting set of impressions, summer, messy hair and sweat, a foot kicking at his chair from behind followed by a yawn and then the tip of a finger drawing the characters of 'ki-su' onto his back, a low voice edging into a laugh as the boy behind him whispered 'You're supposed to guess...' when Fujisaki-san knew he couldn't answer, couldn't even talk in class and Switch's entire attention focused on the lines being drawn through the thin cloth of his summer uniform and an empty classroom heavy with shadows, a hand wrapped around his cock stroking as the other boy continued to lick gradually more daring words on his neck and finally finally as he shuddered, wordless, Bossun's voice loud off the walls "So are you going to join the Sket-Dan or what?"

There was only one way known to man which would convince Switch to get down and dirty. It was a heavily guarded secret; the very few girls who had been clued in only knew Switch by the alias of Bossun--he'd figured that his boss could afford to have his prudery broken, at times.

The glasses came off every time, carefully set on the nightstand. The laptop, on the other hand, did not. It drew odd stares now and then, but Switch liked to think of it as a challenge, to draw the attention away from the small, gleaming lens at the side of the screen.

He'd never failed yet.

With great precision, the tip traced along the curve of her breast, leaving behind a bright red trail which circled and led to the tip of her nipple, Switch's grin widening as it hardened under the pressure.

"Oh, Bossun-ngh..."

Abruptly the tip pulled back, the cap topping with a sharp click as Switch tossed the marker over his shoulder, hearing it clatter on the floor.

He pulled back, examining his newest work of art.


Switch's fingers typed away at his laptop, saving it into his archive. He would have to use that one on Bossun sometime within the next day, just for the irony.

With a smirk, he bent back down, tongue tracing along and laving at the red lines, sucking and nibbling until they disappeared, indistinguishable from her flushed skin.

SWITCH/HIME by jamiefawkes
It was the first time she'd ever managed to convince him. His laptop sat innocently on the table between the couches, the clubroom beginning to dim in the failing light. It got dark so early anymore, and they were probably one of the few clubs still running. The blonde's hands ran down the rough weave of Switch's sweatervest, settling on the warm metal of his belt buckle, her breasts pressing against his arm as she leaned in close. His dark eyes followed her, not batting a lash as she yanked his belt off, pressing her lips to the corner of his mouth.

The last rays of the sun shone in her hair as he turned minutely to offer a bit more, lips quirking as she took the bait, kissing him harder, rougher. Her fingertips slid under the waistband of his slacks, short nails scraping his skin as her fingers worked through the coarse hair. He was already half-hard, though, the scent of her perfume and the red of her lips all the turn-on his teenage body needed as her fingertips trailed up to the tip, thumb stroking along the slit.

Almost perfectly timed, the laptop began to play a jazz song Switch had lined up earlier that afternoon. "Let's get it oooon~ YEEEEEEEEEEAHHH BABY!!"

Hime's face suddenly went from lusty, pale blue eyes heavily-lidded, to furious and perhaps a bit twitchy.

Perhaps it was time to grab his belt and run. But the issue of getting past Hime AND getting his laptop.... Hmm. This was a problem.

BOSSUN/HIMEKO by wrytersblock
"DIE!" Himeko yelled, and the last thing Bossun felt wasn't the soft flesh of Himeko's cleavage, but the hard wood of her hockey stick as she whacked him hard enough to send him crashing into he opposite wall.

At his seat on the other side of the room, the voice synthesizer program relayed Switch's "LOLOLOLOL"

Bossun grunted and groaned and writhed, sweat dripping off the end of his nose. It felt so good, it felt so so good. It felt better than ice cream on a hot summers day, a hot bath in the middle of winter, a cold soda following a hot dinner. It felt like warm apple pie and cold milk. It was the best. Thing. Ever.

Himeko rolled her eyes. "We are never letting Bossun leave pillows in the club room again. He's too damned noisy when he sleeps."

TSUBAKI/??? by wrytersblock
They never asked what he was working on--that was fine by him. He'd tell them, of course, if they did ask. But they didn't, so he it remained private.

Tsubaki groaned and writhed. He wasn't used to this kind of stimulation. The hands on his body made him ache, made his erection twitch inside the confines of his too-tight pants. He wanted more. He wanted warm wet heat and stroking fingers on bare skin. He wanted a voice in his ear and wild, uninhibited fucking. He wanted it all, right now, and he was ready to scream all this to the tease that was still keeping him poised, on the edge, never satisfying--

"What're you working on, Switch?"

"Bleach porn~ \o/," His computer informed them, and at the surprised look on Himeko and Bossun's faces, he added, "My flashfic assignment this month is Tsubaki and Lily sex~."

He doesn't like her helpless, except for the times when he does which he supposes makes him a chauvinist or maybe just a pervert, when instead of reacting with the protective instinct of a nakama to his vulnerable vice chief he wants instead to watch her break a little more, bring her a little bit closer to tears each time. He likes it best when she's helpless against herself, when she's a thing of pure rage, onihime, likes the aftermath of her shame because that's when she needs him most and that's what he needs, to save her and everyone. Because she never comes to him crying, not since that first time, because what she does is she hurts him, all their jokes about topping him made into brutal reality, her hips crashing against his like a violent wave, pinning him down and even though he's inside her, she's taking him and they both know it, know it in the greedy way she bites at him, how she never quite manages to pull all his clothes off, the bruises blooming darkly around his wrists he hides with the sket-dan bands and how they never speak except for her "tell me to stop". He never snaps her out of it until she comes and then when she's huddling into herself, beating herself up for what she'd done to him, that's when he'll tell her it was all alright, her past was over, she was doing better now, that's when he'll give her what she needs because she'd given him what he needed.

He tells her she doesn't need to change and he means it.

sket dance, random acts of ficcery, pr0n

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