
May 16, 2010 01:25

WHO: bossisawitch , andyouresetfree, hecho_en_ca_usa, iron_liver, greengosborn, rock_it_punch and open to watsthename.
WHERE: The City streets
WHEN: After Riful's showdown with Nico
SUMMARY: Riful took Nico to the cleaners. Now, Nico's uncontrolled and about ready to explode. A motley crew attempts and mostly fails at an intervention.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture, epic supernatural showdown!
I don't want your pressure unless it's to stop the bleeding. )

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CONFRONTATION: open to Iron Man and Iron Patriot bossisawitch May 16 2010, 08:48:44 UTC
[ they won't leave her alone. People come, crowds gather. Nico doesn't want to touch them---doesn't like the weight in them, all the meaty moving parts---so she tries to move away from them. Just leave her alone, she says. Just let her go. She'll be okay, is okay, can't you tell?

But someone's calling 911 and there's the high wail of an ambulance pulling in and that hurts. Nico shrieks "Bust!" and the ambulance's wheels burst. It careens to the side, hitting a powerline pole.

Nico watches it, hands over her ears. It's the first physical stimuli to break through, to make any dent on the magical pain buffer she's choking on ]


liverletdie May 16 2010, 09:05:15 UTC
[ It didn't take long for the commotion to catch Tony's eyes, and he rocketed from his place hovering in another part of the city to the area where people were starting to call not only the police but the ambulances.

Before he managed to arrive, the Ambulance crashed, and he zeroed in, his boots jetting him from Mach 3 to Mach 5, and he arrived moments later. A quick scan of the area let him know that the EMTs were fine, and he swerved in front of the area emitting the most power. ]

I think you're causing a little bit too much trouble.


osreborn May 17 2010, 17:49:00 UTC
[ Norman's armor pings him on the ambulance crash, and he frowns behind his helmet, veering from heading to Avengers Tower to where his coordinates say this accident occurred. His boots give a burst of speed and he arrives shortly after --

Oh, lovely. Stark is there. Will he never be rid of him? ]

Stark. What's going on here?


bossisawitch May 17 2010, 18:46:54 UTC
[ she looks up at the voices, all warbled and metallic with distortion. Her thoughts aren't all there---she's dissociated, confused---but the ones that she does have are slippery. When she sees the red and gold of Iron Man's armor, her response is a gut one, totally visceral. Registration, running, putting Vic back together after Stark sent missiles after him, learning to paint with Captain America, security, fear: thoughts and feelings shuffle and spread until she doesn't know which one to hold onto. Her lips pull back and she bares her pink-streaked teeth. ]

Get away from me.


liverletdie May 21 2010, 20:09:52 UTC
[Oh great. Just perfect, not only was there magic involved, but Norman was there too! This day just kept getting better and better. ]

Osborn. Are your readouts faulty?

[ Yes, even now he will take jabs where he can get them. He turns his attention back to Nico. ]

Put your hands behind your head, and lay on the ground. If you refuse to do so, I will resort to violence.


osreborn May 22 2010, 04:12:00 UTC
Of course not. But if a mere summary of the situation is out of your capability, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

[ He flies around to the opposite side of Nico, raising one gauntlet and letting it charge. It's clear he's not going to be above firing a warning shot. ]


bossisawitch May 22 2010, 17:53:43 UTC
Get away from me.

[ she's not afraid. If anything, she's afraid because the fact that she has two men in iron suits gunning for her doesn't even make her heartrate spike. There's something dark in the pit of her stomach that's saying that they can't hurt her, and she believes it. Nico breathes out, looks at Iron Man with eerily glowing eyes, and says: ]

Ich bin nur der Geist in diesre Maschine.

[ a billow of red-black smoke forms come off her and shoot toward Tony---goblin-like, they claw through the armor and attack the electricity running the systems ]


liverletdie May 22 2010, 19:17:31 UTC
I thought something like: Psychotic teenage girl flips ambulance and scares a city block could be said without standi-- Gaaah!

[ Oh now wasn't that ironic? It ripped into the electrical pulses, which not only affected the armor, but him. Pain ripped through his body, and he fell to the ground, shut down for the moment. Restart Y/N? | ]

Dammit, yes! Restart!


osreborn May 23 2010, 02:39:25 UTC
[ Norman took the opportunity to fire, because really -- no one could argue he wasn't in the right here, certainly not after what just happened. He flew up a few more feet into the air, charging his uni-beam to fire in case the last shot didn't hit it's target. ]


bossisawitch May 23 2010, 09:43:15 UTC
[ the shot hits, but it gets sucked into that almost-aura of red-black around her. There's something in her that's hungry, something that can be twisted back ]

Turnabout's fair play.

[ and with that, the absorbed energy spits back at Osborn ]


liverletdie May 24 2010, 07:46:24 UTC
[ Systems were restarting, and with the lightning fast reflexes and extremis, what would have been an arduous process was shaved down to mere seconds while he worked through the protocols, before his own fist lit up into a high-powered repulsor blast, and he shot it off when she released her spell. ]


osreborn May 25 2010, 09:31:20 UTC
[ The energy smacks Norman in the center of the armor and he flies backwards into a lamppost, the star buzzing and shooting off sparks. He tries to shoot off another repulsor beam, and it does fire, though it's significantly weaker as his armor is too busy fucking up to send the proper power to it. Several of his systems go off-line. ]



AND WE CAN END THIS ONE HERE, THANK YOU GUYS bossisawitch May 26 2010, 03:46:15 UTC
Get. AWAY!

[ it's the same thing on repeat, a broken record of a plea. Get away, I'm going to hurt you. Get away, I want to be left alone. Get away, you can't have me. Get away get away get away get ]


[ everything in her grinds to a terrible halt. It's a stutter, a disconnect. It's her body telling her you've used that one. You've pulled that card before. Alex, remember? You used it to get away from Alex. Stupid girl. Stupid. ]


[ she starts coughing. It's blood, black blood, because she broke the only rule she has. Nico's shaking, a blood-covered hand over her mouth, and any control she has dissipates just like that.

The unpredictable magic slams out of her, sending both suited men flying away from her. She's left alone in the center of the mess, still standing. Still bleeding. ]


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