(no subject)

May 16, 2010 01:25

WHO: bossisawitch , andyouresetfree, hecho_en_ca_usa, iron_liver, greengosborn, rock_it_punch and open to watsthename.
WHERE: The City streets
WHEN: After Riful's showdown with Nico
SUMMARY: Riful took Nico to the cleaners. Now, Nico's uncontrolled and about ready to explode. A motley crew attempts and mostly fails at an intervention.
WARNINGS: mentions of torture, epic supernatural showdown!

Most people go through their entire lives without knowing exactly what they can do, what they are capable of, how far that they can actually go when circumstances that would push them to the brink push them past the brink.

Nico knows. She knows how far she can go, what can be done to her that will make everything inside her slow down and focus with sick pops and squelches. She's bleeding, dying, but she is beyond it---beyond pain, beyond recognizing what is going on around her now that the pain is gone.

The problem is, she feels like she's floating. Everything in her has been worked out, like Riful popped a cork in her and everything relevant to what is stable and what is Nico Minoru has gushed and fizzed out. She's not sure where she's going, just that she is; forward momentum is enough when she's as worked over as she is. She's one got one shoe left on, a black ballet flat squelching with blood with her every step. Her nose has been broken and all she can taste is blood---it's spread in a stripe down her face and mouth, her nose still dripping fat red drops onto her shirt and the pavement.

Nico stops for a second after one such drop falls. It leaves a round red mark like a coin on the sidewalk just to the left of her foot. As she's staring, a man catches sight of her from an apartment and rushes out---and why not? She looks like she got mugged or worse. He's saying things to her, worried questions, his mouth moving and pulling in slack, messy movements. She puts her hand over his mouth and pushes, says "Shh," and suddenly he doesn't even have a mouth---just a stretch of unbroken skin pulling and working soundlessly over his teeth. He screams and the skin puffs forward, but his mouth is gone. She doesn't want to give it back.

Nico wipes her running nose against her arm and keeps walking.
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