I haven't done much on Facebook lately, but I just added the Compare People application and started answering questions about who I would rather kiss, who is more punctual, etc. I got a real kick out of this question:
A lot of funny stuff went down this year for April Fool's day, and I fell for most of it. I am such a sucker. But I have to say, the funniest prank of the day has to be this one. The video is self-explanatory. I just about busted a gut laughing!
This is so awesome. Ty McDonald, a columnist for the Daily Toreador, the Texas Tech student newspaper, apparently plagiarized an article about plagiarism. Talk about chutzpah! As you might have guessed, he's not working for the newspaper anymore.
I recently came across an excellent news piece that gives a succinct overview of the most important issue facing voters in the 2008 election. If you are going to vote but haven't yet seen this video, you need to.
I think about this kind of thing all the time. I often just look around at other people and all that we've created on this planet, and am amazed at what a bunch of monkeys are capable of, both good and bad. (Yes, I know we're not really monkeys; we're closer to chimpanzees.)
I stumbled across this YouTube video of a practical joke, and my kids, wife, and I have been watching it for at least 15 minutes. It just gets funnier each time!