Jun 27, 2006 21:42
Today was another rainy, fun, muggy, humid, tiring, wet, and exciting day.
Yes, I went to the YMCA again, I'm going to be there the rest of this week.
When I "arrived" at the the Y, [that rhymed] I walked to the Teen Room with Skip and Alexis.
In the teen room, Hondura [the lead councelor] talked to us about this fundraiser thing the CIT's are doing
Are whole group was split in half, and I'm glad I'm with the people I am with.
I have 3 girls, and 2 guys.
We decided to come up with the idea of having a car wash, and making breakfast for the councelor's so we could raise money for kids who cannot afford to go to the YMCA camp.
It's going to be this Thursday between 9:15 and 11:15.
If you want to come by and get your car washed, it's $3.00, and you get a free Pina Colata. =]
Yeh, today was awesome, as usual =]
I had a horrible stomache ache the whole day, even this morning getting ready.
Well, I hung out with Track 30 again, the kids are so fun to be around.
And they have the coolest councelor's, Puck and Mrs. Tacky =]
We went swimming with them in the outdoor pool, when it finally stopped raining.
But then we had to get out because they heard thunder and yeh.
But Alexis, Margarite, Skip, and I went down to the lake and we were allowed to swim.
So Margarite went with Track 30 because she didn't want to swim.
And me and Alexis went on the Shark Ride with Robby and Michael.
I ended up falling off twice without them, which slowed down the whole process, haha.
It was really fun.
Well after the shark ride, it was time for Rides Out so I went to the Pavillion and hung out w/ Track 30 and all the kids.
Then I was FINALLY called and my mom brought us home.