My Letter to Congressman Ron Paul Concerning NPR

Oct 22, 2010 19:18

Congressman Paul,
My name is Steve Cooper. I live in the Congressional District of Michigan Democrat Sander Levin. Since he is a tiresome liberal who has never had an original thought, I have decided to address my concerns about National Public Radio to you.
The people who are calling for a defunding of NPR are, in my estimation, missing a golden opportunity. I believe a better option would be to audit the corporation.
NPR is engaged in a shell game in which money moves back and forth between the individual stations and the national office. The effect of this is an obfuscation of how much money NPR has, where it comes from and where it's going. Games of this nature are rarely engaged in by the pure of heart.
It is my hope that Congress, as a prelude to discussions of defunding NPR, will perform a complete audit of the corporation. Toward that end, I hope that you will consider calling for this audit and make the case for it to happen.
Steve Cooper
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