Oct 21, 2010 13:33
The New American Affirmation of Foundational Principles
One of the reasons so many Americans are angry right now is that it seems to them the political class has no respect for the foundational values of this nation. Delivery drivers and waitresses understand better than many career politicians do that individual freedom is the keystone of our system of governance. Increasingly, Americans are challenging the elites on this and are being treated disdainfully by their elected representatives for doing so.
We've all seen examples in the past year of politicians refusing to show even a modicum of respect for those who put them in power. The health care town hall meetings last year, with Americans saying NO, DON'T DO THIS were followed by the liberals in Congress and the White House doing the exact opposite of what their constituents were telling them. But this is only the slime at the top. In state and local governments nationwide, politicians, judges and bureaucrats are doing as they please without regard to the will of the people.
The first step in dealing with a bad situation is to admit there is a problem. I think the people of America are doing that already, so it's on to step two; developing a plan of action.
Simply showing up to vote once every two years does not constitute a plan. We need a coherent strategy, a way forward that will further the cause of restoring the foundational values that brought this nation into existence.
Toward this end I propose that a new document be forged by the great thinkers of our time. Whether through a citizens convention or through a series of communications among individuals, we need to draft a New Affirmation of Foundational Principles that will reinforce the American Peoples' commitment to the knowledge that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and that government's job is always to protect those rights and never to infringe upon them. This document would have the aim of bringing the Declaration and the Constitution into the forefront of the debate on the issues facing us and future generations.
Once the document has been forged, the signing would then take place. The initial signing ceremony should begin with its authors, then immediately be placed on the internet for millions of Americans to sign. A movement then would be afoot to require politicians at all levels of government to take a position as to whether to sign it or not. Those who violate the tenants of the Affirmation of Foundational Principles would find it difficult to justify their actions and would be hard pressed to explain why they should be elected or re-elected. We will then see in a few years time how many of those who want an expanded government will be able to get elected without signing and adhering to the American Affirmation.
To ensure the document has its intended effect, the movement would then begin pushing to pass laws to require that all elected and appointed officials at all levels of government sign the Affirmation as a requirement to hold office. Clear violations of the Foundational Principles would be grounds to remove the offenders from office and prohibit them from being public servants from that day forward.
Beyond requiring that all legislators, executives, judges and bureaucrats limit their actions to the principles on which this nation was founded, the document would re-introduce the American people to their own heritage. From there, it will be a simple matter to convince them that to the cause of freedom, they should be willing to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.