[OOC] Gender Bending, w00t.

Jan 20, 2011 23:11

First Impression: "Oh, cool, you dance with a toy--Wait, that snake is real? WHY IS IT IN HERE?!"

Name: Madihah Hassan
Nickname(s): "Maha"
Age: 22
Appearance: Here and here. (Pretend she has gold eyes. *sweatdrop*)
Residence: Tailles D'or Condos
Occupation: Dance teacher, graduate student at FU.
Personality: Quiet and mysterious, Maha is not a girl of many words. She is often seen alone, either sculpting, dancing or simply curled up with her black cat, Bastet. She's actually a kind, warm, surprisingly naive person... if you can get over her poker face expression and her uncharacteristically intense eyes. She doesn't mean to be stoic or to stare, but she usually doesn't know how to react around unfamiliar people or things (which includes most of Liberty and the rest of America). She sometimes needs to be coaxed out of her quiet lifestyle.

Her talents lay with art and dance, the latter of which she teaches to large crowds of women after classes are over at the university. Although she knows many types of African dance (like zumba), she specializes in bellydancing and prefers the oldest (and her native) Egyptian style.

Character Relations:

Work In Progress. (Who wants relations with her? :DDD?)

[OOC: Am I really the only person that used a real person? D: /feels weird Kudos to anyone that can recognize who I used in my icons. xD And a big thanks goes out to  ketchupkaper  for some of my icons!)

!ooc, !genderbending

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