this is me.

Dec 08, 2011 14:27

Cap'n Brian Ugalde
So during Sunday School's lesson on loving the hated, Alex asked us who do we hate? i eventually answered with "I hate myself, when I... (such n such...)"

The Bible talks alot about hating another person, hating the Lord, hating the sinful acts, hating the Devil/Satan, hating Jesus, etc. but what about hating oneself? i feel like i know the answer to this, but was wondering others' thoughts.


someone else: Genesis chapter 1 talks about how we're created in God's image... how can we hate anything or anyone that's created in God's image? On the other hand, hating our actions, like our sins, is a good thing. God hates sin...why shouldn't we? :) thanks for the study break.

me :
Christ came to fulfill the Law because the Law brings death. In my own case i couldn't extricate my sin from my identity, hatred of the one caused hatred of the other.

I demand of myself that I be perfect and given a moral basis to stand on I will condemn myself for all the ways I'm not, and no matter what nothing is ever good enough. I used to think the only way my life would have meaning was if I died to save the life of another.

This seems to be at cross purposes to the generosity and love i would give to everyone but myself. I can't condemn others for what they do partly because it isn't my job, but also because i see in them the way they reflect God's design, whether they are actively living out that potential or not.

I had to extend the love i have for others and the love God has to me and the ONLY way i could manage to do that was throw out the whole system. The only way i could let myself be human was to throw out the measuring stick, rather than internalize it.

Now i'm an unrepentant sinner because it was the only way i could be myself and love myself.

Repenting for anything would just be a lie, I don't lie. Until I can keep my word, i won't give it.

God wants us to come as we are, this is me.
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