Aug 12, 2004 14:48
Dear Mugger,
Before you had a go at me I was walking to the post office thinking that I'm lonely on the southside. I'd just taken a walk right the way up Paisley Road West all the way to the cinema looking out for good pubs and places of interest. Having only lived here for just over a month I don't know anyone except my boyfriends friends who are all professionals. Absolutely lovely, but not my age.
Since I'm barely working I spend most of my time in the flat alone applying for jobs. So I was thinking that exploring the southside properly would be fine.
I was wanting to give the area a chance.
When I was walking past the school I saw one of you approach me on a moped, and you were walking towards me.
First of all I thought it was really unnecessary that you stepped so close to me and grabbed my arm. I don't like people touching me.
Second of all, I was confused at you saying "give me your laptop" because I don't own a laptop. By the time I realised you were referring to my black Head bag that I carry everywhere with me you were threatening me with a knife. While I now realise you probably didn't actually have a knife, it shocked me at the time.
Oh, and by the way. When I hung onto my bag and didn't give it to you, that meant that I wasn't willing to hand it over. That wasn't an invitation for you to grab it and then run at top speed towards your friend on the moped.
I'd just like you to know that you are a cunt. You had no right to take what belonged to me. I would never do any such thing to you. You have not only ruined my day, but you have made me a little bit scared of walking home from the undergound. I just think you should know that I've always been trusting of people in general. I like to believe that people are fundamentally good. You've made it a little bit more difficult for me to believe this.
You should know that I've called the police. You'd probably not like to know that the two policemen who came were very very dishy. One was wearing trousers that were too tight for him and there was definite bulge action. Your actions lead to me perving on an officer of the law. I hope you're happy.
I hope they give you electric chair.
Yours fearfully,
P.S. Your friend's moped was shite.
P.P.S You had shite haire.
P.P.P.S Fuck you.