I'm sick, you guys. *sniffles pathetically* So, in my time of woe, what shall I do? RAEG AT IDIOTS ON MY SHOWS. Totally therapeutic! And served up fresh for evisceration, we have...
Glee- 2 x 12: Silly Love Songs.
First off, I think it will surprise nobody that I think Finn is a GIANT DOUCHEBAG and needs to be exterminated immediately. )
I try to tell myself that maybe it might not have done so well if it was renewed, that it might've gone downhill like Criminal Minds, but....*sniffles* That doesn't help! I want my team awesomeness, I want Webb's machinations and Rebecca's social obtuseness back!
Hmm. I don' t know. It was pretty awesome. There's no way to tell how a shows going to go unless it's given a chance.
I really liked the balance of psychology with the...unique team dynamics. I don't think I've seen anything like that before- I usually love teams where everybody gets on and they have a nice supportive boss and it's all hunky-dory 'coz I can't stand the sort of BSG atmosphere where everyone backstabs each other and undermines authority and that kind of thing (it makes me sad)- but I really, really loved Webb. I never lol'd so hard as when he's all: *fires gun* 'Let her go! Damn, I did that backwards.' *gigglefit*
It was so dark, but it had a real sense of humor, I liked the way they balanced the two elements. It wasn't cheap, but it was just gallows' humor that made me snicker a lot. *sighs*
I'm glad I have friends who've seen it and share my ~feelings~ over the show and its untimely cancellation. *clings*
And yeah.. backstabbing atmospheres aren't the best. Tis why Farscape lost my attention for so long. Good show, but sometimes that kind of thing got to be too much for me. So. Yeah. Good balance in The Inside.
But I'd much rather watch Leverage or whatever other show too.
Only got to season 3 of Farscape, and I'm not sure which episode so...
( ... )
When half the group hates the other half or doesn't give a damn about them or would sell them out for a profit, it's really not fun.
YES! Exactly the point I've tried to make to a few people. :/
It's a good show definitely, and very well done, but... that sort of thing with the angst and the chars not caring about each other just detracted from it for me.
I would insert a gif but can't be bothered opening another tab right now. Maybe later.
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