I'm sick, you guys. *sniffles pathetically* So, in my time of woe, what shall I do? RAEG AT IDIOTS ON MY SHOWS. Totally therapeutic! And served up fresh for evisceration, we have...
Glee- 2 x 12: Silly Love Songs.
First off, I think it will surprise nobody that I think Finn is a GIANT DOUCHEBAG and needs to be exterminated immediately. )
I know, intellectually, that Farscape, like BSG, was one of the 'greats'...it just didn't mean I really enjoyed it? I'm more into fun banter and teamy goodness than constant angst and undermining each other. When half the group hates the other half or doesn't give a damn about them or would sell them out for a profit, it's really not fun.
(and I mean, with s3, the two Crichtons? Props to the show for not pulling the standard sci-fi response of killing one off or hitting the reset button at the end of the ep to return to the status quo, and for developing an actual arc, but...when half the season is about Aeryn and one Crichton, who eventually dies? And another one who can't be with her and it's all wibbly? Yeah, no)
*snuggles you*
When half the group hates the other half or doesn't give a damn about them or would sell them out for a profit, it's really not fun.
YES! Exactly the point I've tried to make to a few people. :/
It's a good show definitely, and very well done, but... that sort of thing with the angst and the chars not caring about each other just detracted from it for me.
I would insert a gif but can't be bothered opening another tab right now. Maybe later.
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