'...and maybe this slow burn treason is better than the crash of a quick rise...'

Jun 11, 2010 12:08

Lol, someone must’ve been drunk-texting because I got the most hilarious threatening message ever. It’s safe to say that I am definitely not the intended recipient. For one, I don’t know a Kaylene. And more importantly, I ain’t never trifled with anyone’s boyfriend!
Cut for profanity )

fringe, emma watson, sword of truth, stupid people, survivor: tocantins

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mcgarrygirl78 June 11 2010, 13:43:13 UTC
I have to stand on the other side of this and say Emma really needs to put on some clothes in the first shot. I'm so tired of seeing half naked teenage girls. And that's what so many of them are, teenage girls. I'm not saying she has to wear a turtleneck, the other shots are lovely, but its just too much. IDK, to each his own but this is just setting a bad precedent....it has been for a while now. Then people want to be shocked and appalled when six year old girls gyrate on stage to songs like "Single Ladies". Its all along the same lines to me.....half-naked doesnt equal beautiful and I know she's of legal age teenagers just shouldnt be sexualized IMO.

Now that I'm climbing off my soapbox.....ANNIE!!!!! *tackles*

I'm so sorry about the ship that's ruining your books...I know that feeling and its not fun. Its also weird because my mother and I were just talking about the cougar vs. older man-younger woman thing. I hate to push the double standard, more than anything, but I stop at like a decade when the woman is older. For me I just feel that men mature a lot slower that woman so what would a woman even want with a much younger man.

Yes, yes, it could be the young body but honestly. that only lasts so long if all he wants to do is drink beers and party. And I know everyone ages different and this is a sweeping general statement but....yeah, my thoughts on the subject. Plus, I've always had a thing for older men ; )


borg_princess June 15 2010, 02:27:23 UTC
Emma really needs to put on some clothes in the first shot. I'm so tired of seeing half naked teenage girls.

*squishes* Well, I may not agree, but I see your point. I slam Miley Cyrus for dressing like a skank and shooting hypersexualized music videos- but then, she’s still a kid in my eyes, whereas Emma’s 20 and at uni and I guess I just think this was a lovely, tasteful shot that didn’t seem exploitative. Or it could be that I have difficulty seeing past my girlcrush to the moral and social issues behind it…

Then people want to be shocked and appalled when six year old girls gyrate on stage to songs like "Single Ladies".

OMG, I read this article about little kids getting waxes! And like, Brazilians, FFS! Just barely pubescent girls should not even know what that is! I mean, wtf, nobody should be seeing their privates anyway, but then I’m just a prude in this world where some 12 year-olds think it’s normal to have sex, so hmm.

Its all along the same lines to me.....half-naked doesnt equal beautiful
I’m ambivalent- on the one hand, I see your point; otoh, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with models in lingerie, so I don’t see the problem here with Emma. *shrugs* Inner conflict! *clutches head*

ANNIE!!!!! *tackles*
*iz tackled to the ground* LMAO. *squishes you tight*

I'm so sorry about the ship that's ruining your books...I know that feeling and its not fun.

*pouts* I’m so sick of the ‘guys and girls can’t be friends’ thing. I’m not the biggest Donna Noble fan, I barely saw any of her episodes, but I liked that for once, with the Doctor, there wasn’t any UST complications, no romantic messiness, just uncomplicated BFF-ness. And I thought that’s what this partnership was like, so…disappointment.

Also, I didn’t seriously ship the chick with anyone, but I kinda had a crack!ship where I paired her with the villain of the piece in my head. I knew it was never going to happen in a million years, but it was fun daydreaming about it, and so it was a blow having her get together with the trusty, boring ol’ best friend. *yawns widely* Compared to the delicious tension and wrongness with the ambiguous!villain, well….it puts me to sleep.

For me I just feel that men mature a lot slower that woman so what would a woman even want with a much younger man.

IKR? *high fives* It’s a generalization, but it’s still applicable in the majority of cases.

Yes, yes, it could be the young body but honestly. that only lasts so long if all he wants to do is drink beers and party.

YES, this! See, I had a bit of a crush on a guy I worked with, during my brief stint in the fish-and-chips industry, but it was doomed from the moment I laid eyes on him. He was a year younger than me and the typical high school kid who went out and got smashed every weekend, a real party animal, and we had nothing in common. *sighs* So I’m glad I was never the clichéd ditz that went all boy-crazy and lost her faculties over a cute guy, because I absolutely hate those chicks on tv and in books, seriously, I just want to smash their heads through a wall, it’s so off-putting. Self-control, ladies, it’s not that hard!

Plus, I've always had a thing for older men ; )

Mmm, oh yes. Not in real life, but fandom. :D My cousin asked me years ago why I had only posters of older men on my wall- like Mulder, Chakotay from Star Trek: Voyager, O’Neill from Stargate…lol. I was 14 and the youngest guy was in his late 30s!


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