'...and maybe this slow burn treason is better than the crash of a quick rise...'

Jun 11, 2010 12:08

Lol, someone must’ve been drunk-texting because I got the most hilarious threatening message ever. It’s safe to say that I am definitely not the intended recipient. For one, I don’t know a Kaylene. And more importantly, I ain’t never trifled with anyone’s boyfriend!


‘Its kaylene. Fucking say you and les fucked again i’ll fucking put your head in i gutter ppl i don’t know have come in sayin you said it. That shit on top of you being nothing but a rude annoying bitch that dresses and acts like a little Fucking slut. I’m over you already let alone ppl saying you and my bf of 7months almost 8 that yous fucked. I’ll put your sluty tiny head through a fucking windscreen cunt’


Ouch, hostile, much? I’ll remember this every time I regret not having more of a social life. ^_^ I texted back telling this chick she got the wrong number and that I hope she sorts out this mess…
Hmm, I hope she doesn’t get the idea that I’m encouraging her to go beat up that slutty frenemy of hers- but hey, what a double standard. Her boyfriend cheats on her and she wants to bash up the chick but the guy that’s actually supposed to be committed to her gets off scot-free? What is with that? I never understood how that works. Why does the guy have less of a duty of care? It’s like saying, ‘Oh, it’s not your fault you succumbed to her whorish wiles, you’re male, you can’t help yourself, but she should’ve kept her legs shut and not enticed you to sleep with her!’ WTF?

Since I have no angst, I shall manufacture some over what most people would consider to be a good thing. If you don't want to pander to my need for pointless whingeing and soothe my ruffled feathers, well, you've been warned. I'm not in the mood for anyone telling me to buck up, life could be worse. I know that my life is pretty swell at the moment, but that doesn't stop me getting irritated about small things, 'kk?

So. *sigh of frustration* My mother has ordered two books for my birthday next month. I really love both series of books and have been lusting after the new books for ages, but now that I’m on the verge of getting my hands on them, something has happened in either case to make me wish we'd never ordered them.

One book was uploaded on a flister's journal as a pdf file. I d/l the file, of course! I opened it...got as far as the cover page and then just stared at the picture before being overwhelmed with guilt and closing it down. I so badly want to read the book right the hell now, but it means that when mother's wrapped it up all pretty for my b'day, that it won't be as special as it should've been, 'coz I've read it before, y'know? So I've got to exercise considerable will-power to keep myself away from that file- for the next month! Gah!

This isn't as big a deal as the second book, though. I still really want to own that first one, it's just the waiting that's killing me. But with the second? MAJOR ISSUE. I’ve read a spoiler that’s harshed my squee.

Two characters I did not want to get together? FRAKKING HOOKED UP. >_<

And I feel so guilty because mother’s paying $40 for this book and where I was happy and squeeful before, now I am all, ‘But they were better as friends! I never wanted it to be more than a platonic relationship! She’s OLDER than him!’

[This is a double-standard with me; I’m cool with the guy being older- obviously, have you seen my header? Do you know who my #1 OTP is?- but I can’t stand it when the chick is]

I really want to cancel that order- especially as the library’s getting the book as well, so I was being selfish in making mother buy it for me when I could’ve read it for free, but I was so confident I’d love it and want to own my own copy, but now…*wibbles* I can’t let her know that it’s disappointed me, because she’s spent all that money on it! Why could I not have read this stupid spoiler last week, BEFORE we ordered it? I HATE YOU, UNIVERSE.

*pouts* I'm trying to spin this. I've calmed down somewhat since I first found out- I'm not kidding you, there were tears of disappointment and frustration involved, because I have always cried way too easily over the most insignificant things. I'm trying to tell myself that the author of the second series has been completely awesome thus far and that if she's developing that relationship into something romantic, it will most likely be handled really well and I'll end up enjoying it as I have everything else she's written.

But- I really liked those characters as friends. *pouts* Don't get me wrong, with all of my ships, I want them to be friends before they become involved in a romance- but the one thing my ships have in common is that all of them started off on at least a semi-antagonistic, if not outright hostile, dynamic. They had to overcome certain issues and work past their differences and come to compromises in order to relate to each other and develop a bond. Bicker/flirt, I love that dynamic when it's done well.

This couple? They started off as friends, there was no drama, they met, they liked each other, they started working as partners, it was all smooth and easy-going, pretty much. And while that's lovely and definitely something I would want for myself in real life, it's not the most intriguing, compelling thing to read about, not for me. I mean, Castle/Beckett is my most amiable ship and even they have oodles of tension and bickering and lashings of angst at times. So yeah, two old buddies becoming more than buddies...*yawns* I hope the rest of the book is above-par to make up for that. *sighs*

The next book is supposed to concentrate more on another main character and her love interest, this is the couple that had tons of verbal sparring and near-hostile yet intermittently affectionate chemistry- I just hope it doesn't take another five years for that one to come out. *wriggles impatiently*

ETA: Okay, one silver lining- I said last year that I'd probably die before I got a chance to read these books. It was said in jest, but I honestly did believe it at the time. I was so messed up in the head, it's not funny, and I really thought I was going to do myself in and that I wouldn't be alive right now. And yet, here I am, a month away from celebrating my 22nd birthday and mother is buying me two books by authors I love. Isn't life great? *nodnod* I am spinning so hard right now, but as Sonya told me, the only one who controls my feelings is me, and if I try hard enough, I can change my way of thinking and thus the way I'm feeling. ^_^ I choose to be happy, damn it!


Vanity Fair interview/shoot:

UNF! *flailyflailfail* If I didn't already have the hugest girl-crush on her...I am utterly mesmerized by the dip at her waist melding into the smooth curve of her hip, GUH. <3 I'm not usually a fan of pink frills, but she totally rocks this look, lookit the epic hawtness! *heart!splodes*

'If I'm honest, I was her,' Emma compares herself and Hermione. 'I was very keen. I was super eager to please and be good...and I was always kind of bossy.'

Lol, I identify with her so hard right now! That was totally me in high school! I was the bright, bossy girl that needed to impress adults in authority and even had my own little trio, complete with a few guys I bossed around. It's funny, I didn't get on with the girls very well- I couldn't get into talk of boys and make-up and all that nonsense- but I had an entourage of guys, lol. I felt more comfortable with them, ordering them around, smacking them when they didn't heed me...*smirks* I had a streak of violence back then.

It's amusing that the casting people were second-guessing casting Emma because 'she was too pretty'. I mean, I find little Hermione totally adorable, but I wouldn't have thought she was so stunning that they had concerns about her suitability!

'You cannot imagine as a nine-year old girl how embarrassing it is even just to hug a boy.' D'aww! I hadn't thought she'd freak out over a simple hug like that! Kissing scenes, totally, but it's just cute thinking of little Emma flailing over the fact that she had to fling herself at Dan, lol.

'She gamely agreed to wear false buck teeth, until Columbus realized they gave her a lisp'. I want to rewatch the first movie to try and spot this now, LMAO.

'Emma never had a crush on Rupert, and instead fell for Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy, and would eagerly check her call sheet every morning to see if they had scenes together'. *gigglesnort* Well, the article does say how she and the two boys were like siblings [which is definitely unlike the books, despite whatever that writer says, seeing as how R/Hr became canon *pouts*] so it'd make sense that she'd crush on the blond bad boy! *squishes her*

On her first frat party: 'I felt like I'd walked into an American teen movie. I picked up the red cups, I was like, "Wow, they really do drink from these"...' Lol! She's like an alien observing human teenage culture for the first time, it's so cute! This reminds me of Make It or Break It, with the Rock girls pumping Emily for info on parties and prom and speculating what it'd be like to be an ordinary girl and attending those funcitons. Privilege has its rewards, but it also deprives them of experiences a lot of people take for granted.

I can't believe her room-mate doesn't know anything about Harry Potter and doesn't care she's a famous star! I would have just combusted with squee if I was told I'd get to room with Emma, ZOMG.

On fretting how she'd adapt to life on-campus: 'I was scared before I came to Brown that I wasn't going to be allowed to have both [a career and a normal life]. People would think I didn't deserve to have both: you're famous. You get free handbags. Why should you deserve to be normal?'

*sighs* Why is it that super-rich and talented stars always want to be normal? If I could get away with going to uni and getting a degree, I totally would, and she wants to just fit in with all the other students. If I didn't admire her so much, I could just hate her, lol. Smart and so level-headed. *envies*

On being normal: 'I think I could imagine it, but I almost wonder whether people would think I'd failed if I did that.' I think that observation is particularly poignant. As disappointed as I am at the notion that she's going to defer acting in order to get an education, I think it's good for her that she values academia and wants to prove herself and get a degree so that she's more well-rounded and knowledgeable.

But if she fades from the limelight, a lot of people would say that she's failed.

Tangent: It reminds me of when Keisha Castle-Hughes got pregnant and all these close-minded, prejudiced people were slamming her for been a teenage mother and saying that she'd made a huge mistake in sacrificing her career for her kid, that she could've done bigger and better things if she hadn't been careless and got knocked up. *eyeroll* She came to fame and success so early, she has the rest of her life to pursue a career, FFS. I hate the garbage they printed about her- imagine her kid reading these articles in the future and wondering if she ruined her mom's life by existing, ugh.

When older women get pregnant, it's a cause for celebration, but thinking logically, the industry is pretty harsh on older actresses, so they'd be the ones risking their career by taking time off to have a kid, right? So I don't know why everyone was bashing Keisha for her choice. *squishes her* [Although...Felicity-Amore, really, that's her daughter's name? *g*]

Anyway, I really hope that Emma's going to be doing some other projects in the near future, I'm selfish enough to want to see her onscreen again sooner rather than later. Screw normal life, be a star!

Fringe finale

But- but- WHYYYY? *rages at writers*
This is such an amazing cliff-hanger on an objective, level-headed perspective, but OMFG, how CRUUUUUEEEEEELLLLL!

I was so relieved that the trio made it back to our side before the season finale, I thought it was going to end with them still stranded there. And then it seemed like it was going to end on a nice, sweet, squishy note- except I got a bad feeling when Olivia wasn’t around at the lab. After the moment they shared on the Other Side- ‘You belong with me’ *heart bursts*- you’d think she and Peter would be inseparable, at least trying to work out where their relationship is at now.

And then she walked into the Other Side Communication Store. *headdeskwallfloor* I still clung to the vain hope that maybe Olivia had gained some intel in a missing scene somewhere and she was just busting their operation and shutting them down…but no, it’s OTHERLIVIA! *iz dead*

And our Olivia is imprisoned and going slowly mad by being shut in a teeny room and undergoing sensory deprivation inflicted on her by Walternate! GAH!

Holy crap, I don’t know how I’m going to wait til season 3. This is just such a terrible cliff-hanger!

Can anyone tell me when the switch happened? I mean, our Liv overpowered Other!Livia in her apartment, because we saw her dying her hair afterwards to infiltrate the Fringe division. I still say it was the height of idiocy to leave her bound in the living room, where anyone could have spied her through the window. Not even gagged! This world has technological advances ours doesn't, maybe there was voice-activated systems that she could trigger to get help! ARGH.

And I'm sure it was her with Peter, becaues all that emotion was real, damn it, I refuse to believe that was just cold manipulation. So...when the explosion happened near the end? Did the blast knock Olivia out or allow the Other!Livia to sneak in and take her place? *confuzzled*


In the absence of LotS, I have returned to reading the Sword of Truth books. And I have to say, I am LMAO, because it's that or cry. While Richard is completely awesome in the books and every inch the hero he's made out to be, Kahlan's characterization is just sooo cringeworthy. *winces* I mean, I read this with Bridget's performance in my head and it totally does not sync up with the book version of her character. Tell me you can picture this happening on the show!

 Kahlan frantically tried to think as the chicken bawk-bawk-bawked. It pecked up the bug she had flicked off her arm. After downing the bug, it turned to look up at her, its head cocking this way, then that, its wattles swinging.

Kahlan eyed the door. She tried to reason how best to get out. Kick the chicken out of the way? Try to frighten it away from the door? Ignore it and try to walk past it?

This thing could fly at her face. Scratch her eyes out. Use its spur to tear open the carotid artery at the side of her neck. Bleed her to death. Who knew how strong it really was, what it might be able to do.

In the dark, the chicken thing let out a low chicken cackle laugh.

It hadn't come from where she expected the chicken to be. It was behind her.

"Please, I mean no harm," she called into the darkness. "I mean no disrespect. I will leave you to your business now, if that's all right with you."

She took another shuffling step toward the door. She moved carefully, slowly, in case the chicken thing was in the way. She didn't want to bump into it and make it angry. She mustn't underestimate it.

She slid a hand along the plastered mud brick, groping blindly for the door. It wasn't there. She felt along the wall in each direction. There was no door.

The chicken thing let out a whispering cackle.

Sniffling back tears of fright, Kahlan turned and pressed her back to the wall. She 'must have gotten confused when she turned around, getting the mouse off her back. She was turned around, that was all.

She heard herself sobbing in panic.

Frantic, she raced for the door. In the dark, she caught the edge of a platform with a hip. Her toes slammed into the brick corner. Burning pain seared her foot. She went down with a crash.

She felt the floor ahead as she inched forward on her belly.

She didn't know where the chicken had gone." She prayed it would go back to pecking at Juni's eyes.

With the next flash of lightning, she saw chicken feet standing between her and the crack under the door.

The thing wasn't more than a foot from her face.

Kahlan slowly moved a trembling hand to her brow to cup it over her eyes. She knew that any instant, the chicken-monster-thing was going to peck her eyes, just like it pecked Juni's eyes. She panted in terror at the mental image of having her eyes pecked out. Of blood running from ragged, hollow sockets.

She would be blind. She would be helpless. She would never again see Richard's gray eyes smiling at her.

A bug wriggled in her hair, trying to free itself from a tangle. Kahlan brushed at it, failing to get it off.

Suddenly, something hit her head. She cried out. The bug was gone. The chicken had pecked it off her head. Her scalp stung from the sharp hit.

"Thank you," she forced herself to say to the chicken. "Thank you very much. I appreciate it."

She shrieked when the beak struck out, hitting her arm. It was a bug. The chicken hadn't pecked at her arm, but had gobbled up a bug.

"Sorry I screamed," she said. Her voice shook. "You startled me, that's all. Thank you again."

The beak struck hard on the top of her head. This time, there was no bug. Kahlan didn't know if the chicken-thing thought there was, or if it meant to peck her head. It stung fiercely.

She moved her hand back to her eyes. "Please, don't do that. It hurts. Please don't peck me."

The beak pinched the vein on the back of her hand over her eyes. The chicken tugged, as if trying to pull a worm from the ground.

It was a command. It wanted her hand away from her eyes.

The beak gave a sharp tug on her skin. There was no mistaking the meaning in that insistent yank. Move the hand, now, it was saying, or you'll be sorry.

If she made it angry, there was no telling what it was capable of doing to her.

She told herself that if it pecked at her eyes, she would have to grab it and try to wring its neck. If she was quick, it could only get in one peck. She would have one eye left. She would have to fight it then.

But only if it went for her eyes.

Her instincts screamed that such action would be the most foolish, dangerous thing she could do. Both the Bird Man and Richard said this was not a chicken. She no longer doubted them. But she might have no choice.

If she started, it would be a fight to the death. She held no illusion as to her chances. Nonetheless, she might be forced to fight it. With her last breath, if need be, as her father had taught her.

The chicken snatched a bigger beakful of her skin along with the vein and twisted. Last warning.

Kahlan carefully moved her trembling hand away. The chicken-thing cackled softly with satisfaction.

Lightning flashed again. She didn't need the light, though. It was only inches away. Close enough to feel its breath.

"Please, don't hurt me?"

Thunder crashed so loud it hurt. The chicken squawked and spun around.

She realized it wasn't thunder, but the door bursting open.

"Kahlan!" It was Richard. "Where are you!"

She sprang to her feet. "Richard! Look out! It's the chicken! It's the chicken!"

Richard grabbed for it. The chicken shot between his legs and out the door.

Kahlan went to throw her arms around him, but he blocked her way as he snatched the bow off the shoulder of one of the hunters standing outside. Before the hunter could shy from the sudden lunge,

Richard had plucked an arrow from the quiver over the man's shoulder. In the next instant the arrow was nocked and the string drawn to cheek.

The chicken dashed madly across the mud, down the passageway. The halting flickers of lightning seemed to freeze the chicken in midstride, each flash revealing it with arresting light, and each flash showing it yet farther away.

With a twang of the bowstring, the arrow zipped away into the night.

Kahlan heard the steel tipped arrow hit with a solid thunk.

In the lightning, she saw the chicken turn to look back at them. The arrow had caught it square in the back of the head. The front half of the arrow protruded from between its parted beak. Blood ran down the shaft, dripping off the arrow's point. It dripped in puddles and matted the bird's hackles.

The night went dark as thunder rolled and boomed. The next flash of lightning showed the chicken sprinting around a corner.

Kahlan followed Richard as he bolted after the fleeing bird. The hunter handed Richard another arrow as they ran. Richard nocked it and put tension on the string, holding it at the ready as they charged around the corner.

All three slowed to a halt. There, in the mud, in the middle of the passageway, lay the bloody arrow. The chicken was nowhere to be seen.


I know I'm being unfair.

This chicken is the manifestation of evil, tremble at the mighty feathered menace! *shudders*

But the way she's written, cowering in fear, trembling in a corner because of a chicken...*facepalm* Richard isn't afraid of the chicken monster, he gets to be calm and efficient, she gets to cry and sniffle and shriek. ARGH. And then when he turns up, she wants to run into his arms so that he can't get a shot off at the chicken. *eyeroll* I hate it when people do that- kill bad thing first, emotional reunion later, damn it!

I will say that the chicken's escape is written particularly well- I totally got a vivid vision of the eerie sight of the arrow through the chicken's head as it sprints away, that was neat. But honestly, Kahlan is such a wimp, it drives me nuts!

This week on Survivor...

Stephen's spectacles spark a fire! But because he's a superhero, he nobly refrained from taking credit. *nodnod* That whole super secret identity thing, y'know? Can't blow his cover!

Unaware of the hero in their midst, Sandy decides to cosy up to JT.

Sandy: Lord, thank you. That’s our boy. He said we’re going to have fire, didn’t ya, honey?

*JT eyes her thoughtfully*

Oh, Sandy. *headdesk* He's totally using you as a beard. Check out the

definition on urbandictionary and get a clue. :P

We all know the true love affair is happening between him and Stephen!

The rise of the RPS: JT/Stephen.

‘I am thrilled to be out here with him,’ Stephen remarks brightly. ‘He might just be seducing me with his pretty country ways, but I’m smitten.’

AWW. Oh, Stephen. If I didn’t already find you utterly adorkable… ‘smitten’. It’s an Elizabeth Weir term! Positive associations of happy Sparky days back when the fandom was a glorious place to live in. *sighs wistfully*

JT goes, ‘We come from different walks of life…but we get along really well, so we have a good friendship.’

Stephen: I’m gonna become the greatest spear fisherman that has ever existed.’
JT: *iz utterly charmed by his endearing determination*

Stephen: I think the fishing trip was successful in cementing my and JT’s friendship and I know that it makes me look like his goofy, awkward right-hand man…but he’s going to want to keep me around longer.'

I LOVE THIS! Speaking as a lackadaisical slacker with no ambition whatsoever, I am perfectly content being at the right-hand of whoever is in power. [That's why I'm the Borg Princess, not the Borg Queen]

I don’t want to be in power and have the responsibility of ruling and trying to maintain my authority from challengers, I’d be happy being the trusted advisor, the companion, and I love that Stephen doesn’t feel like he has to be alpha male or anything irritating like that. *squishes*


Random cap of prettiness. I have a lot of respect for the camera guys.

And little respect for the actual contestants.

Joe: We need some meat, dude. We need some protein…we’re going to eat some termites today.

I wish I could make gifs, but seriously, Joe, take my word for it- this lizard is laughing at your stupid. Maybe I'm anthropomorphizing, but its head bobs up and down as it makes a hissing sound that seems to me a lot like laughter. *shrugs*

Heck, eat the lizard, that’d offer more protein than some measly termites!

Spencer: I’m a teenager and I’m used to having those comfort foods at home, where if I’m hungry I can eat whatever I want, and out here, if I’m hungry, I’m going to have to go out and find something.

Oh, Spencer, honey, trust me- that comfort eating does not end with your teenage years.


Sierra: Day One, my tribe tried to vote me out. I think they all perceive me as the weakest link…

*significant shot of Coach*

And no, sweetie, that’s another show. Your tribe didn’t vote you out for your lack of general knowledge or strategic banking skills, it was because of your lack of vivacious personality and sparkling wit. EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS SUFFERING FROM STREP THROAT, YOU JACKASSES.

I really hope that deer is going back to the rest of its herd to report the sighting of a rare and delicious-looking new meal...nesting on the head of a tall, tattooed douchebag of a human. >:D I want them to surround him as he sleeps and peck and tug all his hair off, mwahahahaa!


Lol at Sierra going to the hot dude for help. ‘Brendan was the one person that didn’t vote for me, so he was the one I trusted the most.’

I get the feeling that Brendan isn’t as into the idea of an alliance as she is. When she mentioned having to use it at their first tribal council, he got all shifty-eyed.

'Your safety is not relevant to my interests...'

I knew this venture was bound to fail as soon as I saw the Ominous Owl Omen of Doom.

[I tried to find a synonym for ‘doom’ beginning with ‘o’, but sadly failed- omg, the owl’s influence spreads through the computer to affect my vocab!]

As much as I’m rooting for Sierra, I gotta say that was dumb. Build the trust, develop the bond- if you make it clear this is all about you, then what’s in it for him? ‘Find me the idol so I can play it to save myself first chance I get!’ is a great appeal to a knight in shining armor but to a fellow Survivor contestant? Not so much.

The reason I am so into Sierra. Look at her body shape, those proportions! *envies* That teensy waist, those curves, those slender arms with no hint of flab…

Busted! Brendan blows at bluffs. Look at him scratching his head, trying to figure out just what exactly he is doing in a giant sand-pit.

‘We’re building a massive fire-pit,’ Sierra claims, quelling blondie’s suspicions with ridiculous ease.

I admire my chicky’s calm ease with prevarication, but I mean, come on. Don’t these people watch the show? Whenever one or two tribe members sneak off and behave in a baffling, sneaky manner- especially involving digging holes in the ground or rooting around bushes and delving into trees- it’s about the frakking immunity idol! Jeez!

He is totally her little bitch, lol. Sierra could’ve gone, ‘We’re playing kinky dungeon games, but since we’re out in the wilds, we have to improvise. I figured I’d make my toy-boy dig a hole and then I’d bury him up to his head and establish my dominance in a suitably haughty and degrading way.’

Oh, Debbie, you are too dumb to believe. ‘We can pretend we’re at the beach somewhere!’ Is she for real? YOU ARE ON A BEACH SOMEWHERE, THE TOCANTINS, TO BE PRECISE.

Still, the upshot of this irritating idiocy is that Brendan praises Sierra for her smarts! *dances*

Candace: I don’t think it makes much sense, I probably won’t go.

*headdesk* YOU NEED TO ASSIMILATE INTO THE TRIBE, OMFG. Alienating them by refusing to participate in group activities, no matter how lame, is a sure-fire way to find your head on the chopping block!

But I laugh at Sierra eye-rolling at Candace for refusing to admire the sham of a fire-pit, like her pride was wounded, when it was just a cover story and not really something she labored over for the tribe’s benefit, lol.


The Portentous Primate of Petty Persecution!

I honestly do not think I have hated anyone as much as I’ve hated Coach on this game. Not even Russell, with his grating misogyny got on my nerves, because at least he had game to back up his pompous act whereas cringeworthy Coach is all censure and condemnation without any commendable characteristics to make it worthwhile putting up with him.

Honestly, acting like his douchebaggery is acceptable because of his occupation! What nerve! I want to pick up that stick and bash his skull in with it, that’s what I want to do. *glares darkly* And then sic those deers on him and command them to yank out all his hair, one strand at a time. >:D

And then he comes and slimes nauseatingly all over her in ‘apology’, which as far as I can tell, is a euphemism for sexual harassment. I mean, look at this guy!

‘I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to kiss you.’

She puts up a hand to fend him off, ‘Stop’ and he grasps it as well.

She actually tries to pull away and he frakking holds onto her with both hands and tugs her back to him.

In the background, Erinn is nauseous! She doesn’t need to be squicked out like this while eating!

And then he tries to force a kiss from her! How she did not slap assault charges on this guy, I do not know.

When I said he slimed on her, I was not exaggerating- he tongues her, omfg. *retches*

I don’t know that you’ll agree with me, woodchoc_magnum, but to me, this is worse than anything Russell ever did. Sure, he denigrated the women but it was mostly behind their back and to the cameras- insulting, yes, even if they didn’t know it at the time, but this guy is overcompensating for his feeling of emasculation by putting the woman in her place through uncomfortably overt sexually charged actions.

Fine, she seems  composed throughout this scene, but she was clearly uneasy with him manhandling her like that and it just gave me really bad vibes.


Taj totally miscalculated by revealing her husband’s identity.

‘Everyone around me is freaking out, I feel like an absolute idiot.’

Aww, it’s okay, I have no clue who he is either- HIGH FIVE, STEPHEN- and I don’t care, but the dude is apparently loaded, so these kids are going to have no compunctions against voting Taj out as they might if she claimed to be a single mother of three kids, struggling to make ends meet.


That’s odd- is Taj actually congratulating Candace? I mean, it looks friendly- wow, good sportsmanship in Survivor, who’da thunk it?

Oh, Sandy. You are crazy but so effective. Look at how effortlessly she restrains Erin, lol. And the soundtrack has subtle undertones of this sorta Texan bronco-bucking melody or something.

‘Hold on to it, Sierra!’ Shut up, Debbie, you’re not participating so you do not get to give orders.


Okay, who the hell’s foot is that?! It’s not Sierra’s, unless she’s a bloody contortionist. It’s not Candice’s or Taj’s, for obvious skin-color reasons. And neither is it Sydney or the other chick’s, because they’re facing the wrong direction… O.o

Seriously, this challenge is just about Survivors rubbing themselves up against other competitors, lol. I find this very suss!

I thought it was funny how slight Sydney was keeping Tyson shackled- but then I realized that he actually had his hands locked around her wrists and was holding her behind him. *kicks him* You could’ve grabbed that ball from Stephen while Sierra was riding his back, damn it! You could’ve shot and won for your tribe, but nooo…

My favorite duo! *squishes* Oh, yes, I'd totally leap onto Stephen and hold on for all I'm worth if I was in your place, Sierra! :P

Wow, Stephen has muscle! You wouldn’t think it to look at him, but there it is!

He breaks free of the Sierra!limpet…lines up, he shoots- he scores!! *shakes pom-poms* Oh, mah bb, he did it! WOOHOO! Representing all of us geeks and does us proud!

See, Stephen, you didn’t need to eat stinkin’ grubs to win your tribe’s approbation! You just needed to score the winning point! *squishes*


Tyson buys into Coach’s BS. ‘Sierra’ probably the one to go; she didn’t make the trek with us at the beginning…’ *head!splodes* Don’t be brainwashed by Coach, damn it!

In case you needed another reason to hate Tyson…

Okay, this is kinda cute. ‘POW’, lol, a play on JalaPAO, I assume? *squishes*

Lol, Brendan was psyched to go to Exile because he wanted a chance to get the idol- dude, you had a clue handed to you for free back at camp, with easy step-by-step instructions and you couldn’t find it! What makes you think Exile would be a cake-walk in comparison?

Taj is really shrill and annoying here. I respect conniving, but subtle skilful conniving, not this brassy, bold, in-your-face kind of string-pulling puts me off. I mean, she whacks him on the butt, FFS.

‘I’m trying to play up the whole friendly act,’ she claims, while pointing to her real secret weapon: the boobs. Oh, yes, one of man’s great weaknesses. *eyeroll*

After all her pestering- 'what does it sayyyy?'/ 'pull it out, let's read it'- he finally gives in.

Brendan: That make any sense?
Taj: Our homelands are where we live.
Brendan: Oh, you’re right.

*facepalm* Then he’s like, ‘At that point, I realized the idol was somewhere back at the tribe camp.’

*head!splodes* I’m sorry, are there two Brendans on this team? One that voted for Sierra and went with Taj to Exile to find clues to the idol, and one that didn’t vote for Sierra and was taken into her confidence and dug a fire-pit in search of the idol? How the hell is he so stupid when he already had the benefit of a clue?! Taj figured it out with common sense, and he’s got more advantages than her but still fails to make the connection!

If he thought there was a second idol hidden on Exile somewhere, I’d get it, but he clearly states that he thought there was one idol at each tribe’s camp, so why would he need the Exile clue to Jalapao’s idol at their camp? And why would he think the clue led to some idol other than the one Sierra was hunting for when he thought the tribes had only one idol each?

‘We have to create a bond,’ declares Taj. *eyeroll*

Have I mentioned how I deplore her lack of subtlety? Look at her, feeling him up!


I see what you mean about Candace’s boobs, woochoc_magnum!

Meanwhile, the heron-like creatures ponder whether they can be bothered chasing after these large, low-hanging fruit. But the wave of negativity emanating from her direction depresses them and they decide it's probably sour anyway, not worth the effort.

Y’know, I’m still pissed at how the tribe justified getting rid of Candace. I feel she was a little annoying, but she had valid points- he sucked at challenge. ‘He didn’t tackle anyone, he didn’t fight to get free.’ Jeff even pointed it out.

‘Coach is really dragging.’

Meanwhile, she scored a point for the tribe, and all he did was just huff and puff in everyone else’s wake- totally not pulling his weight. And for this, she gets eliminated? Debbie Downer makes some exaggerated comment about Candace trash-talking Coach- er, no, she’s just stating the sad truth about his major levels of fail. The double-standard kills me; if Coach doesn’t consider his remarks about Candace to be trash-talk [‘poison apple’, ‘cancer in the team’, etc etc], then her remarks about his incompetence qualifying him to go shouldn’t be considered as outrageous and immoral as he seems to think it. Hypocrite!



Nominated by weird_fin.

1. Hermione Granger- shag.  Er, have you seen who plays her?!  *daydreams*

2. Richard Castle- marry. Rich, charming and thoughtful, he's perfect marriage material. Most guys with his rep and fortune would be arrogant asshats, but he's so considerate and affectionate with the women in his life. *wuvs*

3.Dimitri Belikov- throw off a cliff. Look, I feel horrible about this, but honestly, Richelle has done far worse to him! Can you honestly even compare this trifling mishap to what she inflicted on him?!


My favorite pick for the Australia's Got Talent finale, Alana the harp player. Gorgeous and super talented. *sighs* She was totally robbed just for the father/son competiton, gah! Anyway, thanks to youtube, I can relive her wonderful performance and urge all of you to have a look as well. It's an utterly angelic and flawless performance. *swoons* Plus, the eyecandy factor!

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fringe, emma watson, sword of truth, stupid people, survivor: tocantins

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