Happymaking List of Win.
#1. Found Glee in the mail from odakota_rose. *squishes* Now I'm plotting to get the rest of my family into the show. *cackles evilly* I've just been stroking the pretty cover for the past week; I know it sounds creepy, but it's so shiny and new and squeeful! :D
*happydances* A whole week without him! I am so excited. ^_^
Yes, it sounds cold, but as much as I appreciate what the man has done for me, he's not easy to live with- FFS, he'll seize on any excuse to get angry; too many pens on my table, the tap not aligned at the proper angle over the sink, the curtains not closed at some arbitrary hour...it's gonna be blissful without him around. *sighs happily*
#3. Guess what? I walked into the library foyer and a desk laden with odds-and-ends caught my eye, with the sign declaring 'Free to good home: be quick before they're binned'. I saw a whole pile of junk and was about to walk off when these stopped me in my tracks.
I read these books hundreds of times in high school, and now I have my own copies! *bounces* I just wish they hadn't put those stickers right over their faces, but what the hell. Free X-files books, omgyay!
#4. ‘k, so why is Alexis wearing a ring on her wedding finger?
Is she hiding something from us? Maybe I’m being dumb and she explained it somewhere along the way and I missed it but wow. Either that’s a promise ring from a boy she’s serious about or she’s disregarding the convention that a person can’t wear a ring on that finger without it meaning something. I occasionally wear one of my rings on my wedding finger- heck, I’m never getting married and I’m running out of fingers, so what the hell?
Craptastic List of Fail.
#1. Oh, dear god. I wasn't going to watch SYTYCD Australia, or at least, not the auditions- but mother had it on and called me, just as a contestant auditioned with a song from the Labyrinth soundtrack.
O.o Freaky, no? The week I fall in love with this movie, some crazy fan shows up with a routine to one of the songs...but holy crap, it sucked SO BAD. I was cringing, this chick just totally made me want to throttle her for giving people another reason to laugh at sci-fi/fantasy fans. *glares* Oh, tv gods, just ONE person I needed to rock the routine so that I could delight in the fandom squee, but no, she made me ashamed to admit to loving that song. Ugh.
#2. Mentalist!fail.
Robin Tunney on
the new boss- "It's another woman who's going to flirt with Simon and have power over me...I don't know if that's going to go well. I think there's going to be some jealousy and some power struggles. We're all going to have difficulty with it..."
I don't understand why they're so keen on fixing what ain't broken. I love my happy team dynamics, so wtf with making the workplace an unhappy, tension-filled place to be? I don't need hostile power plays going on, especially since it's between Lisbon and another woman. With Jane and Bosco, well, we always knew that Jane was going to end up better off, but Lisbon? I'm seeing this as another opportunity for the writers to dump crap on her. First they keep making her look dense, in cases and regarding her own team [not knowing about R/vP, are you KIDDING me?] and now they're going to undermine her authority in the CBI, niiice.
And why is it that when shows bring in new recurring characters, they have to make it as rough and choppy a transition as possible? I'm thinking of Jordan on CM, for instance. *stabs her* This new chick isn't a main character, her drama shouldn't eat up screentime when Minelli never got these kinds of plot arcs.
Minelli was so awesome and I always wanted him to get more screentime because he was funny and his banter with the team was hysterical ['If you die in this department, I am responsible. I do all the paperwork...in fact, if he does die for whatever reason, move him to a public area, would you? I'd be very grateful...' *rofl*]. But I guess 'coz he was old and married and didn't have a love interest among the main cast, he didn't deserve to have more of the lines his character deserved. Never mind the gruffly sweet bond he had with Lisbon that I wouldn't have minded being explored a little. *pouts* He had more solid interactions and relationships with the team that should've been developed, but no.
And now this new chick, based solely on her ability to sow chaos amongst the team and come between the main ship as the other woman, is going to have a more prominent role-how frakked up is that?
I'm just sick of women being defined by who they flirt with- it's such a prevailing trend, bring in the new female character and her entire personality is going to be based on the guy she's gonna want to hook up with. Never mind giving her any other personality traits or ambitions and goals or purpose in life. Yes, I'm looking at Bella and Keller, the usual suspects in my rant list, lol.
But I'm also going to refer to characters like Cam on Bones and Jenny on NCIS. Yes, these women may be cooler than the aforementioned chicks because at least they managed to achieve something independent of the menfolk, but any coolness of theirs, I have to struggle to get to because from the writers' POV, they're mainly there to hit on the guys rather than do the job.
Don't get me wrong, I loved Jenny but she was always first and foremost 'the woman Gibbs had an affair with', her whole purpose on the show was as a living, breathing reference to 'a sordid incident in Gibbs' past'. I was so excited at getting a female boss, but they squandered it by making her pant after Gibbs in every conversation instead of actually being professional and focusing on her work. And don't get me started on Cam. I don't even watch the show anymore and I'm still spitting nails over her.
Now we get another female boss who's not about being awesome as a leader but more about wanting to get on intimate terms with the male lead, just swell. It's never going to go anywhere, it's just going to piss off shippers, and I don't understand why the writers want to go down that path. *iz uber-frustrated*
Yes, I know I'm judging it before even seeing what they're going to do with this plot arc. But after the way the writers resolved the R/vP UST and the Bosco thing...I've lost a lot of faith in them. It's getting way too desperate.
#3. Vampire Diaries- WHY IS THIS SHOW SO STUPID?
Stefan: I have to kill him.
Elena: No, you can't.
Stefan: Why are you trying to protect him? He's never going to change!
Elena: I'm not trying to save him, I'm trying to save you. You have no idea what this will do to you.
Stefan: Everwhere that I go, pain and death follow. Damon follows me. No more.
Elena: Stefan, please, jsut let me be here for you, talk to me.
Stefan: No, you were right to stay away from me. *storms off*
I just- I cannot express the rage and loathing I feel, and I don't know why I torture myself by watching random eps of this show. I suppose it's because I can't believe how AWFUL it is and it baffles me that this undeserving crap is on tv when other more worthy series are canceled. I mean, WTF. TWILIGHT makes more sense to me, compared to this trash!
So, Damon kills Stefan's oldest friend. [Literally, they've been friends for over a century]
That's the last straw for Stefan, who decides he NOW MUST KILLS HIS BROTHER. Only after he killed heaps of people, I mean, it's not like there was any real reason to take drastic measures before- blood ties count for more than his hefty body count, right?
Good for you, Stefan! I'm cheering him on. Dumbass took his time to decide to execute justice but at least it's gonna get done.
Yeah, right, I kenw it was never going to happen, but I figured Damon would do something wicked cool to save his ass- instead, Elena intervenes with the most wtf!dialogue ever.
'Nooo! Don't kill him! The guilt will eat you up alive! It will be a heavy weight on your immortal soul, poor woobie-kins, you can't cope with feeling the despair of having killed your own brother, despite the fact that this will ensure the safety of mankind in general. I know he kills heaps of people, but it's not fair for you to bear the burden of putting him down, even if you are the only one capable of saving everyone in this town. Look, I know I have my family and friends to think of, but I'd rather you be a wuss and just throw a tantrum at him for murdering yet another person rather than man up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS PSYCHO BEFORE HE CONTINUES HIS KILLING SPREE.'
*headdeskwallfloor* I just- it doesn't- what a stupid, brainless ditz she is. So if Damon comes up to kill her, I guess she'll still insist that Stefan back off and not save her because it'll be too much to cope with?
She wants to hold him, for him to confide his hurt and anger, to heal his wounded heart...while the sadistic psychopath is out there, plotting to kill more people. AND THIS IS THE HEROINE OF THE SHOW?! O. M. G. *brain!splodes*
#4. The Border.
Does anyone watch it?
I really loved Kessler and Bianca. And their relationship progressed further than I ever expected- to the point where her departure prompted an emotional farewell, complete with hug and forehead-kiss. *sniffles pitifully*
'This might be the second best country in the world. And there were things about it that I was really starting to like...'
Their banter involved dissing each other's countries and be smugly patriotic of their own. So cute! These two went from hostile stand-offs to easy flirtatious conversations to emotional intimacy that made me want to cry because it came too late. *whimpers and crumples into a ball of misery*
30 Day Meme: snurched from labrt2004.
Day 04 → Your favourite book.
Tough call, there are a lot of books I love. But for the one that combines all the elements that I most adore into one amazing book, I'll say Ilona Andrews- On the Edge. Seriously, all the things I love to see in my heroine, all the squeeful aspects I enjoy seeing in my ship...it has it all. *dances* You should all read this book, it's made of epic win.
I do love the Kate Daniels books, but this one's romance/fantasy, so I got to feel like I'm reading something more intellectual than my usual trashy romances but still with Rose rocking the feisty banter and reluctant UST and badassery and culminating in a happy fluffy ending. :D
Tagged by woodchoc_magnum.
Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day award". If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own. So if your name was chosen... come on down! You're the next contestant on the make my day meme!
No particular order:
So I lied. It was in alphabetical order. :P
And 'coz I'm a rule-breaker...
woodchoc_magnum- I don't care if you're not supposed to name your tagger. :P
But in case I offend the meme gods, let's just say you make my week, hon. *hugglesquish*
Don't mean I have no love for the rest of you guys, but the meme only lets me pick ten... *points the finger of blame, then hastily retracts hand*
Will does Bollywood! Funniest scene ever! Oh, dude, never embarrass yourself like this ever again...
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