Tagged by justhere1971.
Things that make me happy or thankful…
Since this thing apparently has no rhyme or reason, I’m playing around with it a little. My fandoms bring me a lot of joy and pleasure, so I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane and revisit the very first tv character I fangirled. [‘Tv’ is an important distinction- according to my family, Ariel was my first obsession but I was like, 3, so it doesn’t count]
Xena had a very powerful influence on the girls at my primary school. She was a strong independent female character who frequently kicked ass and saved innocent lives and had grand adventures. What wasn’t to admire?
[Yeah, okay, so it got stupid towards the end…well, more like the last two seasons were putrid on the whole, with very very few redeeming eps in between, but let’s put that aside]
The important thing was, Xena proved that girls were just as good as guys. Better, even. Hercules himself could barely defeat her in combat, and that was after half her army beat up on her. That gave us something to crow about, heh.
Hercules was too good to be true, always sauntering around and doing the right thing; she had flaws and a dark edge to her, yet she consistently fought to overcome her past and find redemption by helping others, despite the distrust and fear and hatred she faced. No matter how hard it was, she kept working at changing who she was and to become a better person. Important lessons there.
The show also taught us the importance of friendship. Xena always did whatever it took to save Gabrielle from the mess she’d embroiled herself in, even if meant risking her own life and soul. Gabrielle, annoying as she could be, never gave up on Xena, and although their relationship suffered at various intervals [the Hope fiasco is an obvious example], she eventually reaffirmed her faith and love for Xena.
I was also a shipper before I ever knew what the term meant. The day after Prometheus aired, all of us girls were squeeing over how romantic it all was and sighing over how perfect Herc and Xena were together and creating our own AU where the two of them went off adventuring together. *sighs* Good times. I miss the fun we had sharing our love for this show together, picking apart the episodes, play-acting sword fights with convenient tree branches and all that. This is the only show where I had that sort of RL group bonding over a show [now I have LJ to fill the void].
In a non-fandom-related topic, I have to say I’m grateful my Psych lecturer allowed me to hand in my essay late. I wasn’t really paying attention to my summer units after the crappiness of second semester exams, and it turned out I had missed out on a compulsory assessment task, without which I automatically failed. I don’t get credit for what I ended up handing in, of course, but it was lucky I was allowed to do it at all and thus ‘stay alive’ in the unit, as he put it. He didn’t have to grant me such mercy, and I really can’t afford to mess up this early, so I’m glad that worked out.