Randomness once more:
snurched from justhere1971
Your result for What Planet are You From? Test...
You are from the Moon!
Okay, yes, I know the moon is not a planet.
The moon, is, however, the Earth’s only natural satellite and the fifth largest natural satellite in our solar system. For this reason alone it could be that it has life on it, right? Yes, there have been many explorations to prove otherwise, but for many years people on Earth believed that the moon was inhabited. It is also the only celestial body that man has stepped upon.
There are a dozen gods and goddesses associated with the moon. The word Lunar, which relates to the moon’s cycle, is from the Latin word Lunar. One of the reasons that people tend to associate a female deity with the moon might be related to the female menstrual cycle. With that said, it’s is definitely time to move along before I get myself in trouble.
What does this say about you?
You desire contact with the world around you. You have a loving and nurturing nature, but you can suffer from mood changes and go through cycles. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in or to even stand up for the little guy that tends to get beat up on or forgotten. You probably even tend to put other people before yourself.
As a child of the moon you have a cold and warm side. When someone wrongs you it better be something they never do again. You may forgive them once, but you will never forget and a second time can cut them totally out of your life. You can be the life of the party, but only if it suits you. You are just as happy finding a few people that you can talk to and more than likely there are very few people that you can’t talk to.
You probably usually have a smile on your face and make people feel comfortable with you. You are just one of those people that others open up to and then wonder why.
So, moon child, in a way you are just like the tide. You ebb and flow in life and you like it best when you are in control.
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HelloQuizzy Hee, mood swings are definitely my province. I’ll swing between despair and elation ten times before lunch on a daily basis.
And while I tend to be a good listener and people do open up to me, I’m not so sure about the life of the party thing. Depends what kinda party, I guess. If it’s a convention of sci-fi geeks, totally, if it’s a bunch of people in a bar, drinking and dancing, I’m the wallflower doing her best to melt into the background and counting the minutes til I can escape, lol.
Oh, and for anyone who ever wondered what the distinction was between nerds, dorks and geeks... I am now enlightened.
Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...
Computer Savant
26 % Nerd, 78% Geek, 74% Dork
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Geek and Dork, earning you the title of: Computer Savant.
People confuse you with a Nerd all of the time. You aren't some genius, like some people have said, and didn't/don't really like school all that much (and you especially hated some of the social aspects, like getting mocked). It's just that you have some passions and interests that you're extremely into/good at, and this has placed you in circles with other social outcasts, some of whom are exceptionally bright.
The awesome thing about being where you are is that you get to hang out with an elite group (though you'd probably rather be alone, or with only the closest friends and family) and you can make quite a good career for yourself in your particular specialities. Common to this group are people who are highly into electronics/computers as that is where the money lies, today.
Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test at
HelloQuizzy Heh, what an over-achiever I am, half-geek, half-dork. Go me!
And that thing's insightful. I was never a nerd/genius in high school but everyone persisted in labelling me as such anyway. Imagine how much neater and simpler everything would've been if this quiz had been around to facilitate the categorizing of the student body!