TV: Mother asked me to find a Xena ep that she could show her class, since they’re studying Greek monsters, but for a show based (at least initially) on Greek mythology, it surprisingly has like, ZERO Greek monsters. While there are references to famous figures in Greek myth, no monsters! Can you believe it? I had to go d/l a couple Hercules
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And I think with Regina, she's feeling like she's being pushed aside by the rich parents. They're trying to make all these decisions for Daphne--decisions that she once considered--and not including her. They're also not including her in decisions they make for Bay. I loved her speech; I teared up a little, actually! But I do think her resistance to the idea was a little strong, especially considering Daphne is interested in considering the cochlear implants and it should be her decision to make. She's the one who's deaf.
I love Bay! I never understood the Bay-hate! I think she's a fantastic character! I also love Emmett! Daphne isn't my favorite, but I do agree about the actress. She's gorgeous!
Well, thanks to this show, I will def not be thinking like that anymore.
Aww, you and I are so different! I wasn't that sympathetic to Regina 'coz I thought she overreacted, like when Daphne was interested in the idea of the implant and she was all 'NO, YOU CAN'T, AND THAT'S FINAL'. I mean, it's Daphne's life, jeez, it should be her decision.
Although I understand maybe she was a bit panicky at the thought that her daughter was into the idea 'coz of her birth mother and trying to conform to her wishes instead of doing what was best for herself. And when emotion enters the picture, not many of us are at our best. But yeah, I was kinda not that keen on her character after that.
I actually teared up at the ending, when the bio-mom (god, I need to learn people's names!) came and signed a few phrases and then asked for help to learn more. Just. GUH. *heart!splodes* The two women in that scene, omg! One being all uncertain and embarrassed that she'd messed up, the other all overcome by emotion and so thrilled and grabbing her in a hug! :D :D :D LOVE.
Oh, I'm glad you also love Bay! That was the one consistent thing I saw, that everyone was so down on Bay and I think she's fabulous. I just wanna squish her. ♥
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