Apr 05, 2010 23:38
Random things that have happened in life.
Parents coming down tomorrow, bringing dog. Chaos will undoubtedly ensue.
Did taxes, decent refund which will go to my retirement.
Best dreams since ever Friday night. I really, really, really did not want to wake up. And I really, really, really wish there was some way to record and replay your dreams.
Discovered the most awesomely tasty chicken faux taco dish that is basically beef taco seasoning, chunks of chicken, diced red onion, cheezwhiz, and my fave fresh salsa all mixed together.
Rediscovered my love of the music of Portishead and discovered the awesome music of Bitter:Sweet, which I will be exploring more later.
Discovered the dead tree in my front yard makes a great pell as well as a source of fire wood.
I've found that I absolutely loathe the "new and improved" Youtube. The damn thing takes forever to load its side bar so you think you're clicking a link for one video, but NO, it just loaded something that made everything shift so you ended up clicking the link for something else. It also likes crashing the latest version of IE on the new computer at work.
Been writing a lot more recently. Amazingly, no poetry. I think that muse got used up in college, but I got published during that phase so no real complaints.
Excited about the new Resident Evil movie. Very happy to see that Ali Larter is reprising her role and that there appear to be multiple Alices working together. Exceedingly happy to see that they seem to have decided NOT to go with the fuzz filter on Milla Jovovich's face this time around. HIGHLY disappointed it is going to be in 3D. Hopefully both options will be available locally. Talk about something that deserves an IMAX release. But nooooo, this year it's all about 3D.
Absolutely obsessed with Legend of the Seeker. Although, I went back and rewatched an ep from season 1 and browsed some promo pics from season 1 and can't reconcile my dislike of that show with my love of the show it is in season 2.
Family Guy has finally created an episode I have no intent to watch a second time. Never thought it would happen.
I have decided. When I get a dog, its name will be Lares.