'The very thought of how fangirls achieved squee before the internet confuzzles me to no end...'

Dec 15, 2010 14:42

Marguerite: A gentleman’s duty is to believe what a lady tells him.

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Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 08:29:57 UTC
Group: *flees*
Cave: *explodes*
All: *duck*

That scene makes me giggle. The explosion's gonna happen any second, it's like, TAKE COVER! And Roxton? Pulls down his hat a little, all, 'The hat is all the cover I need! It has magic powers, yo!'

Ned: If you weren't too busy holding hands with Roxton [he bats his eyelashes and singsongs this, and I crack up.]


I love my ship, okay, I'd never sacrifice their scenes for anything but I am wistful at the need for more scenes like this because HEE! Marguerite mocks him all the time and it's awesome that two eps in a row, he makes her sputter and fume as he ribs her about Roxton.

PS. Omg, the dvds were just SITTING THERE? HOW ARE YOU SO LUCKY?! I can't believe you didn't even have to order them!

Lol, yes, generally the less parents know the better. [Though I hope your parents never see this comment, they'll never trust any of your online friends, ha]

And ohnoes, I hope your computer access is restored soon, I can just imagine the separation anxiety. *roars with you*

PPS. London Calling breaks my heart a little. That shippy scene where he tells her that she's the object of value he's returning with and she pushes him away...*sighs* It's so realistic and it hurts me.

Though I was LMAO because the most hilarious and unrealistic part of that scene was Ned nearly walking in, making this 'ohhh, crap, intimate moment, backing away sloooowly now' because it was cute and also, the one time that Momentus Interruptus does not occur in this show is during a dream of Ned's...what does that say?! Frustrated shipper, lol. I have so much more love for him now.

Just randomly, I feel so bad for pseudo!Marguerite when she realizes she's lost her gems on the beach. I mean, I KNOW it's not her, but still. And she is incredibly beautiful at that moment. Okay, she's always beautiful, but drenched and disheveled, it is still so evident. And yay for more dressing up! I so enjoy dress up scenes...


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 27 2009, 09:28:30 UTC
'The hat is all the cover I need! It has magic powers, yo!'

Hm.. You know, this theory bears checking into. Usually Roxton minus his hat means some sort of epic danger is unfolding *snort*

Ned and Marguerite's scenes are so sibling-ish sometimes. I love it. She gets to tease him about stuff all the time, so whenever the tables get turned it's lots of fun. And just thinking about that scene is going to make me start giggling again, I think.

PS. I know! I'm still so very gleeful about it. Only a few more hours and hopefully the shiny will be miiiiine. And then there will be squee and flail and general happiness. *nods* I have it all planned out, you see.

Ohhh no. They don't see this stuff, I make very sure of that.

I haven't had to actually let him get the computer yet, and I'm hoping if I avoid mentioning it he'll forget, it's happened a bunch of times before. Moya's all I've got, I really don't want him poking around on her. I do miss all my stuff though, it's not the same switching around flash drives when I want to get to stuff.

PPS. *nods* When I saw the teaser where Ned was the one that found the way off, I was going "Okay, this must be Ned having a dream" and I was fairly sure of that through the episode. The M/R scene where she pushed him away like that actually made me think for a little while that maybe it actually was real, kind of threw me off because it was so very them. *sads*

But Ned's face was priceless at the same time. Huh, I missed that, but you're right. They didn't get interrupted then! This definitely confirms the Ned = shipper thing, methinks. Just as long as he doesn't start writing fanfic for them, because that WOULD be weird.

Re: the beach scene, I'm planning on downloading that episode again and making a few caps since I can't seem to find them for S2, and I really want an icon of that. How is it possible to be gorgeous when one is both angsting and washed up on a beach? The rules of logic say this should not be possible and yet it is...

*loooves the dressup*
Especially since there weren't any wigs.
C'mon, you knew I was gonna say that at some point.


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 27 2009, 10:17:31 UTC
Ha, I make a random observation and suddenly we haz a theory! The hat is a powerful talisman but sadly, it does not protect him from jungle tarts. *woes*

You're making me want to do a Ned/Marguerite scene now, damn it. *clutches head* The fics have much ship but there is little in the way of friendship scenes. :{

You know, I only just realized today that my cousin's nickname, Netty? Is totally pronounced as 'Neddy'. After we saw London Calling yesterday, I'm enjoying imitating Veronica imitating Gladys in a high-pitched tone now. >:D It irks her, mwahaha.

PS. I'm happy you're happy! The thought of your being deprived of season 3... *shudders* New shinies FTW. FLAIL, BB, FLAIL! :D

I'm hoping if I avoid mentioning it he'll forget, it's happened a bunch of times before.

Lol, avoidance is my favorite tactic with the parents. I've managed to put off getting my L's for a year or so now. *smirks* Unfortunately, I think I'm being pinned down for it next month. *sighs*

PPS. You are so smart. I thought it was unfair Ned got to be such a hero but I didn't realize it was a dream sequence until they actually got back to London and then I knew there was just no way. I thought it was real all the way up til that scene where he was delivering his speech at the Zoological Society.

I really really enjoyed the penultimate scene, where he realizes 'Something's wrong, I did everything...I'm part of a team, a family.' Because it's so realistic in the sense that in our fantasies, of course we're the awesomest ever and people fall at our feet and it all falls so neatly into place, which is why I didn't get too offended at his attitude to V, because in a fantasy, you are the god of your universe and everything works according to your will so nobody can get offended or hurt.

But it was so heartwarming when he puts the pieces together and suddenly the rest of the team are there, backing him up, rescuing him and V. Awww!

The M/R scene where she pushed him away like that actually made me think for a little while that maybe it actually was real, kind of threw me off because it was so very them. *sads*

I really appreciate his writing skills in this ep. I kinda dismissed him before, but this is so spot-on. I love the idea of M and R reading that...bwahaha!

Huh, I missed that, but you're right. They didn't get interrupted then!

Yay, I'm glad you like that! I realized it at 2am in the morning and it was such an epiphany I made a memo in my phone so that I wouldn't forget this v. v important fact.

Just as long as he doesn't start writing fanfic for them, because that WOULD be weird.

There's this fic where Marguerite essentially writes a fanfic/fairy tale about them all and it's so cool. I'm sure rec'd it to you...it was The Stillness by dinodachsies, I think...

I really want an icon of that. How is it possible to be gorgeous when one is both angsting and washed up on a beach? The rules of logic say this should not be possible and yet it is...

*dances goofily* AWESOME. I need an icon of that. :D I usually have an issue with using icons of not!Marguerites, like, I adore the clone romance but I won't use icons of the alternate!M and R because it's not my ship, but this Marguerite is an exception to my rule for she is far too amazingly gorgeous.

Especially since there weren't any wigs.

*smirks at own icon*
Come on, you knew I'd inflict it on you... :P

Btw, I'm at the cousins' house right now. The adults have taken Ma out to dinner so I'm with the kids and they kindly let me use the internet. I'm being antisocial, heh, and 'tis awesome. *hopes adults take longer*


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 28 2009, 08:52:57 UTC
The hat is a powerful talisman but sadly, it does not protect him from jungle tarts.

Exactly. That's where Marguerite comes in. :P Hat!magic is only so powerful.

*dances* plot bunnies! I've been told I'm good at those.

Neddy! Okay, the thing about Gladys, is that half her lines in that episode seem to be, "OH NEDDY!" and "NEDDY YOU DON'T NEED THE TERRIBLE JUNGLE" and "NEDDDDDDYYYYY". Seriously. The woman gets on nerves I didn't know I had. Ned, what were you thinking? Otoh, it was worth it just for when they went all "It's the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiife" at the end and woke them up.

PPS. You are so smart. I thought it was unfair Ned got to be such a hero but I didn't realize it was a dream sequence until they actually got back to London and then I knew there was just no way.

*hug* But I'm not quite that smart, the giveaway for me was when Challenger in the cave was all gleeful and praising Ned over it. It seemed like one of those dreams where everything works just the way you want it to at first.

I was a bit grumpy at him over the way he treated V in the dream, but you raise a good point there, in dreams like that, everybody thinks you're awesome. And while V looked decidedly unhappy about it, I wasn't quite waiting for him to notice. A) Because he's a guy, and guys can be oblivious, B) Because he's Ned, who must've wrote the book [no pun intended] on being oblivious. xD

Yes! I remember The Stillness. It was an awesome, awesome story. Definitely a favorite. I loved that she had to write the story to stay awake, and the way it worked out in the end was sweet.

but this Marguerite is an exception to my rule for she is far too amazingly gorgeous.

I agree with this 100% I keep making these random notes when she shows up looking awesome despite whatever disaster/impending crisis is going on.

Come on, you knew I'd inflict it on you...

Friends don't let friends wear powdered wigs. :P


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 30 2009, 02:18:48 UTC
Hat!magic is only so powerful.

I'm getting weird HP/TLW images, lol, what with this magic hats abounding. Someone actually wrote a fic where Marguerite had been invited to Hogwarts but declined, and then she and Hermione bicker over a spell. *giggles* And I do believe the kids end up match-making. Cracky, even by TLW standards...

The woman gets on nerves I didn't know I had. Ned, what were you thinking?

What men always think about? :P She's really pretty? Come on...

Heh, I love how it's okay for women to pay them out like that but if a dude dares to be mocking/condescending, it's war. But I guess we're making up for centuries of inequality, so suck it, boys.

Otoh, it was worth it just for when they went all "It's the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiife" at the end

I thought at first that somehow the others had entered the dream but then it turned out it was his dream representations of them again. I didn't mind, it was such a cool ending. The writers did really well on this one, the way he slowly began to believe what Veronica was saying and how it was resolved, and although I was pissed at Malone taking the lead, it was such an interesting alternate take on our characters; I definitely prefer his dream!M-and-R here than in The Knife. *eyeroll*

Though- you know, they never really explained why he went and risked his life on some crazy Zanga ritual...

But I'm not quite that smart, the giveaway for me was when Challenger in the cave was all gleeful and praising Ned over it.

That was suss in hind-sight. I feel so gullible.

I was a bit grumpy at him over the way he treated V in the dream, but you raise a good point there, in dreams like that, everybody thinks you're awesome.

Contrast Ned here with Challenger in Absolute Power. The worst Ned did was be condescending to V, while Challenger ended up killing her and Summerlee. Okay, so Challenger had powerful abilities upfront, while Ned was unaware of his ability to control his dream, so it's not exactly the same, but still.

I wasn't quite waiting for him to notice. A) Because he's a guy, and guys can be oblivious, B) Because he's Ned, who must've wrote the book [no pun intended] on being oblivious. xD

Heh. Oblivious!Ned. Remember him and V at the end of Amazons? 'Serving his purpose?' That was a good moment. He fell for it so bad. *g* M's influence rubbing off on her, ha. I like that ep purely because the women actually get along like friends!

I loved that she had to write the story to stay awake, and the way it worked out in the end was sweet.

I am a sucker for fics where Marguerite's in pain and forced to battle through it for the good of another person, and then the rest of the treehouse gang go all wide-eyed, like, 'Oh, hey, maybe she's more compassionate and virtuous than we thought, wow!'

Friends don't let friends wear powdered wigs. :P

*snorts* Challenger did his best to rectify that. But I do think it's odd that Roxton and Malone went that far- you're drenched from a storm and you want to don a wig? Dry clothes, I get, but...? And I love that all it took to break the enchantment was to rip the clothes. I still don't get why Marguerite whacked him, but I love that moment. ♥ He's been shot and killed before, but he looks so hurt and astounded here, heh.


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose March 31 2009, 09:37:01 UTC
Someone actually wrote a fic where Marguerite had been invited to Hogwarts but declined, and then she and Hermione bicker over a spell. *giggles* And I do believe the kids end up match-making.

You know, I like crack, but that might well be too cracky even for me...

But I guess we're making up for centuries of inequality, so suck it, boys.

I really like this explanation, just so you know :P Also, I kinda feel the need to pull a Tina Fey and shout "Suck it, nerds!" now.

I thought at first that somehow the others had entered the dream but then it turned out it was his dream representations of them again. I didn't mind, it was such a cool ending.

I totally must've missed something there, I thought for sure that it was all of them trying to bring him out of it at the end. This calls for a rewatch! I'm not even going to bother trying to sound annoyed by the idea, I can't pull that off even jokingly, apparently. Unless we're talking about an ep like Blood Lust or something, in which case I might be rather annoyed. I was listening to a Farscape commentary though once, and Ben Browder was passing along some advice he'd once received about how, every season, a show will have two really great episodes, two really bad ones, and the rest will be in the middle. I'm not sure the middle part applies to TLW, but the rest is fairly applicable. XD

The worst Ned did was be condescending to V, while Challenger ended up killing her and Summerlee.

Good point there. Despite the fact that Ned honestly didn't know at first, it was a whole lot better than the killing people and random freaky powers and such.

M's influence rubbing off on her, ha. I like that ep purely because the women actually get along like friends!

*g* Yes! And I really like this, because they had to work together a lot all through that episode, there were a couple of cool moments, and plus, Veronica learned something about dealing with guys. ;D

'Oh, hey, maybe she's more compassionate and virtuous than we thought, wow!'

*nods* I'm with you on that, though now and then I have to resist the urge to thwack them all. I mean honestly, back in the beginning before they really knew her, I can understand the surprise, but not so much when it's way off down the line.

But I do think it's odd that Roxton and Malone went that far- you're drenched from a storm and you want to don a wig? Dry clothes, I get, but...?

But it makes sense in a weird sort of way, remember how they weren't really possessed until they put the clothes on, so some sort of spell or hallucinogenic chemical or whatever was on them. Once they put one piece of the outfits on, not knowing what they were, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to get taken over by it and automatically put all the others on. Challenger didn't put the robe on at first, just carried it until he could figure things out. Plus, didn't he leave his suit and stuff on under it? Maybe it had to do with the amount of skin in contact with it? *shrug* Idk.

Honestly, half this stuff can be explained by the writers wanting to literally do cliches.


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess March 31 2009, 23:13:04 UTC
I totally must've missed something there, I thought for sure that it was all of them trying to bring him out of it at the end.

Okay, well, I may be wrong but that was my impression because:

- Veronica had to be induced into a trance in order to go into his dream world, and I didn't see any evidence of a ritual taking place with the others.
- there was the whole 'omg, she might never recover!' deal. I don't think the Zanga dude would've just sent the rest of them to their likely deaths as well, he was being all doom-and-gloom, 'It's too late'...
- and even if he was willing to enable a last-ditch rescue effort, all they did was hold hands, it didn't look like they were going spirit-walking or nothing.

IDK. When I think about it, it's possible they were in the dream, but...hmm.

I'm not even going to bother trying to sound annoyed by the idea, I can't pull that off even jokingly, apparently. Unless we're talking about an ep like Blood Lust or something, in which case I might be rather annoyed.

Blood Lust *head!splodes* Yeahhh. I rewatch the tent scene occasionally, but there's no way I could sit through the whole thing, especially not the scenes of him and vampire chick. Gah.

I do like how concerned and caring Marguerite is the whole way through the ep, though. Sometimes I think she takes shameless advantage of him, getting him to run around doing things for her, but it's not like she's forcing him to fetch for her and she more than makes up for it with these protective moments where she defends him from himself.

And ha, the woman doesn't carry a grudge! 'I never thought I'd say this but I don't want to shoot you!' *g*

a show will have two really great episodes, two really bad ones

Season 1:
Great- Paradise Found and Prophecy.
Bad- BL and Unnatural Selection.

Season 2:
Great - Divine Right and A Man of Vision.
[I was surprised at how much I loved DR when I rewatched it! It doesn't immediately spring to mind as a favorite, but aww! And also, Not many women would formulate a plot to marry off the man she so clearly has feelings for to another woman. *snorts*]

Bad - Tourist Season and Under Pressure.

Season 3:
Great- The Secret and Tapestry.
[I know Trapped should figure on here, but it's a little too emotional for me to rewatch as often as the others]

Bad- A Witch's Calling and The Imposters

Once they put one piece of the outfits on, not knowing what they were, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to get taken over by it and automatically put all the others on... Maybe it had to do with the amount of skin in contact with it? *shrug* Idk.

Ahh, that makes- some sense. It's a full time job, explaining these plot holes, lol.

Challenger had a good idea what was going on, so he was naturally more suspicious and resistant, the others- yeah, I can see how they might slowly be swayed by the enchantment to put on a bit, then a bit more of the outfit til they were fully taken over at last. Marguerite was actually the easiest to forgive- she just put on the necklace, after all!


Though I'm disappointed Roxton wasn't the one ripping off Marguerite's clothes. *pouts* It was mainly Challenger!


Re: I call nitpicking rights. odakota_rose April 4 2009, 06:18:55 UTC
You make some good points about that scene in London Calling. And on a purely silly note, it cracked me up when they suddenly turned up in their jungle gear, in the middle of Hyde Park, facing off against a t-rex. Cracky brilliance. Almost as good as V turning up in her jungle skimp outfit at the ball.

Blood Lust -
I do like how concerned and caring Marguerite is the whole way through the ep, though. Sometimes I think she takes shameless advantage of him, getting him to run around doing things for her, but it's not like she's forcing him to fetch for her and she more than makes up for it with these protective moments where she defends him from himself.

You know, with this episode, I liked those moments where she was trying to protect him even more than the tent scene almost, just because you could see right away that there was something wrong with him.

And ha, the woman doesn't carry a grudge! 'I never thought I'd say this but I don't want to shoot you!' *g*

That was my favorite moment of the entire episode. And that same sentiment keeps growing throughout, popping up in several different episodes. She keeps putting herself in danger rather than letting him get hurt or killed, obviously Prophecy is a lovely season one example, but there's a bunch of others too. And honestly, just thinking of that episode makes me slightly flaily.

It's a full time job, explaining these plot holes, lol.

Word. But hey, it gives us something really intriguing to do with our free time ;D
And I'm kinda liking it actually, brainstorming explanations for how this stuff works.

Though I'm disappointed Roxton wasn't the one ripping off Marguerite's clothes. *pouts*

Dude, think of the banter that would ensue! I feel cheated that we didn't get to see this.


Re: I call nitpicking rights. borg_princess April 6 2009, 03:18:45 UTC
I really do love London Calling. I actually only watched it once and then stayed away from it because I didn't like how MY SHIP DIED, but when I rewatched it- knowing how it turns out okay, staying calm and enjoying the moment more because I knew it worked out- I ended up falling for it much harder. Same with Skin Deep.

You ever seen Blood Ties? There was this scene where the vampire was sent into a 'blood lust' and the woman was tied to a chair right in front of him. Sadly, there was no whumpage but the angst and drama of that scene just made me flail. I kinda want to reinfect Roxton- WITHOUT CALISTA, KTHXBAI- and replay this. >:D

Yes, I'm a little twisted, what of it?

Prophecy. *sighs dreamily* 'See you in the great safari in the sky'. Lol. She has the best euphemisms for the afterlife. 'Where's Kirin?'/'Gone to a warmer climate'. Hehehe. ^_^

But hey, it gives us something really intriguing to do with our free time ;D
And I'm kinda liking it actually, brainstorming explanations for how this stuff works.

*squishes* I wouldn't trade these plotholes for all the rational explanations in the world. I may snark at the show but I'd be sad if I didn't have these things to mull over with you. :D

*grumbles darkly* Yeah, which writer was the idiot that said, 'Hey, guys, wouldn't it be hysterical if CHALLENGER got Marguerite out of her clothes before Roxton?!' And poor Roxton gets slapped...I can't get over that, it makes no sense but his expression...


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