This makes me really wish I was more dedicated to writing because the connection between the Plateau and Ancients could be retconned into canon, lol.
*giggles* I'm coming to the conclusion that all tv shows share their actors. It's the only way to explain why people keep popping up like this. Okay, then we need to come up with an explanation for this, because I'm curious. And because Rodney meeting Challenger would be just my kind of hilarious crack. Imagine the arguments! Get thee to explaining! :P
A good point about entertainment reflecting the fears of society, by the way. It's very true that people often make tv reflect the things that are going on. Sadly, it influences popular perception and perpetuates more sterotypes than it has any right to. *grumbles*
Bloody writers that don't have any insight into the characters. *grumbles* They have to be possessed or drugged to be like that, for frak's sake!
AGREE. I don't even know these characters very well and it bugs me, how do YOU survive it?
True I suppose. The intro does start to amuse me after a while. I'm like 'We know who they are, I promise! I do not have alzheimers, dimentia, or short term memory loss. NOW GET TO THE SHOW!'
OMG, I think this is the last comment I have to reply to! *flails* Make with the marathoning, girl, I need fodder for conversation! :P
And because Rodney meeting Challenger would be just my kind of hilarious crack. Imagine the arguments! Get thee to explaining! :P
Sorry, bb, but if, IF I do this fic, I'm afraid it's going to concentrate mainly on M/R and Sparky. I find it hard enough to write the characters I love and worship, let alone sideline pplz, you know?
Just a random thing I've been puzzling over- do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang? I'm always a little pissed off at how they show off with 'primitive cultures', because Stargate doesn't have a Prime Directive, but I guess in the Pegasus galaxy, since the Wraith are everywhere and super advanced compared to the colonies they cull, it's not really a concern because people can't help but know about aliens and spaceships and stuff. But I'm not sure whether Shep'd be all, 'Look, we have a jumper and cool alien gadgets!' or if it'd be 'let's keep this on the down-low for the moment'. Hmm. Anyway.
Sadly, it influences popular perception and perpetuates more sterotypes than it has any right to.
Dude, that's totally like that DW ep, with the alien blob thingy that was controlling the news satellite and manipulating their broadcasts to reshape humanity. I thought that was such a cool concept. I mean, you make up an enemy or exaggerate a threat and make the population terrified about imminent death and suddenly, you can get all these laws passed and dubious measures implemented that would've been unthinkable before.
I don't even know these characters very well and it bugs me, how do YOU survive it?
I try to tell myself that at least they tried, and it's not like I've posted anything myself. But then I think that I have the good sense to know what is crap and should not be exposed to the outside world, so then I end up bouncing off walls with anger and disgust.
I'm like 'We know who they are, I promise! I do not have alzheimers, dimentia, or short term memory loss. NOW GET TO THE SHOW!'
*giggles* Quick question, in Birthright did Marguerite say, "Don't worry about me, Gunga Den can fend for herself." I wasn't sure if I was hearing it right or not, and either way I cracked up, but seriously. ♥
And this: "What good is honor to you if you're too dead to enjoy it?" That quote needs to be my new motto, because at times I get just a wee bit too hung up on being good. *facepalm*
"If it means anything, I'm proud of you."/"Thank you. It doesn't."
PS, the ending with the banter and Marguerite and Roxton being flirty and throwing a towel, lol.
I'm thinking of doing some text icons of some of the quotes, whatcha think? Any requests?
Sorry, bb, but if, IF I do this fic, I'm afraid it's going to concentrate mainly on M/R and Sparky.
*smirky* Erm, you don't seriously think I'm gonna complain about this, right? That's kind of a reason for flailing right there. And my mind has gone to it's happy place at the thought of John and... John in the same room. Can we say 'eye candy?' ;P
do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang?
You know, it's a good question, I want to think they'd be a little more quiet about it because they'd be on earth and the time/space continuum shouldn't be ruptured or inevitable doom will follow, etc. Except I can only imagine they'd start using blasters and cloaks and such the very moment they ran into a t-rex. *ponders*
Dude, that's totally like that DW ep, with the alien blob thingy that was controlling the news satellite
Sadly, I feel the need to ask: which alien blob thingy? There were many. The nestene?
you make up an enemy or exaggerate a threat and make the population terrified about imminent death
...that's what living in America for the past eight years has been like. *eyeroll*
*squishes* Have I said thank you again? Thank you.
Okay, she does indeed say that but...*wibbles* I don't understand! I googled it and it doesn't make any sense! [If it's the Gunga Din from the Rudyard Kipling poem, that is]
What good is honor to you if you're too dead to enjoy it?" That quote needs to be my new motto, because at times I get just a wee bit too hung up on being good.
I love that quote! Although I'm concerned at the implication that you're actually facing life-and-death situations. In any case, learn from Marguerite the Flexibly Principled! BE BAAAAAD. /enabling. :P
You know, I really didn't like that ep, in fact, I kinda hated it at first because I was despairing at Marguerite getting played. *woes* She's the player, damn it, wtf, writers?! But zomg, that ENDING. In one of santacrux's reviews, she said something to the effect that TLW wouldn't be as enjoyable without these epilogues, after the adventure is done, when they're all winding down, trading stories, just chilling. That final scene makes the ep for me, like, I swung to totally liking it. :D
I'm thinking of doing some text icons of some of the quotes, whatcha think? Any requests?
*glees* That's a brilliant idea! I'm not much with the witty-making, the icons I made had actual or paraphrased quotes from eps. There's such rich source material to plunder I figured why not be lazy? :P
I'll get back to you with any requests when I can- since the parents are cracking down on me having fun at all in this lifetime, I might have to wait til the weekend to get some quotes.
And my mind has gone to it's happy place at the thought of John and... John in the same room. Can we say 'eye candy?' ;P
IKR?! Like, my two most favorite guys co-existing. *happy sighs*
do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang?
I want to think they'd be a little more quiet about it because they'd be on earth and the time/space continuum shouldn't be ruptured or inevitable doom will follow, etc.
Oh, like they'd alter the course of the timeline and such, per Moebius? And like, Continuum, lol. I hadn't even thought of timeline implications. Which is another knotty problem- whenever these sorts of eps happen [UGH, TOURIST SEASON, OMG THE HORROR], there's always got to be a reason why they can't get off the Plateau. If they knew Shep and co had a jumper, like, what possible reason could there be not to ferry everyone off, right? *ponders* This is so hard...
I'm irritated at myself for being so erratic- I've got about 5000 words, but it's not in order. It's supposed to vary between SGA and TLW for four chapters before the fandom collision, but I skipped to the second and fourth chapters because TLW owns me right now, and then rather than start at the beginning with SGA, I began to do the fandom collision chapter. Silly brain. *pouts*
Except I can only imagine they'd start using blasters and cloaks and such the very moment they ran into a t-rex.
Too true. Ronon would have the most awesome time hunting dinosaurs! Aw, crap, I'm going to have to go study dinosaurs, learn some actual names now, aren't I? I hate having to study for fics. *sighs*
Sadly, I feel the need to ask: which alien blob thingy? There were many. The nestene?
The jaga-ma-something-ish. Hmm. This calls for a copy-and-paste.
The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe from The Long Game.
That thing, lol. And you know, people keep panning TLW's SFX, despite it being from the 90s, and yet DW has pretty awful SFX itself. So. Hmph, I say.
...that's what living in America for the past eight years has been like. *eyeroll*
DW is so relevant! We should study it in Sociology! Heck, I'm going to work out how I can insert it into my assignment, lol.
*squishes* Have I said thank you again? Thank you.
*preens* I'm happy you're happy! You deserve it though, I mean, LJ is literally the only place I can escape to from the crappiness of RL where my parents can't interfere, and you are totally making my life better, so. You're welcome. *huggles* :D
PS. Can you tell how much I love this icon? I try to vary them in my comments, but I can't stop using it...
Hm. I feel that this is some vague reference to something that I should understand, but sadly I don't know what. Maybe I'll ask my brother, he knows all sorts of weird trivial bits.
Although I'm concerned at the implication that you're actually facing life-and-death situations. In any case, learn from Marguerite the Flexibly Principled! BE BAAAAAD.
Well, not usually. That is to say, it's pretty rare. My life is vanilla except for the randomly unexpected times when it isn't. And this comment gives me the giggles.
As much as I wasn't crazy about Marguerite getting played, I think it was a good character moment. I'm just trying to figure out why, at the moment. And the epilogue made the episode, definitely. Otherwise it was kind of 'meh'.
*hugs you tight* One of these days I'm going to kidnap you, alright? Just giving you fair warning so you can pack a bag ahead of time. :P
If they knew Shep and co had a jumper, like, what possible reason could there be not to ferry everyone off, right?
Okay, maybe they had already met them in the future and were trying to go back for a return visit and somebody messed up when they landed? Kinda like how the Doctor never lands when he's supposed to? Except that wouldn't work unless they had a time-ship.. Ou! Solar flares as they go through the stargate. That's so well-known that it's almost a cliche by this point, though.
You know it's totally alright to jump around as you write. It's normal, I think. Sometimes a certain part of the story is just more clear than another, so write that first and fill in the blanks later.
*squishes* I can try and find a dinosaur site for you if you want? I had a dino phase when I was younger and I'm sure I can figure out something...
OHYEAH... The Jagrafess, I can't believe I forgot about them. Evil dudes. And you should totally figure out a way of inserting DW into Sociology. It definitely works. The scifi genre is indeed apparently a metaphor. *nods*
and you are totally making my life better, so. You're welcome.
You're totally a better friend than I deserve, I'm happy if I can do something to make your life a little better, so... there. ♥
PS. Yes, I am starting to realize you like it. *happy dance* Note to self: more Marguerite icons.
I asked my mother and grandmother- apart from recognizing the name and mentioning a movie, they had no wisdom to impart. :[
And this comment gives me the giggles.
Hmm, maybe we're both funnier than we give ourselves credit for? Because you make me laugh and you claim not to be a witty person, and same here, so... it's not us, it's the rest of the world that's the problem, we're underappreciated!
As much as I wasn't crazy about Marguerite getting played, I think it was a good character moment. I'm just trying to figure out why, at the moment.
Hmm, well, she put Challenger in his place when she was convincing the men to accompany her.
'Gold - glory we’re all driven by something... o do whatever it takes to convince yourself you’re being noble; we leave in an hour.'
That was fun. They all delude themselves that they're better than her and I like the rare moments when she stops them lying to themselves, even if it isn't permanent.
One of these days I'm going to kidnap you, alright? Just giving you fair warning so you can pack a bag ahead of time. :P
*squishes* What a lovely thought! :D I shall indeed pack a bag, 'in case of kidnapping', lol. *sings* Take me away, a million miiiles away from here...
Yah, if there's a good dino site you can recommend, that'd be good. I can see Shep as going through the dino phase as a kid and because they'd be seeing this for the first time, I can't just say, 'they encountered raptors', I should probably have a bit more detail, lol. ALTHOUGH in The Siege, apparently Team Shep was being pursued by a T-rex, which was suppposed to come chasing after them into the gate room! Only they didn't have enough money in the budget. *woes*
You're totally a better friend than I deserve
Oh, no, you deserve me! *squishes*
Note to self: more Marguerite icons.
Um. Yes? Was there ever any doubt? I mean, if you went and did a whole batch of Ned/Veronica icons, I'd just die from disappointment, so...definitely with the Marguerite!focus, 'kk? ^_^
it's not us, it's the rest of the world that's the problem, we're underappreciated!
I like this idea! It means the rest of the world should bow to our superior funny skills! *nods*
They all delude themselves that they're better than her and I like the rare moments when she stops them lying to themselves, even if it isn't permanent.
Yes! Because everybody has a motivation for what they do, and sometimes we like to think of a certain motivation as more noble or whatever. *shrug*
I shall indeed pack a bag, 'in case of kidnapping', lol.
Excellent. Now will it be less conspicuous if there's a poof of smoke and you vanish from the tennis court or... wait, don't answer that. :P
I really wish we would've gotten to see John Sheppard running from dinosaurs. That would have been pretty much priceless. Here's one that looks pretty good: DinoDictionary, I found the link for it here, and they seem to have a couple other nice sites to be found.
And no. While Ned and Veronica are occasionally amusing, yet often slightly vexing, I've got no great desire to icon them. Except maybe the scene where V punched N in Prophecy, simply because it made me laugh and Ned kinda deserved it for constantly going all caveman on her.
Random plotty stuffborg_princessMarch 11 2009, 01:03:39 UTC
Ha, I was reading your speculation and going, 'Bwah-?' I kinda forget that we don't really share a brain because we're always on the same page, and so on rare occasions, even though logically I know you couldn't possibly know something, I'm all confuzzled that you're not aware of it, regardless. *facepalm*
This is all sketchy and subject to editing, but the basic idea is that Shep unconsciously activates an Ancient device that opens a pathway to the Plateau. At first, I was wondering WHY the Plateau, out of all the possible alternate realities, and then it hit me- maybe it wasn't an accident, maybe it was deliberate. There was passage between the universes before and he found the key.
That's when I got all meta-y and thought, well, the Ori are basically BAD Ancients, right? They were one race that splintered off into a different sect due to their beliefs. So I thought maybe the Line of the Protectors/Line of Mordred conflict is just another variation on the Ori/Ancient conflict. Just because we've only heard of the Ori and the Alterans doesn't preclude other sects of ascended beings from existing, right?
Have you ever read Diane Duane's books? The central idea is that good and evil battle over each new species. Rather than TPTB directly confronting each other, because the universe would be destroyed and all, they work through the native population of each planet and allow them to choose a path for themselves, with evil tempting them to do the wrong thing, of course. So that's the idea here, why we don't have actual Ancient-y types wandering around, why the confrontation is between humans instead of the ascended beings.
Anyway, this is all idle speculation for why that device brought them to the Plateau, I don't think most of this is going to be referenced in the fic, I'm just trying to clarify the details in my own head. I freely admit the only reason I brought the Ancient/Ori parallel in was because I thought it'd be cool if Marguerite could operate their technology, heh. Like I said, I don't know if most of this will end up in the fic, but it's an interesting line of thought I'm pursuing.
Btw, do you think *cringes* I can send a bit of it to you? I normally can't stand the idea of beta'ing; although I'm happy to beta for others, I don't like the idea of submitting something for criticism- my fragile ego, lol- but you're a great writer and I think I'd be be able to handle hearing some home truths about the thing from you.
Re: Random plotty stuffodakota_roseMarch 12 2009, 00:44:10 UTC
I kinda forget that we don't really share a brain because we're always on the same page, and so on rare occasions, even though logically I know you couldn't possibly know something, I'm all confuzzled that you're not aware of it, regardless
Yeees... That is slightly a problem. Don't feel too bad about it though, it took me a minute to realize earlier that you didn't just magically know my thoughts on the episodes unless I actually said something.
Just because we've only heard of the Ori and the Alterans doesn't preclude other sects of ascended beings from existing, right?
Exactly. Also, I'm really liking this concept. And I kinda watched Resurrection under the giggling assumption that Osric was an evil half-ascended dude kind of like Anubis was. [It was Anubis, right?]
I haven't read Diane Duane's books, though now I definitely want to, so *mental note: check library*. I think I get where you're going with that so far, I like it. *nodnod*
And hey, it's good to have all this stuff worked out in your head, then you have mental canon to work off of and can throw in little vague references to at times. It's good stuff. And Marguerite/ancient technology may be my new OTP. Think of the dialogue if she was trying to fly a jumper! *g*
*huggles* Sure, I'd love to have a peek! Also, I think that a) you're an awesome writer [need I remind you that I used to stalk your Sparky fics?] and b) I'm trying to be a good writer. :P
Re: Random plotty stuffborg_princessMarch 12 2009, 02:04:27 UTC
it took me a minute to realize earlier that you didn't just magically know my thoughts on the episodes unless I actually said something.
LMAO. That's way too hilarious, so I'm not the only one making this mistake. And yes, while I wish I could magically tune into your brain's frequency and share in your responses to the eps, you gotta actually type your thoughts down, lol.
It was indeed Anubis and that is a great parallel. I'll have to remember that when I rewatch it. [Boy, the Ancients pissed me off- they keep frakking up and refusing to fix their mistakes. Letting Anubis return with his powers? EPIC FAIL.]
You should so read Diane Duane. My cousins tried and gave it up as too...complex, but that's what I love! It's this incredible blend of sci-fi/fantasy! I love technobabble so even though I don't get it, I'm content to let it wash over me. The characters are young- like, Idk, 11 or 12, but they're so mature!
Sent you a bitty bit, so yeah. Have a look. And thank you for the encouragement, although I didn't think my fics were that awesome. I'm not being modest- I know they were better than a lot of the crap out there, but there are definitely writers better than I am, lol.
*giggles* I'm coming to the conclusion that all tv shows share their actors. It's the only way to explain why people keep popping up like this. Okay, then we need to come up with an explanation for this, because I'm curious. And because Rodney meeting Challenger would be just my kind of hilarious crack. Imagine the arguments!
Get thee to explaining! :P
A good point about entertainment reflecting the fears of society, by the way. It's very true that people often make tv reflect the things that are going on. Sadly, it influences popular perception and perpetuates more sterotypes than it has any right to. *grumbles*
Bloody writers that don't have any insight into the characters. *grumbles* They have to be possessed or drugged to be like that, for frak's sake!
AGREE. I don't even know these characters very well and it bugs me, how do YOU survive it?
True I suppose. The intro does start to amuse me after a while. I'm like 'We know who they are, I promise! I do not have alzheimers, dimentia, or short term memory loss. NOW GET TO THE SHOW!'
And yes, I want recs :D
It can't be any stranger than mine!
*g* If you say so...
And because Rodney meeting Challenger would be just my kind of hilarious crack. Imagine the arguments!
Get thee to explaining! :P
Sorry, bb, but if, IF I do this fic, I'm afraid it's going to concentrate mainly on M/R and Sparky. I find it hard enough to write the characters I love and worship, let alone sideline pplz, you know?
Just a random thing I've been puzzling over- do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang? I'm always a little pissed off at how they show off with 'primitive cultures', because Stargate doesn't have a Prime Directive, but I guess in the Pegasus galaxy, since the Wraith are everywhere and super advanced compared to the colonies they cull, it's not really a concern because people can't help but know about aliens and spaceships and stuff. But I'm not sure whether Shep'd be all, 'Look, we have a jumper and cool alien gadgets!' or if it'd be 'let's keep this on the down-low for the moment'. Hmm. Anyway.
Sadly, it influences popular perception and perpetuates more sterotypes than it has any right to.
Dude, that's totally like that DW ep, with the alien blob thingy that was controlling the news satellite and manipulating their broadcasts to reshape humanity. I thought that was such a cool concept. I mean, you make up an enemy or exaggerate a threat and make the population terrified about imminent death and suddenly, you can get all these laws passed and dubious measures implemented that would've been unthinkable before.
I don't even know these characters very well and it bugs me, how do YOU survive it?
I try to tell myself that at least they tried, and it's not like I've posted anything myself. But then I think that I have the good sense to know what is crap and should not be exposed to the outside world, so then I end up bouncing off walls with anger and disgust.
I'm like 'We know who they are, I promise! I do not have alzheimers, dimentia, or short term memory loss. NOW GET TO THE SHOW!'
AHAHA! ♥ I love that!
And this: "What good is honor to you if you're too dead to enjoy it?" That quote needs to be my new motto, because at times I get just a wee bit too hung up on being good. *facepalm*
"If it means anything, I'm proud of you."/"Thank you. It doesn't."
PS, the ending with the banter and Marguerite and Roxton being flirty and throwing a towel, lol.
I'm thinking of doing some text icons of some of the quotes, whatcha think? Any requests?
Sorry, bb, but if, IF I do this fic, I'm afraid it's going to concentrate mainly on M/R and Sparky.
*smirky* Erm, you don't seriously think I'm gonna complain about this, right? That's kind of a reason for flailing right there. And my mind has gone to it's happy place at the thought of John and... John in the same room. Can we say 'eye candy?' ;P
do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang?
You know, it's a good question, I want to think they'd be a little more quiet about it because they'd be on earth and the time/space continuum shouldn't be ruptured or inevitable doom will follow, etc. Except I can only imagine they'd start using blasters and cloaks and such the very moment they ran into a t-rex. *ponders*
Dude, that's totally like that DW ep, with the alien blob thingy that was controlling the news satellite
Sadly, I feel the need to ask: which alien blob thingy? There were many. The nestene?
you make up an enemy or exaggerate a threat and make the population terrified about imminent death
...that's what living in America for the past eight years has been like. *eyeroll*
*squishes* Have I said thank you again? Thank you.
What good is honor to you if you're too dead to enjoy it?" That quote needs to be my new motto, because at times I get just a wee bit too hung up on being good.
I love that quote! Although I'm concerned at the implication that you're actually facing life-and-death situations. In any case, learn from Marguerite the Flexibly Principled! BE BAAAAAD. /enabling. :P
You know, I really didn't like that ep, in fact, I kinda hated it at first because I was despairing at Marguerite getting played. *woes* She's the player, damn it, wtf, writers?! But zomg, that ENDING. In one of santacrux's reviews, she said something to the effect that TLW wouldn't be as enjoyable without these epilogues, after the adventure is done, when they're all winding down, trading stories, just chilling. That final scene makes the ep for me, like, I swung to totally liking it. :D
I'm thinking of doing some text icons of some of the quotes, whatcha think? Any requests?
*glees* That's a brilliant idea! I'm not much with the witty-making, the icons I made had actual or paraphrased quotes from eps. There's such rich source material to plunder I figured why not be lazy? :P
I'll get back to you with any requests when I can- since the parents are cracking down on me having fun at all in this lifetime, I might have to wait til the weekend to get some quotes.
And my mind has gone to it's happy place at the thought of John and... John in the same room. Can we say 'eye candy?' ;P
IKR?! Like, my two most favorite guys co-existing. *happy sighs*
do you think Team Sparky would show off all their cool Ancient tech to the Treehouse gang?
I want to think they'd be a little more quiet about it because they'd be on earth and the time/space continuum shouldn't be ruptured or inevitable doom will follow, etc.
Oh, like they'd alter the course of the timeline and such, per Moebius? And like, Continuum, lol. I hadn't even thought of timeline implications. Which is another knotty problem- whenever these sorts of eps happen [UGH, TOURIST SEASON, OMG THE HORROR], there's always got to be a reason why they can't get off the Plateau. If they knew Shep and co had a jumper, like, what possible reason could there be not to ferry everyone off, right? *ponders* This is so hard...
I'm irritated at myself for being so erratic- I've got about 5000 words, but it's not in order. It's supposed to vary between SGA and TLW for four chapters before the fandom collision, but I skipped to the second and fourth chapters because TLW owns me right now, and then rather than start at the beginning with SGA, I began to do the fandom collision chapter. Silly brain. *pouts*
Except I can only imagine they'd start using blasters and cloaks and such the very moment they ran into a t-rex.
Too true. Ronon would have the most awesome time hunting dinosaurs! Aw, crap, I'm going to have to go study dinosaurs, learn some actual names now, aren't I? I hate having to study for fics. *sighs*
Sadly, I feel the need to ask: which alien blob thingy? There were many. The nestene?
The jaga-ma-something-ish. Hmm. This calls for a copy-and-paste.
The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe from The Long Game.
That thing, lol. And you know, people keep panning TLW's SFX, despite it being from the 90s, and yet DW has pretty awful SFX itself. So. Hmph, I say.
...that's what living in America for the past eight years has been like. *eyeroll*
DW is so relevant! We should study it in Sociology! Heck, I'm going to work out how I can insert it into my assignment, lol.
*squishes* Have I said thank you again? Thank you.
*preens* I'm happy you're happy! You deserve it though, I mean, LJ is literally the only place I can escape to from the crappiness of RL where my parents can't interfere, and you are totally making my life better, so. You're welcome. *huggles* :D
PS. Can you tell how much I love this icon? I try to vary them in my comments, but I can't stop using it...
Although I'm concerned at the implication that you're actually facing life-and-death situations. In any case, learn from Marguerite the Flexibly Principled! BE BAAAAAD.
Well, not usually. That is to say, it's pretty rare. My life is vanilla except for the randomly unexpected times when it isn't. And this comment gives me the giggles.
As much as I wasn't crazy about Marguerite getting played, I think it was a good character moment. I'm just trying to figure out why, at the moment. And the epilogue made the episode, definitely. Otherwise it was kind of 'meh'.
*hugs you tight* One of these days I'm going to kidnap you, alright? Just giving you fair warning so you can pack a bag ahead of time. :P
If they knew Shep and co had a jumper, like, what possible reason could there be not to ferry everyone off, right?
Okay, maybe they had already met them in the future and were trying to go back for a return visit and somebody messed up when they landed? Kinda like how the Doctor never lands when he's supposed to? Except that wouldn't work unless they had a time-ship.. Ou! Solar flares as they go through the stargate. That's so well-known that it's almost a cliche by this point, though.
You know it's totally alright to jump around as you write. It's normal, I think. Sometimes a certain part of the story is just more clear than another, so write that first and fill in the blanks later.
*squishes* I can try and find a dinosaur site for you if you want? I had a dino phase when I was younger and I'm sure I can figure out something...
OHYEAH... The Jagrafess, I can't believe I forgot about them. Evil dudes. And you should totally figure out a way of inserting DW into Sociology. It definitely works. The scifi genre is indeed apparently a metaphor. *nods*
and you are totally making my life better, so. You're welcome.
You're totally a better friend than I deserve, I'm happy if I can do something to make your life a little better, so... there. ♥
PS. Yes, I am starting to realize you like it. *happy dance* Note to self: more Marguerite icons.
And this comment gives me the giggles.
Hmm, maybe we're both funnier than we give ourselves credit for? Because you make me laugh and you claim not to be a witty person, and same here, so... it's not us, it's the rest of the world that's the problem, we're underappreciated!
As much as I wasn't crazy about Marguerite getting played, I think it was a good character moment. I'm just trying to figure out why, at the moment.
Hmm, well, she put Challenger in his place when she was convincing the men to accompany her.
'Gold - glory we’re all driven by something... o do whatever it takes to convince yourself you’re being noble; we leave in an hour.'
That was fun. They all delude themselves that they're better than her and I like the rare moments when she stops them lying to themselves, even if it isn't permanent.
One of these days I'm going to kidnap you, alright? Just giving you fair warning so you can pack a bag ahead of time. :P
*squishes* What a lovely thought! :D I shall indeed pack a bag, 'in case of kidnapping', lol. *sings* Take me away, a million miiiles away from here...
Yah, if there's a good dino site you can recommend, that'd be good. I can see Shep as going through the dino phase as a kid and because they'd be seeing this for the first time, I can't just say, 'they encountered raptors', I should probably have a bit more detail, lol. ALTHOUGH in The Siege, apparently Team Shep was being pursued by a T-rex, which was suppposed to come chasing after them into the gate room! Only they didn't have enough money in the budget. *woes*
You're totally a better friend than I deserve
Oh, no, you deserve me! *squishes*
Note to self: more Marguerite icons.
Um. Yes? Was there ever any doubt? I mean, if you went and did a whole batch of Ned/Veronica icons, I'd just die from disappointment, so...definitely with the Marguerite!focus, 'kk? ^_^
I like this idea! It means the rest of the world should bow to our superior funny skills! *nods*
They all delude themselves that they're better than her and I like the rare moments when she stops them lying to themselves, even if it isn't permanent.
Yes! Because everybody has a motivation for what they do, and sometimes we like to think of a certain motivation as more noble or whatever. *shrug*
I shall indeed pack a bag, 'in case of kidnapping', lol.
Excellent. Now will it be less conspicuous if there's a poof of smoke and you vanish from the tennis court or... wait, don't answer that. :P
I really wish we would've gotten to see John Sheppard running from dinosaurs. That would have been pretty much priceless.
Here's one that looks pretty good: DinoDictionary, I found the link for it here, and they seem to have a couple other nice sites to be found.
And no. While Ned and Veronica are occasionally amusing, yet often slightly vexing, I've got no great desire to icon them. Except maybe the scene where V punched N in Prophecy, simply because it made me laugh and Ned kinda deserved it for constantly going all caveman on her.
This is all sketchy and subject to editing, but the basic idea is that Shep unconsciously activates an Ancient device that opens a pathway to the Plateau. At first, I was wondering WHY the Plateau, out of all the possible alternate realities, and then it hit me- maybe it wasn't an accident, maybe it was deliberate. There was passage between the universes before and he found the key.
That's when I got all meta-y and thought, well, the Ori are basically BAD Ancients, right? They were one race that splintered off into a different sect due to their beliefs. So I thought maybe the Line of the Protectors/Line of Mordred conflict is just another variation on the Ori/Ancient conflict. Just because we've only heard of the Ori and the Alterans doesn't preclude other sects of ascended beings from existing, right?
Have you ever read Diane Duane's books? The central idea is that good and evil battle over each new species. Rather than TPTB directly confronting each other, because the universe would be destroyed and all, they work through the native population of each planet and allow them to choose a path for themselves, with evil tempting them to do the wrong thing, of course. So that's the idea here, why we don't have actual Ancient-y types wandering around, why the confrontation is between humans instead of the ascended beings.
Anyway, this is all idle speculation for why that device brought them to the Plateau, I don't think most of this is going to be referenced in the fic, I'm just trying to clarify the details in my own head. I freely admit the only reason I brought the Ancient/Ori parallel in was because I thought it'd be cool if Marguerite could operate their technology, heh. Like I said, I don't know if most of this will end up in the fic, but it's an interesting line of thought I'm pursuing.
Btw, do you think *cringes* I can send a bit of it to you? I normally can't stand the idea of beta'ing; although I'm happy to beta for others, I don't like the idea of submitting something for criticism- my fragile ego, lol- but you're a great writer and I think I'd be be able to handle hearing some home truths about the thing from you.
Yeees... That is slightly a problem. Don't feel too bad about it though, it took me a minute to realize earlier that you didn't just magically know my thoughts on the episodes unless I actually said something.
Just because we've only heard of the Ori and the Alterans doesn't preclude other sects of ascended beings from existing, right?
Exactly. Also, I'm really liking this concept. And I kinda watched Resurrection under the giggling assumption that Osric was an evil half-ascended dude kind of like Anubis was. [It was Anubis, right?]
I haven't read Diane Duane's books, though now I definitely want to, so *mental note: check library*. I think I get where you're going with that so far, I like it. *nodnod*
And hey, it's good to have all this stuff worked out in your head, then you have mental canon to work off of and can throw in little vague references to at times. It's good stuff. And Marguerite/ancient technology may be my new OTP. Think of the dialogue if she was trying to fly a jumper! *g*
*huggles* Sure, I'd love to have a peek! Also, I think that a) you're an awesome writer [need I remind you that I used to stalk your Sparky fics?] and b) I'm trying to be a good writer. :P
LMAO. That's way too hilarious, so I'm not the only one making this mistake. And yes, while I wish I could magically tune into your brain's frequency and share in your responses to the eps, you gotta actually type your thoughts down, lol.
It was indeed Anubis and that is a great parallel. I'll have to remember that when I rewatch it. [Boy, the Ancients pissed me off- they keep frakking up and refusing to fix their mistakes. Letting Anubis return with his powers? EPIC FAIL.]
You should so read Diane Duane. My cousins tried and gave it up as too...complex, but that's what I love! It's this incredible blend of sci-fi/fantasy! I love technobabble so even though I don't get it, I'm content to let it wash over me. The characters are young- like, Idk, 11 or 12, but they're so mature!
Sent you a bitty bit, so yeah. Have a look. And thank you for the encouragement, although I didn't think my fics were that awesome. I'm not being modest- I know they were better than a lot of the crap out there, but there are definitely writers better than I am, lol.
Well if we're gonna be cylons I should just be able to project them, am I right? :P
[Boy, the Ancients pissed me off- they keep frakking up and refusing to fix their mistakes. Letting Anubis return with his powers? EPIC FAIL.]
You'd think they could at least fix that. Fat lot of good they are for all the self-righteous glowiness. The Asgard were at least somewhat helpful.
I'll check out that series though! It sounds pretty cool to me, and technobabble = ♥
Sent you an email back. Stop worrying about other writers, girl. There's always somebody better at something, just focus on doing your best.
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