So, August the 18th was my birthday. Since the extended family had a big birthday bash the Saturday before, I decided to basically have a birthday week. And I must say that, with the exception of a certain issue of a certain weekly comic by a certain comic company killing off a certain favorite character of mine, it was the best birthday week ever, which is weird because 17's usually such an ignored age. It's just, like, the indefinite period between the Amazing 16 and the Amazing 18.
I finally found the unhealthy obsession that my mom's side of the family is only TOO happy to induldge me in! :D With Transformers, my aunt believed that, as a then-16-year-old, I was too old to be interested in toys. Comics loving, however, should be encouraged at all costs! In short, my aunt had heard about my undying love of Booster Gold from my sister, and BOUGHT ME HIS ENTIRE ORIGINAL RUN. I also got Formerly Known As The Justice League and I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League. I did not stop grinning the entire night. :D What's hilarious is that the whole time my aunt was like, "It's not the same author, I hope it's OK. I mean, it's the original series, so I hope it's OK, but it's a different author, etc., etc., etc." and I was like, "Yes, it's fine, it's OK, it's good, stop freaking out, it's perfectly acceptable, STOP TRYING TO RUIN MY HAPPY."
I read the entire series on Sunday. While it certainly had its "Lol 80's" moments, it was quite good, if you ask me. DiDio is a prick who has no idea what he's talking about, if you ask me.
Which brings us to Wednesday. I'm not going to go there just yet, other than to say that I'm liking Supernova and still hold to my theory regarding his identity.
Also, that week was the Marching Week of Band Camp (I play trombone and I am (relatively) awesome at it! :D), and it was one of the best Marching Weeks I've had, which is pretty good, as I'll be a Senior this year, which is weird.
On Friday, my actual birthday, lunch was BBQ. They had the best potato salad ever. It was delicious. :D Also, there was ice cream. It was a great birthday.
Now that I got THAT out of the way...
Seriously, it's like there's a conspiracy against superheroes with the "initials" BG!
It makes PERFECT SENSE, darnnit.
So, when I tried to explain my undying love of Booster to my sister, I told her that he was like Jayne from Firefly. So now I'm trying to figure out who would be who if one were to mesh Superbuddies/JLI with Firefly. Suggestions are highly welcome! :D