So, shortly after my last entry, I found myself making icons out of the Booster preview. Silly stuff that fits into neat 100x100 squares. Then I went and told
wonderfish about it, and mentioned that if I made 6 more Booster icons in a row, Booster would be in exactly half of my icons. Fishy, naturally, encouraged this. It'll only get worse on Wednesday or thereabouts, I'm sure. I regret nothing!
Also, I broke my brain with trying to make sense of Comic Book Time, so I gave up on it, lest I find myself seriously considering the consequences of the whole of the last year or so of comics being crammed into less than 2 months. It's for the best.
Am pretty much done packing, woo! \o/ I was pleased to discover how much stuff I can cram into my not-actually-shiny new duffel bag. I'm bringing more stuff than I was planning on! Exciting! (And by "more stuff than I was planning on," I pretty much mean "more trades than I thought I could fit and all my floppies instead of just the ones in my shoebox." I could actually fit more trades, I'm sure, but the stuff I'm leaving behind isn't really important. (I may be leaving the Superbuddies minis behind out of spite.))
Current plan of action seems to go something like such: Stay up all night tonight (with the help of copious amounts of caffeine)! Sleep on the plane! Fight off jet lag and sleep deprivation on Tuesday with even more copious amounts of caffeine! Which will enable me to actually get some sleep on Tuesday, despite the excitement and anticipation of Wednesday! Wednesday, which means Booster Gold #1! Be nerdy! Be happy! More nerdery! Etc.! It's going to be great! Possibly also a train wreck. I prefer to expect greatness!
You may notice that I've already implemented the first part of the plan.
Anyways, I've been pretty worried about my action figures not arriving before I left, so it's a good thing they arrived today. OH WAIT, ONLY ONE DID. Rar. Somehow they managed to swap Booster for Isis. I was appalled and horrified. And saaaaaaad. And angry. Rooooaaaaaar, muh toys. At least I have Supernova, I guess. His cape is bendy. It amuses me. Probably not the best toy I have, but, well, he's competing with Transformers, so I guess that's not really fair. I do vaguely question some of the choices of articulation, though. And by that I mean "Why the hell does his leg rotate at the boot?" It makes his leg look funny if you try to actually use it. :/
Blergh. *Quietly resumes e-mailing self files* I am amazed at how little space Word files apparently take. Interesting. *Whistles as she works*