Something Deeper 3b/4

Nov 04, 2010 16:14

Title: Something Deeper Chapter 3b/4
Rating: Light R for cursing
Spoilers: None
Summary: Santana and Brittany get into an argument and it changes things.

AN: Second half of the Chapter, stupid LJ limit.

Santana woke up Saturday morning completely refreshed and for once didn’t dread the rest of the day. She was also happy to note that the swelling on her jaw had gone down and even though it still hurt a bit, she could cover it up with makeup. Santana lounged around until around noon and decided to check her email before calling up Dave so that they could go get her car. Looking in her inbox, Santana found a email from Quinn and she frowned. Why was Quinn sending her an email? Wasn’t she and all the other gleeks currently ignoring her existence? Against her better judgment Santana opened the message and finds that Quinn sent her a youtube link. Clicking on the link Santana watches the video and doesn’t notice that her jaw drops and her eyes slowly fill up with tears.

It was on youtube; the video proof of her downfall was on the internet for the entire world to see. Her perfectly decent Saturday was just ruined and it was all because Quinn couldn’t leave her alone and had to send the link to this travesty. The fact that it was on the web for all of four days and already had over four hundred views was just another blow to her already broken heart.

Feeling particularly brave (or masochistic she really couldn’t tell) Santana scrolled down and read the comments; none of which were very nice. It was at this moment that Santana really understood how Rachel felt and decided that she would never leave another hurtful comment on the internet. She blinked back tears and shut off her computer. She really needed to get out and get away; quickly finding her cell phone Santana scrolled down her contacts and dialed Dave.

“Hey, what’s up?” He answered cheerfully.

“I’m ready to go get my car anytime you are.”

“Are you crying?” She could hear the concern in his voice and still shocked her despite all that she learned about him yesterday.

“No, I’m not.”

“Okay, I’m on my way.” She heard him move around and they talked for a few moments more before hanging up.

Santana occupied herself in her room for about fifteen minutes before she heard the front door open and close.

“Santana, I’m home.” Her father calls up from downstairs.

Santana left her room and meet him at the bottom of the stairs. She watched him as he puts his things away and turned to look at her.

“Are you going to disappear for three days every time?”

“Hello to you too, and no I’m not going to disappear for three days every time.”

“Whatever.” Santana folded her arms and she and her dad stared at each other for a moment before he decided to speak.

“Are you wearing makeup?” Santana could tell that he was looking at her jaw and she had to force herself to not shy away from his blatant staring.

“I’m going out. Of course I’m wearing makeup.”

“Oh, did you and Brittany become friends again?” He asked hopefully. This time Santana really did look away.

“I’m taking that as a ‘no’.”

She had actually managed to forget about her troubles with Brittany until her dad just had to remind her. Santana couldn’t get over how quickly her Saturday was going downhill.

“Look, Santana I know we need to talk about this so how about we talk about it now?”

Santana couldn’t bring herself to answer. She was still afraid to tell him, she’d heard some of the things he’d said about gays on TV and wasn’t exactly sure how he would take her news. Looking out the window, she saw Dave’s pickup pulling into the drive way.

Sighing in relief, Santana turned to her father’s waiting face, “Sorry my ride’s here, I’ve got to go.”

She didn’t give him time to respond as she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. Once outside she couldn’t help but chuckle at Dave’s face as he slowly pulled his cell phone from his ear. She smiled at him as she got into the truck.


“Hey to you. Were you just staring out the window waiting for me to come?” he asked while pulling out the driveway and started to drive down the street.

“No, I just saw you pull up. Plus I was trying to get away from my dad.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, clearly wanting her to explain further. She pretended not to see and he didn’t push for answers.

“So you need to be out of the house for a while?” Dave asked after a few moments of silence.

“That would be ideal.”

“Then I got just the place.” He said with a grin, Santana looked at him skeptically.

“Where are we going?”

His grin turned into a full smile, “It’s a secret.”

She left it at that and they spent the rest of their trip to their mysterious location singing along with the songs on the radio. After a while Santana noticed that they were in the middle of nowhere and considering they lived in Lima that was saying something. Dave pulled off the side of the road and turned off the truck.

“We’re here.”

Santana looked around and saw landscape and a pond at the bottom of the hill that they were currently on top of.

“Where are we?”

“Just a little place I visit to relax.” He got out and started to make his way down to the water, Santana followed him.

He sat down on the grass staring out upon the water silently. Santana sat down beside him and she could tell that he was lost in some far off memory. She briefly wondered if that’s what she looked like when she zoned out. If she really did look as blank as he did, it was a wonder no one really noticed she had a bad habit of it. She busied herself with watching a family of ducks and started to relax at the tranquility of the place when she felt him shift.

“You know my offer from before still stands. I’m a really great listener.” Santana turned and looked at him biting her lip before turning back to the ducks.

Santana could tell by now that this was his way of asking her what was wrong without pressuring her to share. She wondered if she should tell him about all the things going on between her and Brittany, but that would mean telling him she was gay. Santana swallowed, she’s seen the way he and Azimio go around making Kurt’s life a living hell. Did she really want to risk that? Then again, if this was going to be something that breaks their new friendship then she’d rather it happen now before she became too close to him. She would tell him: if he couldn’t handle it, then this friendship wasn’t meant to be. Now all she had to do was gather up the courage.

“You know, it was my grandfather that first showed me this place.” Dave said suddenly, Santana turned to him and he had that far away look again. She waited for him to continue.

“I remember when I was six and I was feeling bad because Finn was making fun of the fact that I still had training wheels on my bike. My grandfather brought me up here and taught me how to skip stones.”

He chuckled a bit and Santana could see that his eyes were wet. She realized what he was doing: he was opening up to her, showing her that it was alright to do the same.

“We always came to this place whenever we wanted to have a private talk that was just between us or to just spend time together. So, just so you know, it’s okay to talk to me. I mean, if you want to.”

He was silent once again and they both stared out over the water.

“I’m gay.” She said quietly. It was the most vulnerable she had ever heard herself in the longest time. Santana didn’t know whether to be proud that she was able to open up or disgusted by how pathetic she sounded just now. When she didn’t hear an immediate response from Dave and his silence started to stretch, Santana glanced over to see how he was taking her news.

She could see him processing the information. She couldn’t blame him, her period of denial lead to her very well known reputation of school slut. She sighed and started to get up but a hand on her wrist stopped her.


She couldn’t hold back the slight laughter at his reaction, “I know, right? You should’ve seen me when I had my ‘oh shit I’m gay’ moment.”

“Wait, people have those?”

“Realizing your sexuality isn’t just something that pops up one day, it’s a slow process that creeps up on you before bitch slapping you in the face to get your attention.”He nodded his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You’ve slept with guys.”

“To tell you the truth, I’ve only had three boyfriends. My first one was in the eighth grade and the most we did was hold hands; he was really shy. Then there was Puck and Matt. Actually the only guys I’ve slept with were Puck and Finn.”

She could see his face screw up with confusion before a dark look passed over his face; if she wasn’t looking at him intently Santana was sure that she would’ve missed it. Dave was silent for a while before he spoke again.

“Didn’t you break up with him because of his credit score?”

“That was the excuse I used, but it wasn’t like I was going to tell the guy I was breaking up with him to experiment with my best friend. I may be many things, but a cheater is not one on them.

“I knew I wasn’t crazy. I kept telling myself that you guys were oddly close for best friends, but Azimio thought I was being silly.” Santana chuckled at him.

“Are you okay with this?” She really needed to know, the fact that he didn’t start screaming obscenities at her and was actually talking was a good start.

“Yeah, it’s just that I’ve never had a gay friend before. I’m kind of going blind here. I mean I have my suspicions about Azimio, but you’re the first.”

“Yeah, wait, what?! Azimio?! What the hell?” What the hell was going on with the world? Azimio was possibly in the closet?

“The guy is way too focused on Hudson and Hummel’s sexuality for me to not be suspicious. I mean, I pick on Finn because he’s an asshole who made my life a living hell when we were younger and Hummel’s a loser but Azimio takes it to a whole different level.”

Santana chuckled, “Wow.”


They sat in a comfortable silence and Santana felt a lot better knowing that Dave accepted her for who she really was.

“So, question.” Dave broke the silence yet again and Santana looked at him expectantly.

“How exactly do two girls have sex?”

Santana stared at him, was he joking? She looked at his face and only saw that he was completely serious and couldn’t help but to laugh. She fell back and continued to laugh, of all the things to ask he asks something so typically male it was hilarious.

“It’s a completely legit question. I don’t see what’s so funny.” He mumbled while pouting.

When Santana managed to get her laughter under control, she saw his pout and launched herself at him. She could tell that she caught him off guard but she took advantage of that to sneak in cuddle time.

“I’m starting to think all the cuddle time between you and Brittany wasn’t all her.” He mentioned good naturedly.

“You’re my teddy bear. I refuse to share and demand that you only cuddle with me.”

“Excuse me I am not a teddy bear. I’m more like a grizzly bear. I like that much better.”

Santana laughed and snuggled deeper into him, “No, you’re a teddy bear.”

Santana heard him groan, but he wrapped his arms around her and they sat there enjoying each other’s company.

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

“Geez, I’ll tell you another time. Sit there quietly and be a good teddy bear; you talk too much.” He tried to wiggle away from her, but she just held on tighter, unwilling to let him go.

“Let me go, you just said I talk too much, I won’t sit here and be insulted. I’ll just take my cuddles elsewhere if I’m not going to be appreciated.”

“Fine, I’ll answer your question, just stop wiggling.” Dave finally sat perfectly still and Santana chuckled at his enthusiasm to get an answer.

“We use our fingers and tongues, sometimes toys if we wanted to. There are you happy? You got your answer.”

“Yes, very much so, but I do have another question.”

“Fine, ask away.” Santana said getting a little more comfortable.

“What’s going on between you and Brittany?”

Santana stiffened; she really wished he hadn’t asked about that. She was having a good time and didn’t want to think about Brittany. She sighed, she did need someone to talk to and she couldn’t keep holding it in forever.

“I…. I told her I wanted us to be official, but she didn’t feel the same way.” Santana told him quietly.

“Oh no.” Was his quiet reply.

“Even though she told me this she still expected us to sleep together, I couldn’t do it.” She felt his arms wrap around her a little tighter and it helped her continue. She told him all about that night and the week that followed. She even included how the gleeks were treating her, the mass slushie, the silent treatment, and the email that Quinn sent her this morning. He sat there quietly and listened to her. It felt good to have someone finally truly willing to listen.

After she finished her story, Dave spent the next few hours trying to take her mind off of the fact that the people who were supposed to be her friends were treating her like crap. That evening she drove home with a smile on her face. She had a new friend and she suddenly felt a lot less alone in the world.


Sunday morning Santana woke with a surprise call from Dave asking her if she wanted to hang out at the mall and then catch a movie later on. It was an afternoon well spent and Santana came home smiling brightly and still laughing at a joke he told her before she got out of the car. She was making her way to the stairs when she heard her father clear his throat behind her.

Santana froze and slowly turned around, “Hi, daddy.” He didn’t look very happy and Santana noticed that he was holding a plastic bag.

“Santana, would you please explain to me why I found pregnancy tests hidden in the cabinet in the bathroom?”

She didn’t know how to answer that. Well, she did, but he wasn’t going to like the answer. Santana licked her lips and glanced at the stairs a few feet away.

“Don’t even think about it, we’re going to talk about this so take a seat.”

Santana sighed and quietly made her way over to the couch and sat down. Her dad sat down in the recliner across from her.


Santana looked around once again, “It’s nothing to worry about.”

“Nothing to worry about? Santana, you bought a pregnancy test, that means that you were doing things that could get you pregnant!”

“Look, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll just didn’t throw it away.”

“Are you telling me to not worry because you aren’t having sex or because the test came back negative?”

Santana hesitated, were both an option? That really wasn’t a pregnancy scare that she wanted to revisit; stupid Finn didn’t even realize that telling someone the condom broke was very important. Well, she was going to have to tell him the truth eventually.

“Both.” She shyly answered, “But it won’t happen again.” She quickly said before he could go off into a full rant.

“I’m supposed to believe you? Clearly you’ve been sneaking around and doing things behind my back, why should I trust you now?”

Shit, it was now or never: give him a real answer that he would believe. He would accept her right? This was her dad; he would keep on loving her, right?

“I’m gay.”

It was deathly silent in the house. Santana watched as her dad stared at her with unbelieving eyes before he frowned at her.

“Is this some kind of joke?”

“No, I like girls.” This wasn’t going like she hoped it would. She could feel herself starting to tear up. Santana watched silently as he worked himself up, he stood up and started pacing the room trying to collect his thoughts.

“Is it because I haven’t been home much? Is this some sort of cry for attention? Because I’m telling you right now, it’s not funny.”

Santana tried to speak, she opened her mouth to argue with him but she couldn’t bring herself to speak so he continued.

“How would you even know? You’re only sixteen years old Santana! You haven’t experienced anything to make this kind of decision. I mean, how do you even know that you like sleeping with women?” He turned to her. Santana couldn’t bring herself to look at him, he was already pissed and she was too afraid to speak.

Her silence was answer enough; he sat down on the recliner and stared at her, “I don’t believe it. So not only are you some sort of slut, you’re a faggot too?”

Santana flinched; she could feel the tears falling down her face.

“Daddy I-“

“No! Don’t you dare! I swear if I hadn’t promised your mother on her death bed to take care of you-” He stopped and started pacing the room again. Santana had never seen him this angry before, and what the hell did he mean by promising her mother to take care of her? He was her father he was supposed to love her!

“I should have never adopted you. When you turn eighteen and I’m no longer legally responsible for you, I want you to get your faggot ass out of my house.” He sneered at her before grabbing his things and leaving out the house.

Santana didn’t know what to feel. She was adopted? She was basically an orphan and the guy that she spent her entire life thinking was her father wasn’t. What was she supposed to do now? He clearly didn’t want her here and the only stopping him from kicking her out was a fucking promise. She couldn’t think; she shakily reached for her phone and called Dave.

“Hey, miss me already?” Dave answered jovially. She tried to answer back, but all that came out was a strangled sob.

“What’s wrong?” He was concerned now and Santana could only try not to hyperventilate as she held back tears.

“I’m on my way; I’m still close by I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

She was grateful for him. Dave was a really good friend and he even stayed on the phone with her trying his best to get her to talk to him but it was taking all her energy not to lose it. Five minutes later when he knocked on the door, she let him in and told him about what happened before she burst into tears and he held her as she cried.

fic: glee, fandom: glee, character: santana lopez

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