Something Deeper Chapter 3a/4

Nov 04, 2010 16:09

Title: Something Deeper Chapter 3
Rating: Light R for cursing
Spoilers: None
Summary: Santana and Brittany get into an argument and it changes things.

AN: Sorry for the late update, I got sidetracked working on the last chapter that I forgot to upload this chapter.

When Friday came around, Santana considered it a godsend. If she could just get through the day, she would have the entire weekend to herself and pretend that the entire week was just some bad memory. Walking into school, Santana hoped that she wouldn’t run into any of the other glee club members. Just thinking about them caused her to sneer: not only did the bastards have the audacity to group slushie her in public, they decided to resort to the most juvenile trick in the book and give her the silent treatment. To make matters worse, since then, her reputation had taken such a hit that she was now being slushied by the jocks on a regular basis.

Santana managed to make it through most of her classes without incident, but she came to realize that life without Brittany was starting to take its toll. Without having someone to talk to during the day and then going home to an empty house, Santana didn’t talk much anymore. Most times she wondered if she could; the first time she talked out loud to herself, it scared the hell out of her. She didn’t want to become one of those crazies who talked to themselves. Ever since then she consciously made sure to not talk to herself.

Making her way to lunch, Santana tried to not think about how she was now forced to eat alone while everyone stared at her. While she took pleasure in the other cheerio’s jealous glares at her being able to eat, Santana really didn’t appreciate the rumors going around that she was baby gate 2.0,that was just insulting. Rounding a corner Santana was blindsided by a cherry slushie. She didn’t see who slushied her, but the laughter and resounding ‘Loser’ alerted her that it was Azimio. Sighing, Santana turned around and let her feet navigate her to the nearest bathroom while trying to get slushie out of her eyes. Puck and Finn weren’t lying when they said the stuff stung, it stung like a motherfucker and Santana spent the entire walk to the bathroom cursing Azimio under her breath.

Pushing open the door Santana was only able to take a few steps in before a yelp made her stop: a very masculine sounding yelp. Santana was able to clear out her eyes enough to see a blurry Dave Karofsky trying to right himself. It was then that Santana realized that she had accidently walked into the boy’s bathroom.

“What the hell, Lopez!?”

“Dude, give me a fucking break I didn’t even see anything.” She could see the slightly taken aback look on his face, but she didn’t stay long enough for him to question it. She was not about to have a conversation in the boy’s bathroom.

Walking into the correct bathroom this time, Santana quickly cleaned herself up and walked out of the bathroom only to see Jeremy making his way towards her.

“Hey, Lopez. Let me have a moment of your time.” he said, throwing an arm over her shoulders.

“Excuse me, personal space.”

“Oh come on, Santana. Don’t be that way. We’re buddies right? I just want to talk to you.”

“I don’t understand why that involves touching.” the guy was starting to seriously creep her out. Santana didn’t even notice where they were heading until the cool outside air hit her.

“Jeremy, where are we going?” She tried to step away from him but noticed that his grip on her shoulders tightened.

“We’re just going to have a little fun, that’s all.” He smiled and continued to lead her to the parking lot. By this point, Santana was actively trying to get away from him.

It was a struggle, but he still managed to drag her through the parking lot to a group of his friends near the dumpster. She was really starting to freak out now: she really didn’t like the possible ways this situation could play out.

Jeremy pushed her forward and Santana had to stop herself from colliding with the dumpster. Quickly turning around Santana glared at all five of the laughing boys surrounding her.

Jeremy stepped forward, “Well, Santana, seeing as it is now warm enough, we’ve all decided that the first loser to be tossed in the dumpster should be our newly fallen head cheerio. I mean, you’re lower than those glee losers now.”

This was not going to end well; she really did not want to be tossed in the dumpster. The smell hit her making her cringe. She didn’t have a spare uniform on her and she was not about to spend the rest of the afternoon smelling like garbage.

“I can see that this isn’t appealing in the least bit to you, so I’ve come up with an alternative.”

She didn’t like the way he was smiling, but she decided to bite, “What did you have in mind?” If possible his smile got bigger and the other guys suddenly looked way more interested now.

“Well, the guys and I have been a little lonely and we’ve all heard about how good you are with your tongue so we all wanted one of your amazing blowjobs.”

She raised her eyebrow, where the hell were they getting this stuff? She took a moment to think before she realized that the only one who would brag about her would be Puck. Santana almost rolled her eyes: trust Puck to be vague and leave things up to everyone’s imagination. Fucking Puck, she’d never given a blowjob in her life and she was not about to start now.

“I’d rather take the dumpster.” She lets out smugly. She could see their smiles fall and she took immense joy in crushing their dreams.

“But why not? I mean that night we spent together was awesome and I figured since we already slept together you wouldn’t mind giving me head.” Jeremy said smarmily.

Santana stared at him, they slept together? When the hell did that happen? It took a moment, but Santana suddenly had a brief flashback: a hazy memory, of a party a few months back and Jeremy leading her upstairs into an empty room. She didn’t remember much after that and that somewhat disturbed her.

“So, what do you say?”

“Why would I want to suck your tiny dick anyway?” It was out before she could stop it. Both she and Jeremy froze, staring at each other.

She could hear his friends laughing at him, but Santana was too preoccupied with the fact that Jeremy’s face was turning an alarming shade of red. She didn’t see his fist, but she most definitely felt it as it connected with her jaw and she was sent flying back and her head connected with the side of the dumpster. It hurt. It really hurt and Santana could barely think through the pain. She did notice that Jeremy was on top of her now, screaming at her, but she couldn’t understand. She could see that he was bringing his arm up to hit her again and she closed her eyes, she couldn’t move her arms because he was sitting on them and she didn’t want to see the blow coming.

The punch never came and Santana felt the weight on her chest suddenly and forcefully removed. Slowly opening her eyes, Santana saw Karofsky of all people punching Jeremy in the face before sending him running. Santana closed her eyes again and tried to clear her mind from its pain induced haze.

“Shit, you’re bleeding.” Santana’s eyes flew open and saw that Dave was standing over her.

“Oh good, you’re awake. We need to take you to the nurse’s office.” Santana could only stare at him, he wanted her to move? Her head hurt and all she wanted to do was fall asleep. The thought of sleep was so appealing that she started to close her eyes again, but she was rudely shaken awake. She glared at him because his shaking her only made her head hurt worse than it already did.

“Santana, I need you to stay awake, okay?” She tried to tell him to let her sleep, but just moving her jaw shot pain to through her and she cried out in pain.

“Don’t try to talk. Just focus on getting up okay? Come on.” He managed to get her up on her feet but the nausea that hit made her swallow hard and hoped that she wouldn’t vomit.

“It’s okay, I got you. You’ll be okay just don’t go to sleep okay? I think you have a concussion.”

Santana groaned and leaned heavily on Dave while he slowly leads her to the nurse’s office. As if her day wasn’t bad enough, after being slushied and punched in the face, she now had to have a concussion on top of it? Santana was convinced that whoever was up there really hated her.

They managed to make it to the nurse’s office only to find that she wasn’t even at work today. Figures that when they actually need her, it washer time off. School nurses are fucking useless; never there when shit really happens. Dave ended up carrying her to the boys bathroom because she refused to walk anymore. Santana knew she was being unnecessarily stubborn, but her head and jaw hurt along with the soreness from Coach Sylvester’s workout, her body wouldn’t work anymore.

“Santana, are you still awake?” Santana focused back on Dave who was currently cleaning the cut on her head and grunted at him to let him know she was still alive. She was slightly disgusted at the fact that she was sitting on the bathroom floor but couldn’t bring herself to stand up.

“Did you know that you zone out a lot? Should I be worried?” The concern on his face and his voice was a little shocking. This was Dave Karofsky, resident bully who liked to make people’s lives a living hell, he wasn’t supposed to be concerned. He was supposed to be laughing at the fact that she just got her ass kicked.

Santana was jolted out of her thoughts by a slight smack to the arm. She immediately hit him back and glared at him.

“Seriously, where are you going? Do you normally zone out like this?” Santana managed to nod her head before the motion caused her nausea to come back and she shut her eyes to keep the room from spinning.

Dave chuckled, “Yeah, you probably shouldn’t do that.” He stood back up and threw the bloody tissue away.

“Look, I need to know if you have anyone to watch you. The period is almost over and you shouldn’t be alone.” Santana slowly looked up at him to see that he was waiting for an answer.

“I-I don’t have anyone.” The truth of that statement hit her hard and she couldn’t stop the tears that came.

She tried to stop the tears, she really did, but it was as if refusing to cry for the whole week only made the tears build up until they weren’t willing to stay anymore. She was sitting on the floor crying her eyes out in front of someone she barely knew and Santana could only think of herself as completely pathetic. She was a pathetic loser who didn’t have any friends and that didn’t do anything but make her cry harder.

She felt Dave sit next to her and try to wrap his arm around her shoulder, but she brushed him off. She thought that would be enough for him to leave her alone, but apparently not because Santana felt herself being lifted up and placed in his lap as he wrapped his arms around her and held her as she cried.

Santana doesn’t know how long she sat there in his arms crying her eyes out, but as she started to calm down, she did notice that Dave was singing. Her curiosity was enough to overcome the last of her tears and she calmed her breathing down enough to clearly hear him. He didn’t sound half bad, most definitely enough to get into glee. Santana wondered if he even knew that he was that good. She sat quietly and let his singing wash over her and just as she was starting to relax, Coach Sylvester burst into the bathroom.

“Shut up all that racket.” Everyone froze, Santana watched as Coach Sylvester took in the sight of them sitting on the floor.

“Would someone care to explain to me why one of my cheerios has a very unbecoming bruise adorning her cheek?” Sue asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over them. Santana tried to answer but hissed in pain when she opened her mouth. Dave sensing that she wouldn’t be able to explain decided to speak.

“Some football player punched her out. There’s a strong chance she has a concussion and the school nurse isn’t here.” She could feel Dave’s arms tighten around her protectively and it made her feel warm and loved.

A dark look passed over her face and Santana turned to fully look at her. If it was possible her face got even darker.

“Give me a name.” She all but growled out.

Dave paused and Sue looked at her for an answer, “J-Jeremy.”

She nodded and looked at Dave again, “Karofsky, watch her and Lopez, you’re excused from practice today, but Monday you’d better have your butt out on that field.” She gave them one last nod before storming out of the bathroom. She was a woman on a mission. Santana turned and laid her head back onto Dave’s chest and they sat in silence for a few moments.

“What song were you singing?” Santana asked suddenly when the curiosity got too much to handle.

Her question seemed to snap him out of his Coach Sylvester induced stupor and he looked at her.

“I was singing ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ by the Beetles from that movie Across the Universe. Why? Was it really bad?”

“No, it was good. I liked it; I didn’t know you could sing.” He didn’t say anything and started to move so that both of them were up off the floor.

“Let’s get you home. You’re not going to be in any shape to concentrate in class.” Santana smiled and let him take her back to the parking lot. Home was good, home meant pain medicine and that was exactly what she wanted right now.


Walking into her house Santana made her way over to the couch before collapsing on it and letting out a sigh of relief. She could hear Dave making his way into the house and closing the door behind him.

“Hey, Santana, where’s your kitchen? I can get you some ice for your jaw.”

“Down that hallway, the medicine is in the cabinet right next to the refrigerator.” Santana relaxed and waited for Dave to return. She opened her eyes when she heard him place a glass of water on the coffee table in front of her and she wondered when her eyes had closed.

“Here, sit up.” He helped her sit up and handed her an ice pack wrapped in a towel. She looked at the towel in confusion; why did he do that? The ice was already in a bag.

Santana started to unwrap it when he stopped her, “Leave it in the towel. You’re not supposed to put ice directly on the skin.”

Santana nodded and put the ice on her face. She didn’t know that little information about ice which is quite sad considering her dad is a doctor, but then again it’s not like he taught her things like this. She started to wonder what other things that she should probably know that her dad didn’t feel the need to teach her. Wasn’t that what parents were supposed to do? Teach their kids things that they didn’t want to know, but turned out to be really important. There was serious gloating potential in that.

“I know you said it’s normal, but I’m really concerned about how much you zone out. Anyways, here’s a sandwich. I only found Advil in the cabinet and I know for a fact that you’re not supposed to take that on an empty stomach.”

Santana stared at him but when she saw that he wasn’t going to hand over the medicine until she ate, she took a few painful bites of the sandwich to make him happy. It was an awesome sandwich, easily the best she ever tasted and suddenly eating seemed like a good idea.

“Good, huh? I figured it’s either that or the rumors about Coach Sylvester starving her cheerios are true.” She snorted because that rumor was clearly proven true every time a cheerio walked into the cafeteria for lunch.

Santana was only able to finish half of the sandwich before the pain overrode her hunger and she demanded for him to hand over the pain meds.

“So, how did all this start?” Dave asked suddenly.

Santana sighed, “The wanted to throw me in the dumpsters. Wait, no, they wanted me to give them a blowjob or they were going to throw me in the dumpster.” Santana could see the incredulous look on his face.

“Yeah, I know. Then Jeremy was going on about us sleep together before so I shouldn’t have any problems giving him a blowjob.”

“That’s really low. I’m guessing he didn’t take the rejection too well.”

“I may have made mention on how tiny his dick was. The guy was pretty pissed about it; personally I’ve never seen a guy get that pissed about it.”

“That’s because he really is lacking in the size department. Like seriously, I’ve seen the guy once or twice in the locker room. He’s really sensitive about it.” Dave explained.

“Oh, oops.”

“Wait, didn’t you guys sleep together? Didn’t you already know about this?” Santana turned away from him; she couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she actually didn’t remember sleeping with Jeremy.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” She says quietly.

“Okay, we’ll talk about something different. What’s your favorite movie?” It was such a random topic and she was grateful that he didn’t push the previous topic more.

“Goofy Movie.”

His laugh was both surprising and welcome. It was a nice comforting sound that came from deep in his chest.

“Are you serious?” He managed to get out in between his laughter.

“What? That movie is totally kicks ass.”

His laughter finally died down, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never seen it before.”

Santana stared at him with her jaw slightly open, “You’ve never seen it?”

“No, why are you acting like that’s so weird?”

He had never seen it, how is that possible? She had half a mind to run up to her room and get the DVD and force him to watch it.

“Dude, that’s like saying you’ve never seen Winnie the Pooh.”

“Never seen that either. What exactly is a ‘pooh’ anyways? Wait; is it that yellow bear that wears that red shirt? I’ve seen my little cousin wearing a shirt with a bear like that on it before.” He looked up in confusion.

“Were have you been living? A bubble?”

“My parents didn’t care much about letting me watch Disney. What’s the big deal anyways?”

“So you’ve never seen anything?” She was really starting to feel sorry for the guy; Disney had some really good movies.

“I’ve seen a couple, Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, but only because my cousin insists that I watch it with her.”

Santana sighed in relief; at least all was not lost. He had at least been exposed to something.

Dave chuckled, “I never would have guessed that Santana Lopez, self proclaimed bad ass, would be a hardcore Disney fan.”

“Classic Disney, get it right. That shit that Disney tries to pass off now is complete bullshit.” She replies completely serious and it only manages to make him laugh again. They sit a few minutes in awkward silence before Santana decides brave the pain and speak again.

“I’m bored, entertain me.”

“What do you want me to do?” Dave asks and Santana shrugs.

“You could sing again.” Santana thought it was cute the way his eyes lit up at the idea of singing to her again and couldn’t help the smile that crept up on her face.

“What would you sing?”

He thought for a moment, “I guess I could sing that song from before.”

“No, we’re trying to keep me awake and that song relaxes me too much. I’d end up falling asleep before you finished.”

“I’ve got one.” Santana looked at him curiously before Dave started to sing ‘Hey Soul Sister’.

Turns out it was the right song to sing because by the time he got to the middle of the song, Santana was bopping and clapping along with him. He sang a few more songs for her and when the medicine finally kicked in Santana spent that time getting to know Dave. She found out things like how he wanted to be a chief when he grew up and become the next Gordon Ramsey, that his favorite color was cerulean, and that his fondest memories were of his late grandfather. Before they both knew it, the sun was setting and he had to leave.

“Here’s my cell phone number, call me tomorrow and we’ll go and pick up your car. I mean unless you can get your parents to do it for you.”

“I don’t think my dad can do it, but really, thanks for everything.”

“No problem. You know, if you ever needed someone to talk to, you can call me. I mean, you don’t have to. I know you probably have other friends and we’ve only just gotten to know each other.”

Santana smiled at his rambling, the guy seriously reminded her of a big teddy bear and it didn’t help his case that he was really nice to cuddle with, not that she would openly admit to liking to cuddle.

“I could really use a friend, so thanks for offering. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?” She could see his look of relief.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

They both said their goodbyes and as Santana makes her way to her room, she wondered if Dave had any other friends beside Azimio; even then it didn’t seem like Azimio was greatest friend to have. Maybe Dave was just as desperate as she was to have someone to talk to. Either that or he seriously had a crush on her. Santana really hoped the latter wasn’t the case because she didn’t think she could keep up the pretense of liking guys when she knew exactly how good it felt to be with a girl.

fic: glee, fandom: glee, character: santana lopez

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