May 13, 2006 18:26
sorry this is blatantly going to be a rant...
i woke up this morning in one hell of a stinking mood
snapped at matt because he was saying how little time we have left to revise and how much he's got left to do, and as i have about 50x more i got mad and told him to be quiet and he said i should have done more by now and i was like 'when? i've been working every day and when i've been at work i've been too tired to do anything else'
then i went to spar, and as i walking out, an old woman was walking in, so i moved out of her way, and she was like 'i should bloody well hope so, you youngen's today are all so rude' essentially what happened there is that i got snapped at for moving out of her way
and beechings has put me down in the rota for 2 not short shifts despite the fact that i've booked the entire week off, and was the first one to do so....i don't see why it's so difficult for her to just not rota's not as though the varsity and yokos couldn't count why is it so different here? why doesn't she just get one of the staff she always puts on night shifts to do a day for's hardly going to kill them really is it??
all in all, i've brought it all upon myself and i shouldn't have been so stupid to have taken on more than i could physically handle...and now it's all biting me in the ass and i didn't mean to be snappy but i guess i'm so tired
i realised that i'm leaving aber in just a few weeks and i don't really care, as i'm really not going to miss the place
but it does mean i'm going to have to move back to leeds, where i know no one except my sister rachael, who, if i'm honest, i don't really have anything in common with, so i am going to be bored out of my mind
then i'm going to have to find a job
which means starting all over again, not knowing anyone, and i'm going to have to try so hard to hide my insecurities and be sociable and try and meet people
....i need a hug...