I have so very much I've promised to do that I must resort to making a list of my lists. I'm fairly certain this is not a positive sign. @.@
I've also been trying to write poetry today, but I keep having a song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show go through my head for no reason, since I haven't seen the movie in years and didn't see/hear it referenced and can't even recall seeing a phrase that might have triggered it. It is utterly shattering my ability to produce deep, meaningful, metaphorical content.
Housing things are getting down to the final stages; financing is due next week and I'm having a meeting with the realtor tomorrow to discuss the results of the inspections that concluded evidently today. YOU GUYS. HOUSE. I'm worried, though, because I've been having trouble at work and I might be fishing for a new position because I can't deal with my supervisor's shenanigans much longer, but I don't want to jeopardize my ability to reliably pay for my bright, shiny new mortgage. That, and I've been melting down just about every other day (with an uptick on the weekends because my days off are at least as stressful somehow, which idk when or how that happened), and nobody around me appreciates it, and I feel like I'm going to lose all my friends. But I've still agreed to do all the things so I'm doing them.
Tomorrow will also be the first time I've seen my therapist in a month or so. I have far too much to tell her.
EDIT: Here is a picture of the house! I don't have any pictures of the inside yet. >.> The car in the driveway is not mine (the sellers still live there at present), although it is funny because I drive the same make and model in a different color.