You're used to it by now

Jul 04, 2010 22:40

Seeing as I post so sporadically, I feel I almost don't need to say sorry for the late update, as you're probably not expecting anything sooner.

Anyway, this will just be a quick post because I really need to go to bed after staying up late last night.

First of all, my best friend got married yesterday! Everything was pretty wonderful: the mass, the reception, and of course, the bride and groom. I'm sooo happy but it also feels so strange to think that my friend is now a "Mrs."

I finished my exams last week, and my results will come out mid-July probably. I don't know if they went well or not, because usually, when I get out of an exam I have a feeling things went well until I speak about it with friends and then I believe I failed everything. To avoid useless stress, I don't discuss my exams any more to stay on my first impression, but it's not really representative of what I actually did.

And last, I'm going to the States in two days! Every two years, I go back there with my family, and I just can't wait! We'll be traveling across California for three and a half weeks (well, I'll come back home after three and a half weeks while the rest stay for a few days more). As a consequence, my updates will probably be even more sporadic, as I don't know when and where I'll have internet access.

I hope everyone is having a good time and can take vacations this summer!

friends, family, work

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