I thought about taking a qigong class but so far I’ve felt my insomnia hasn’t been bad enough for me to seriously give it a go. That said, maybe I should at least look into meditation. Did you take classes for these or just study them on your own?
Veronica Mars: Ditto you on loving and hating her at the same time. It sometimes boggles me how someone so moral could be so unethical, how someone so rooted in justice still have such a jaded view of people.
Nikita: Hopefully, now that Percy is out of containment, he’ll be more interesting. Are you completely caught up? Though, I will say, I am completely loving the women of this show.
Pigeons: O_O I will never complain about crows on my roof again. I’ve been noticing that birds seem less scared of humans than I remember them being when I was a child and this just proves it. Keep an eye on your window or train your dog to; it might be a more productive use of his energy than looking for the in your bathroom. Sorry to LOL but it is funny. ;-)
Lastly, I hope you can make it to VVC. I’ll be rooting for you to. {hugs}
Yeah, I took classes. There's a group here runs weekend workshops and I started with one of those. For me it was the best way to learn--I always fall into the trap of reading things but not actually DOing them and that allowed me to experience some benefits from it, which motivated me to continue on my own. I just went to a second weekend workshop and there are now some classes nearer me that I go to.
It sometimes boggles me how someone so moral could be so unethical, how someone so rooted in justice still have such a jaded view of people. Yeah, it was fascinating! And felt very real. I was glad the writers felt comfortable making her so ambiguous and letting the viewer wrestle with some of these contradictions in her.
I've not seen the last two eps of Nikita--have them downloaded now--can't wait!
Yeah, seriously, those pigeons were very calm! I actually like a lot of the birds in the neighbourhood but pigeons always seem smelly and nasty to me! I love the rainbow lorrikeets though--there are so many of them in our street this summer as the eucalypts are flowering and though they are very noisy, it's a joy to watch them!
I thought about taking a qigong class but so far I’ve felt my insomnia hasn’t been bad enough for me to seriously give it a go. That said, maybe I should at least look into meditation. Did you take classes for these or just study them on your own?
Veronica Mars: Ditto you on loving and hating her at the same time. It sometimes boggles me how someone so moral could be so unethical, how someone so rooted in justice still have such a jaded view of people.
Nikita: Hopefully, now that Percy is out of containment, he’ll be more interesting. Are you completely caught up? Though, I will say, I am completely loving the women of this show.
Pigeons: O_O I will never complain about crows on my roof again. I’ve been noticing that birds seem less scared of humans than I remember them being when I was a child and this just proves it. Keep an eye on your window or train your dog to; it might be a more productive use of his energy than looking for the in your bathroom. Sorry to LOL but it is funny. ;-)
Lastly, I hope you can make it to VVC. I’ll be rooting for you to. {hugs}
It sometimes boggles me how someone so moral could be so unethical, how someone so rooted in justice still have such a jaded view of people.
Yeah, it was fascinating! And felt very real. I was glad the writers felt comfortable making her so ambiguous and letting the viewer wrestle with some of these contradictions in her.
I've not seen the last two eps of Nikita--have them downloaded now--can't wait!
Yeah, seriously, those pigeons were very calm! I actually like a lot of the birds in the neighbourhood but pigeons always seem smelly and nasty to me! I love the rainbow lorrikeets though--there are so many of them in our street this summer as the eucalypts are flowering and though they are very noisy, it's a joy to watch them!
Good to hear from you! Hope you're keeping well!
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