Waaaaah, Alicia and Kalinda are killing me with their respective angst about their respective guys! I can't believe how Alicia found out about the message! I can't believe Blake framed Kalinda for that guy's assault! *flail*
I need more now, now, NOW!
OK, attempting to distil squeal feelings into Actual Thoughts... It's hard for me to believe, hearing Will joking on the phone to Alicia about Blake and Kalinda killing each other that he knows that Blake attacked that guy... but is he really that naive that he believes the coincidence? Has he just not paused to think about it, perhaps?
I'm not surprised to hear that he had a plan with Derek to push out Diane. In fact, I'm kind of relieved it was that innocent and not part of some darker conspiracy. It is nasty, but it has been signalled for some time given that Will and Diane do not see eye to eye. From what I've seen of Derek so far, I don't mind him, though I found his peer-review strategy to be a bit ridiculous.
I found Julius's little attempt to high-five Alicia at the end to be completely adorable. And it played so beautifully against the personal haze she was in on her way to speak to Will.
In terms of the office politis, my feminist loyalties were firmly with Diane and I was so pleased that she'd gone ahead and outmanoeuvred the boys. No doubt Will will act all outraged when she makes her move but that will be hypocritical given that he had plans to do the same. Very interesting that Eli is getting caught in the middle.
I found Alicia to be really hilarious around/about Eli in this episode. Her poker face totally slipped! And she was actually growing fond of him, of all things! Amazing what phone tapping can bring out!
It was also interesting that while they were all caught up in the phone tap scandal, the kids were busy creating viral video drama. That blonde chick is the young female Eli of the future, I swear! Such a little shit-stirrer and she just loves all that politic-ing. Sure, she's just pissing around for now, but once she realises her talents are marketable...
How is Kalinda going to get out of this and get Blake put away? (Wow, I am REALLY loving Cary SO MUCH, it's ridiculous! That scene with him and Kalinda was amazing!) What on earth is Alicia going to do about Will? She has been so smitten with him ever since he dumped her. I fear for her, actually, because I do think Will has done everything in his power to box those feelings and put it all behind him. Whereas I think Alicia was looking for any excuse to UNbox them.
Eeep! Eeep! (I love this show!)
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