A bit of BSG fandom love

Nov 27, 2007 20:38

I am filled with warm fuzzies for BSG fandom at the moment. The response to the first challenge at bsg_hiatusthon has been really wonderful so far--we have sign-ups for nearly every day between now and Christmas! It would, of course, be super-cool if there was a post every day... *makes puppy eyes* If anyone out there feels like jumping in with an early drabble, late sign-ups can be accepted here.

I'm a bit behind on my meta-reading post-Razor and have guilt about needing to get to a few posts on my f'list, but my brain's been kind of mushy in the last few days. When my concentration returns, I'll be there. However, I do want to share this lovely post by marenfic on Kara/Lee fans and our respective different views. I couldn't agree more. It's sad to see people sometimes torn apart by differences of perspective, but I am blessed with generous, intelligent LJ friends who enlighten me about Kara and respect that a Lee-fan's perspective is different.

And somewhat inarticulately I've been in a very 'Kara' kind of mood recently. I truly adored her in Razor--I thought she was at her strongest, most beautiful, most honourable and most heroic (in the good sense), and I've found that I'm gentler on her in my mind post-Razor. I do think Razor provided a missing puzzle piece for me re. Kara. That might not have been so if I was more naturally attuned to her, but regardless it's been a pleasant experience to find myself thinking about her perspective.

Consequently I've been drawn to Kara vids and wanted to share a couple:
- buffyann's Headlights explores her S3 destiny issues in a way that put me 'inside' that journey very effectively.
- dayln03's Surrender leant me a positive spin on Kara's feelings for Lee. And yes, it IS the shippiest song ever written, and I'm kind of amazed I 'bought' it as Kara pov (being such a cynic about Kara's feelings), but I really did which is a credit to the vidder.

Also have to rec kiki_miserychic's Ain't No Reason which looks at all the women in Razor, Kara included, but which worked most effectively for me as a study of Kendra. There's a stack of meta in there.

(The following are not BSG-specific links, btw!)

Finally, it's starting to be that festive time of year again and holiday wishlists are going up. wishlist_07 is a smart idea as a central way of posting wishlists. I usually mosey through them and do what I can, and it's a lot easier having a central archive. Go post there!

And there's a cool idea for a holiday vid exchange. I know lots of non-vidders have ideas for vids sometimes--if you leave them here you never know, someone might pick them up!

fandom, bsg, vid_recs

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