Growl + Snarl = Academic administration

Apr 22, 2007 21:53

OK, so, Algonquin College has pissed me off.

The certification course I'm registered in requires 7 courses. I've successfully completed 5 of them. That leaves two for this coming semester, then I'm done. Right?

Wrong. One of 'em is not available this semester. Hasn't been available for the past three semesters.

How the bleeding hell am I supposed to get my certification if the damn college isn't offering one of the courses required for it?

There's a fuck of a big difference between "why, yes, I do have my OHS certification" and "um, well, I'm one course shy of having my certification".

It wouldn't be quite so bad if I was actually working in the health and safety field, because I would still be getting H&S experience that would work towards my Certified Safety Professional designation - while twiddling my thumbs and waiting for Algonquin to get its shit together and offer the damn course. But I'm not in the H&S field yet... and I can't get into it until I have the damn certificate in my hands.


This was not part of my plan. What is wrong with these people? Common sense dictates that "thou shalt stand between a 40-year-old Capricorn woman and what she wants to achieve." Do I have to send these idiots a fucking memo?

This little oversight on their part has caused me to feel stressed. Grouchy, even. Snarl.

Needless to say, I've sent a beautifully crafted e-mail to the people who are responsible for Distance Education at Algonquin. I am looking forward to receiving a response.

careers, ^twitch^twitch^, boozymatic action, craptastic, w-t-f??, the flagstone path, knowledge, hire edumakation

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