The saga continues...

Feb 16, 2007 17:17

So, I got to work just before 9:00am. I walk in and see two other workers: Lead, and RB. We compare notes. Apparently, TheMothership wants to reduce expenditures on all fronts, including third-party containment groups like us. So, it was decreed that on each shift there would be three of us on a regular basis, and more brought in if needed. OK, I can sort of see that: 3 lines, 3 people. Nice theory. Problem is, we're expected to cover stuff coming off of a total of 5 lines.

These people are half dumb, half stupid, and half not good with numbers.

The three people intended to be there today were the Lead, TheCrone, and SomeGuyNobodyKnows. TheCrone called in sick between the time I called in and RB called in, so RB was asked to go in to fill her spot. SomeGuyNobodyKnows never bothered showing up or calling - they gave up waiting just after I phoned at 8am, and begged for someone to be sent in to help. That was me.

I hit the ground running, and kept going all day. RB worked on wheel hubs and axles all day, while Lead worked on axles and arms, and I took care of two lines of arms by myself. I checked and packed over 500 pieces in less than six hours.

Everyone seemed to be very happy to see me. That's a nice feeling. And then...

"Um, BooZymatic, would you mind waiting around until the afternoon shift comes in?"
"Sure, no problem," says me.

"Um, BooZymatic, would you be able to work an extra hour this afternoon? It seems that nobody from the afternoon shift has bothered to come in."
"Yeah, sure, I can do that," says me.

One guy shows up at 3:25pm, and one more shows up at 3:55pm. I started packing up at 4:10pm, and went out the door at 4:20pm. The third guy, who was supposedly on his way at 3:30pm, hadn't shown up by the time I left.

Something tells me that this 3-person decision may be adjusted in some manner.

Oh well, off to nap. Goin' out to catch some live bands at my favorite watering hole this evening.

grr!, craptastic, silliness, w-t-f??

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